This project aims to put into practice what I'm learning while studying Elixir, particularly focusing on web development with the Phoenix framework.
The idea is to create an application to manage tasks efficiently, leveraging various tools to enhance its functionality and performance.
- Create, read, update, and delete tasks.
- Track task status (pending, in-progress, completed, etc.).
- Assign tasks to different users.
- Generate reports on tasks.
- User authentication and authorization.
- Schedule tasks to be executed automatically.
- Upload and share files related to tasks.
- User roles and permissions management.
- Refresh tokens for session management.
- Logout functionality.
- [ x ] It should be able to authenticate using email & password.
- It should be able to authenticate using social networks.
- [ x ] It should be able to recover password using email.
- It should be able to change email.
- [ x ] It should be able to create an account (email, name, and password).
- It should support refresh tokens for session management.
- It should support logout functionality.
- Define roles such as Admin, Manager, and User.
- Assign roles to users.
- Restrict access to certain features based on roles.
- Implement role-based access control (RBAC).
- [ x ] It should be able to create a new task.
- It should be able to read details of a task.
- It should be able to update an existing task.
- It should be able to delete a task.
- It should be able to list tasks and filter by status.
- It should be able to assign tasks to users.
- It should be able to track task status (pending, in-progress, completed, etc.).
- It should be able to generate reports on tasks.
- It should be able to upload and share files related to tasks.
- It should be able to schedule tasks to be executed at specific times.
- Pending
- In progress
- Completed
- Canceled
- In definition
- Clone the repository.
- Creat a .env file and fill in using .env.example as base.
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
. - Set up the database with
mix ecto.setup
or runmix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
if don't want to seed the database. - Start the Phoenix server with
mix phx.server
. - Access the application at http://localhost:4000.
- Clone the repository.
- Build the Docker image with
docker-compose build
. - Start the application with
docker-compose up
. - Access the application at http://localhost:4000.
- PostgreSQL: Primary database for storing task data.
- Mailhog: Development tool for capturing email notifications.
- Ensure Docker is installed on your local machine before running the application.
- The application is for demonstration purposes and may lack some features found in production-ready software.
- Official website:
- Guides:
- Docs:
- Forum:
- Source: