mozjpeg imagemin plugin
$ npm install --save imagemin-mozjpeg
const imagemin = require('imagemin');
const imageminMozjpeg = require('imagemin-mozjpeg');
imagemin(['images/*.jpg'], 'build/images', {use: [imageminMozjpeg()]}).then(() => {
console.log('Images optimized');
Returns a promise for a buffer.
Type: number
Compression quality. Min and max are numbers in range 0 (worst) to 100 (perfect).
Type: boolean
Default: true
creates baseline JPEG file.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Input file is Targa format (usually not needed).
Type: boolean
Default: false
Revert to standard defaults instead of mozjpeg defaults.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Disable progressive scan optimization.
Type: number
Default: 1
Set DC scan optimization mode.
One scan for all components1
One scan per component2
Optimize between one scan for all components and one scan for 1st component plus one scan for remaining components
Type: boolean
Default: false
Disable trellis optimization.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Disable trellis optimization of DC coefficients.
Type: string
Default: hvs-psnr
Set trellis optimization method. Available methods: psnr
, hvs-psnr
, ssim
and ms-ssim
Type: boolean
Default: false
Disable black-on-white deringing via overshoot.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Use arithmetic coding.
Type: number
Use predefined quantization table.
JPEG Annex K1
Custom, tuned for MS-SSIM3
ImageMagick table by N. Robidoux4
Custom, tuned for PSNR-HVS5
Table from paper by Klein, Silverstein and Carney
Type: number
Set the strength of smooth dithered input. (1...100)
Type: number
Set the maximum memory to use in kbytes.
Type: buffer
Buffer to optimize.
Type: string
Chroma subsampling scheme.
MIT © imagemin