🔭 I’m currently working on thesis about hyperpersonalization of music recommendations
🔎 I'm currently learning NLP and RecSys
🎓 I’m currently getting master’s degree in AI at ITMO University
📫 Write me an email: veronica.vinnichenko@yandex.ru
📄 Know about my experiences: CV
- ML Talent Match (2024 - An algorithm for matching resumes and vacancies)
- BIV Hack Challenge 🥇 (2024 - Automating payment processing)
- FITZ: Hackathon🥈 (2024 - Assessment of the level of expertise based on the resume)
- Bachelor's in political science (Higher School of Economics) (2019-2023)
- Bachelor's minor: Data Processing and Analysis (HSE University) (2020-2022)
- Master's in applied mathematics and informatics (ITMO University) (2023-2025)