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Original PyTorch implementation of the code for the paper "Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinforcement Learning Method" at the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) 2022

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Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinforcement Learning Method
[Project Page] [Paper] [Video]

This repository contains the original implementation of the paper Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinforcement Learning Method, published at the TPAMI 2022.

We present a novel weakly-supervised methodology based on a reinforcement learning formulation to accelerate instructional videos using text. A novel joint reward function guides our agent to select which frames to remove and reduce the input video to a target length without creating gaps in the final video. We also propose the Extended Visually-guided Document Attention Network (VDAN+), which can generate a highly discriminative embedding space to represent both textual and visual data.

If you find this code useful for your research, please cite the paper:

  author={Ramos, Washington and Silva, Michel and Araujo, Edson and Moura, Victor and Oliveira, Keller and Marcolino, Leandro Soriano and Nascimento, Erickson R.},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, 
  title={Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinforcement Learning Method}, 

Usage 💻

Following, we describe different ways to use our code.

PyTorch Hub Model

We provide PyTorch Hub integration.

Loading a pretrained model and fast-forwarding your own video is pretty simple!

import torch

model = torch.hub.load('verlab/TextDrivenVideoAcceleration_TPAMI_2022:main', 'TextDrivenAcceleration', pretrained=True)

document = ['sentence_1', 'sentence_2', ..., 'sentence_N'] # Document of N sentences that will guide the agent semantically
sf = model.fast_forward_video(video_filename='video_filename.mp4',
                              output_video_filename='output_filename.avi') # Returns the selected frames

print('Selected Frames: ', sf)


We provide convinient demos in CoLab.

Description Link
Process a video using our agent Open In Colab
Train VDAN+ using VaTeX Open In Colab
Train the agent using YouCook2 Open In Colab
Extract VDAN+ feats from a video Open In Colab

Data & Code Preparation

If you want to download the code and run it by yourself in your environment, or reproduce our experiments, please follow the next steps:

  • 1. Make sure you have the requirements

    • Python (>=3.6)
    • PyTorch (=1.10.0) # Maybe it works with other versions
  • 2. Clone the repo and install the dependencies

    git clone
    cd TextDrivenVideoAcceleration_TPAMI_2022
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • 3. Prepare the data to train VDAN+

    Download & Organize the VaTeX Dataset (Annotations and Videos) + Download the Pretrained GloVe Embeddings

    ## Download VaTeX JSON data
    wget -O semantic_encoding/resources/vatex_training_v1.0.json
    wget -O semantic_encoding/resources/vatex_validation_v1.0.json
    ## Download the Pretrained GloVe Embeddings
    wget -O semantic_encoding/resources/
    unzip -j semantic_encoding/resources/ glove.6B.300d.txt -d semantic_encoding/resources/
    rm semantic_encoding/resources/
    ## Download VaTeX Videos (We used the kinetics-datasets-downloader tool to download the available videos from YouTube)
    # NOTE: VaTeX is composed of the VALIDATION split of the Kinetics-600 dataset; therefore, you must modify the script to download the validation videos only. 
    # We adpated the function download_test_set in the kinetics-datasets-downloader/downloader/ file to do so.
    # 1. Clone repository and copy the modified files
    git clone semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/kinetics-datasets-downloader/
    cp semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/ semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/kinetics-datasets-downloader/downloader/
    cp semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/ semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/kinetics-datasets-downloader/downloader/lib/
    # 2. Get the kinetics dataset annotations
    wget -O semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/kinetics600.tar.gz
    tar -xf semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/kinetics600.tar.gz -C semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/
    rm semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/kinetics600.tar.gz
    # 3. Download the videos (This can take a while (~28k videos to download)... If you want, you can stop it at any time and train with the downloaded videos)
    python3 semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/kinetics-datasets-downloader/downloader/ --val
    # Troubleshooting: If the download stops for a long time, experiment increasing the queue size in the parallel downloader (semantic_encoding/resources/VaTeX_downloader_files/kinetics-datasets-downloader/downloader/lib/

    If you want just to train VDAN+, you're now set!

  • 4. Prepare the data to train the Skip-Aware Fast-Forward Agent (SAFFA)

    Download & Organize the YouCook2 Dataset (Annotations and Videos)

    # Download and extract the annotations
    wget -O rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/youcookii_annotations_trainval.tar.gz
    tar -xf rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/youcookii_annotations_trainval.tar.gz -C rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/
    rm rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/youcookii_annotations_trainval.tar.gz
    # Download the scripts used to collect the videos
    wget -O rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/scripts.tar.gz
    tar -xf rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/scripts.tar.gz -C rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/
    rm rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/scripts.tar.gz
    wget -O rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/splits.tar.gz
    tar -xf rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/splits.tar.gz -C rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/
    rm rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/splits.tar.gz
    # Install youtube-dl and download the available videos
    pip install youtube_dl # PS.: The YouTube-DL have been slow lately. If your download speed is under 100KiB/s, consider changing it to the YT-DLP fork (
    cd rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/scripts

Training ⏳

After running the setup above, you're ready to train the networks.

Training VDAN+

To train VDAN+, you first need to set up the model and train parameters (current parameters are the same as described in the paper) in the semantic_encoding/ file, then run the training script semantic_encoding/

The training script will save the model in the semantic_encoding/models folder.

  • 1. Setup

    model_params = {
        'num_input_frames': 32,
        'word_embed_size': 300,
        'sent_embed_size': 512,  # h_ij
        'doc_embed_size': 512,  # h_i
        'hidden_feat_size': 512,
        'feat_embed_size': 128,  # d = 128. We also tested with 512 and 1024, but no substantial changes
        'sent_rnn_layers': 1,  # Not used in our paper, but feel free to change
        'word_rnn_layers': 1,  # Not used in our paper, but feel free to change
        'word_att_size': 1024,  # c_p
        'sent_att_size': 1024,  # c_d
        'use_sentence_level_attention': True,  # Not used in our paper, but feel free to change
        'use_word_level_attention': True,  # Not used in our paper, but feel free to change
        'use_visual_shortcut': True,  # Uses the R(2+1)D output as the first hidden state (h_0) of the document embedder Bi-GRU.
        'learn_first_hidden_vector': False  # Learns the first hidden state (h_0) of the document embedder Bi-GRU.
    ETA_MARGIN = 0.  # η from Equation 1 - (Section 3.1.3 Training)
    train_params = {
        # VaTeX
        'captions_train_fname': 'resources/vatex_training_v1.0.json', # Run semantic_encoding/resources/ first to obtain this file
        'captions_val_fname': 'resources/vatex_validation_v1.0.json', # Run semantic_encoding/resources/ first to obtain this file
        'train_data_path': 'datasets/VaTeX/raw_videos/', # Download all Kinetics-600 (10-seconds) validation videos using the semantic_encoding/resources/ script
        'val_data_path': 'datasets/VaTeX/raw_videos/', # Download all Kinetics-600 (10-seconds) validation videos using the semantic_encoding/resources/ script
        'embeddings_filename': 'resources/glove.6B.300d.txt', # Run semantic_encoding/resources/ first to obtain this file
        'max_sents': 20,  # maximum number of sentences per document
        'max_words': 20,  # maximum number of words per sentence
        # Training parameters
        'train_batch_size': 64, # We used a batch size of 64 (requires a 24Gb GPU card)
        'val_batch_size': 64, # We used a batch size of 64 (requires a 24Gb GPU card)
        'num_epochs': 100, # We ran in 100 epochs
        'learning_rate': 1e-5,
        'model_checkpoint_filename': None,  # Add an already trained model to continue training (Leave it as None to train from scratch)...
        # Video transformation parameters
        'resize_size': (128, 171),  # h, w
        'random_crop_size': (112, 112),  # h, w
        'do_random_horizontal_flip': True,  # Horizontally flip the whole video randomly in block
        # Training process
        'optimizer': 'Adam',
        'eta_margin': ETA_MARGIN,
        'criterion': nn.CosineEmbeddingLoss(ETA_MARGIN),
        # Machine and user data
        'username': getpass.getuser(),
        'hostname': socket.gethostname(),
        # Logging parameters
        'checkpoint_folder': 'models/',
        'log_folder': 'logs/',
        # Debugging helpers (speeding things up for debugging)
        'use_random_word_embeddings': False,  # Choose if you want to use random embeddings
        'train_data_proportion': 1.,  # Choose how much data you want to use for training
        'val_data_proportion': 1.,  # Choose how much data you want to use for validation
    models_paths = {
        'VDAN': '<PATH/TO/THE/VDAN/MODEL>', # OPTIONAL: Provide the path to the VDAN model ( from the CVPR paper:
        'VDAN+': '<PATH/TO/THE/VDAN+/MODEL>' # You must fill this path after training the VDAN+ to train the SAFFA agent
    deep_feats_base_folder = '<PATH/TO/THE/VDAN+EXTRACTED_FEATS/FOLDER>' # Provide the location you stored/want to store your VDAN+ extracted feature vectors
  • 2. Train

    First, make sure you have punkt installed...

    import nltk'punkt')

    Finally, you're ready to go! 😃

    cd semantic_encoding

Training the Skip-Aware Fast-Forward Agent (SAFFA)

  • To train the agent, you will need the features produced the VDAN+ model. You can have these features here and here. To get it via terminal, use:

    # Download YouCook2's VDAN+ video feats
    wget -O rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/VDAN+/
    unzip -q rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/VDAN+/ -d rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/VDAN+/vid_feats/
    rm rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/VDAN+/
    # Download YouCook2's VDAN+ document feats
    wget -O rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/VDAN+/
    unzip -q rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/VDAN+/ -d rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/VDAN+/doc_feats/
    rm rl_fast_forward/resources/YouCook2/VDAN+/
  • If you want to extract them by yourself, you can have a VDAN+ pretrained model by following the instructions in the previous step or downloading a pretrained one we provide here. In terminal, use:

    # Download the pretrained model
    wget -O semantic_encoding/models/vdan+_model_pretrained.pth
  • Now, prepare the data for training...

    cd rl_fast_forward
    python resources/
  • You are set! Now, you just need to run it...

    python -s ../semantic_encoding/models/vdan+_model_pretrained.pth -d YouCook2
  • After training, the model will be saved in the rl_fast_forward/models folder.


  • You can test the agent using a saved model for the YouCook2 dataset as follows:

    python -s ../semantic_encoding/models/vdan+_model_pretrained.pth -m models/saffa_vdan+_model.pth -d YouCook2 -x 12
  • This script will generate a results JSON file with the pattern results/<datetime>_<hostname>_youcookii_selected_frames.json


We provide, in the rl_fast_forward/eval folder, a script to evaluate the selected frames generated by the trained agent.

  • To compute Precision, Recall, F1 Score, and Output Speed for your results using the JSON output (generated when training the agent), run the following script:

    cd rl_fast_forward/eval
    python -gt youcookii_gts.json -sf /path/to/the/JSON/output/file.json
  • You may need to download the ground-truth file first:

    cd rl_fast_forward/eval
    # For the YouCook2 dataset
    # For the COIN dataset
  • It will display the values in your screen and generate a JSON and a CSV output file formatted as: /path/to/the/JSON/output/file_results.EXT

  • If you want to reproduce our results, we also provide the selected frames for the compared approaches here. It can be downloaded by running:

    unzip -q




Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Departamento de Ciência da Computação
Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brazil



VeRLab: Laboratory of Computer Vison and Robotics


We thank the agencies CAPES, CNPq, FAPEMIG, and Petrobras for funding different parts of this work.

Enjoy it! 😃


Original PyTorch implementation of the code for the paper "Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinforcement Learning Method" at the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) 2022






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