Widget to validate Verifiable PDFs in the browser
To embed the widget on a web page you need to include the custom vpdf-validator
html tag somewhere in the page, and also include the built JS script below the custom tag. Block.co will always host the latest version of the JS script at https://static.block.co/vpdf-validator.js but anyone can built the latest code from this repository, host the JS script somewhere and include that instead.
<vpdf-validator organization="Example LTD" contact-name="John Smith" contact-email="foo@example.org"></vpdf-validator>
<script src="https://static.block.co/vpdf-validator.js"></script>
Options for the widget can be added as html attributes in the custom <vpdf-validator>
tag. All values must be correctly escaped following html attributes rules.
Attribute | Explanation |
organization (optional) | The name of the organization. It will be shown in the contact details for manual verification if some vPDF document does not validate. |
contact-name (optional) | The name of the person to contact for manual verification if some vPDF document does not validate. |
contact-email (optional) | The email of the person to contact for manual verification if some vPDF document does not validate. |
blockchain-services (optional) | JSON with options for the services to be queried to access the supported blockchains. Example: { "bitcoin": { "requiredSuccesses": 1, "services": [{ "name": "btcd", "url": "https://validator.block.co/blockchain-api" }, { "name": "blockcypher" }] }, "bitcoin-testnet": { "requiredSuccesses": 1, "services": [{ "name": "btcd", "url": "https://testnet-validator.block.co/blockchain-api" }] }, "litecoin": { "requiredSuccesses": 1, "services": [{ "name": "ltcd", "url": "https://validator.block.co/blockchain-api" }] }, "litecoin-testnet": { "requiredSuccesses": 1, "services": [{ "name": "ltcd", "url": "https://testnet-validator.block.co/blockchain-api" }] } } |
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and a single JS file is produced under build/static/js/main.{HASH}.js.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
To deploy the application, just use a web server or a CDN to serve the single JS file that was built in the previous step.