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A Python Implementation of GA

A Python implementation of genetic algorithm contains multiple operators of different stages for tuning.


 ├ ga
 │  ├ --------- Configuration class for setting up GA parameters and
 │  │                   operators including crossover rate, mutation rate, etc.
 │  │
 │  ├ ------ Chromosome class containing genes
 │  │
 │  └ --- Main algorithm GA and GAPassive
 ├ operators
 │  ├ ---- Selection operators for creating mating pool
 │  │                   in which individuals can be choose to mate.
 │  │                   Contains roulette, tournament, etc.
 │  │
 │  ├ ------- Mating operators, the way how to choose two individuals
 │  │                   in the mating pool. Contains random, phonetypic, etc.
 │  │
 │  ├ ---- Crossover operators control how the genes of offsprings 
 │  │                   are derived from parents. Contains single point, SBX, etc.
 │  │
 │  ├ ----- Mutation operators control how the genes of offsprings mutate.
 │  │                   Contains random, normal distribution, etc.
 │  │
 │  ├ -- Elimination operators control which parent will be 
 │  │                   eliminated and replaced by offsprings for next generation. 
 │  │                   Contains fitness, age, etc.
 │  │
 │  ├ ---- Diversity operators, calculate gene or fitness similarity,
 │  │                   then penalize those who have many neighbors.
 │  │
 │  └ ------ Operators scaling the fitness value to provide evolution
 │                      pressure, those who have bad fitness value are more easily
 │                      eliminated.
 ├ cli
 └ tests

Main Algorithm

    │        Start        │
    │   Initialization    │  generate chromosomes
 ┌─>│  Diversity Control  │  penalize individuals who have many neighbors
 │  └─────────────────────┘
 │             ↓
 │  ┌─────────────────────┐
 │  │       Scaling       │  Scale fitness value to provide evolution pressure
 │  └─────────────────────┘
 │             ↓
 │  ┌─────────────────────┐
 │  │      Selection      │  create a mating pool for offsprings
 │  └─────────────────────┘
 │             ↓
 │  ┌─────────────────────┐
 │  │       Mating        │  parents mating by specific way
 │  └─────────────────────┘
 │             ↓
 │  ┌─────────────────────┐
 │  │      Crossover      │  chromosome crossover and produce offsprings
 │  └─────────────────────┘
 │             ↓
 │  ┌─────────────────────┐
 │  │       Mutation      │  offspings mutate
 │  └─────────────────────┘
 │             ↓
 │  ┌─────────────────────┐
 │  │      Evalution      │  fitness evaluation
 │  └─────────────────────┘
 │             ↓
 │  ┌─────────────────────┐
 │  │     Replacement     │  put offsprings back to population
 │  └─────────────────────┘
 │             ↓
 │  ┌─────────────────────┐
 └──│      Satisfied?     │ 
 NO └─────────────────────┘
           YES ↓ 
    │         End         │


You can install it by clone this repo and run the installation command.

git clone

Install locally by using pip:

pip install .

Install locally by using python:

python install

To set the environment and run the tests, this project is using Pipenv to manage packages:

# install all dependencies
pipenv install

# change to the virtual environment
pipenv shell

Then you can run tests by:

# search and run tests automatically
python -m unittest discover 

Use as a command


A configuration file is need to be like this:

# config.yml

pattern:                # specify the parameter range
  - start: 0            # the lower bound
    end: 1              # the higher bound (not include)
    precision: 10       # indicates how many digits after point will be kept
  - start: 0
    end: 2
    precision: 10
  - start: 0
    end: 3
    precision: 10
size: 5                 # population size
crossoverRate: 0.75     # indicates how big the mating pool size is, (0, 1]
mutationRate: 0.06      # the probability of mutation for every gene, [0, 1]
elitism: true           # keep the elitist or not
maxGen: 100             # max generation

Input and Output

Result can be store in a single file or in a directory which will contain every generation. The output format will be like below:

  "population": [
      "parameters": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],  // actual parameters
      "fitness": 1.0,                 // fitness value (>= 0)
      "alive": true                   // The alive flag. It will be kept for next
                                      // generation if it is true, otherwise, it 
                                      // might be replaced by offspring.
  "offsprings": [
      "parameters": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],  // Using this to run a your function/program
      "fitness": 1.0,                 // then fill the fitness value here (>= 0)
      "alive": true
  "generation": 10,
  "satisfied": false                  // If it is true, the algorithm will not run.
                                      // It will be set to true if algorithm find it
                                      // is satisfied. (It means the max generation 
                                      // has reached for now.)


To run it with a single file:

# read data from data.json and store result to the same file for next run 
genetic run -c config.yml -i data.json

# read data from input_data.json and store result to output_data.json
genetic run -c config.yml -i input_data.json -o output_data.json

If the input file/directory is not exist, the algorithm will generate initial population and create the file/directory if possible.

If a directory specified, it will read the last file in the directory, which is ordered by file names. The output files will be named as generation number.

# read the last data from the directory specified
# and store the result to the same directory
genetic run -c config.yml -i ./data/

# using different directory
genetic run -c config.yml -i ./input_data/ -o ./output_data/

Add flag -p can make it print formatted JSON to the file, like:

genetic run -p -c config.yml -i ./data/


  • Add for packaging and commands
  • Saving states for passive call
  • Add plot for command line
  • Diversity Control
  • Scaling (adding evolution pressure)
  • Add different stop criteria
  • Add Travis CI config
  • Implement Multi-Objective
  • Seperate population to regions
  • Use higher precision decimal
  • Random search for vicinity
  • Trim GA - Nelder-Mead



A pure Python implementation of the Genetic Algorithm





