As I write the 2.0 Plugin and Module formats, I feel Layers also update to a loose Object structure.
* @typedef {Object} Layer
* @property {String} name Name of the Layer
* @property {Number} position Position of the Layer
* @property {Array} modules The draw order of the Modules contained within the Layer
* @property {Boolean} enabled Indicates whether the Layer should be drawn
* @property {Number} alpha The level of opacity, between 0 and 1, the Layer should
* be muxed at
* @property {Boolean} inherit Indicates whether the Layer should inherit from another
* Layer at redraw
* @property {Number} inheritFrom The target Layer to inherit from, -1 being the previous
* Layer in modV#layers, 0-n being the index of another Layer
* within modV#layers
* @property {Boolean} pipeline Indicates whether the Layer should render using pipeline
* at redraw
* @property {Boolean} clearing Indicates whether the Layer should clear before redraw
* @property {String} compositeOperation The {@link Blendmode} the Layer muxes with
* @example
* const Layer = {
* name: 'Layer',
* position: 0,
* modules: [
* 'Module Name',
* 'Another Module Name',
* 'Waveform',
* ],
* enabled: true,
* alpha: 1,
* inherit: true,
* inheritFrom: -1,
* pipeline: false,
* clearing: false,
* compositeOperation: 'normal',
* };