diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
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--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
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+All notable changes to `php-db-auditor` will be documented in this file.
+## v1.0.0 [29th September 2023]
-All notable changes to `php-db-auditor` will be documented in this file.
+- Initial release.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c9d561b..e324744 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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![Logo PHP DB Auditor](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vcian/art/main/php-db-auditor/php-db-auditor-hr.svg)
![Packagist License](https://img.shields.io/packagist/l/vcian/php-db-auditor?style=for-the-badge)
[![Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/vcian/php-db-auditor?style=for-the-badge)](https://packagist.org/packages/vcian/php-db-auditor)
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## Installation & Usage
-> **Requires [PHP 8.1+](https://php.net/releases/)
+**Requires [PHP 8.1+](https://php.net/releases/)
Need to install dependency using [Composer](https://getcomposer.org):
-> #### **composer install**
+#### **composer install**
## Usage:
You can see DB Auditor commands using below command.
-> #### **php app**
-> This command provides a list of available commands for database selection, such as checking database standards or verifying constraints.
+#### **php dbauditor**
+ This command provides a list of available commands for database selection, such as checking database standards or verifying constraints.
If you want to check standalone feature then you can execute below php command one by one.
-> #### **php app db:standard**
-> This command give you result with list of table with standard follow indication.
-> #### **php app db:constraint**
-> This command gives you result with list of tables with primary,foreign,unique,index constraint.
-> You can add more constraint to the table by seeing existing constraint with table.
-> #### **php app db:summary**
-> This command provides you with information about the database, including its name, size, table count, and character set.
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+#### **php dbauditor db:standard**
+ This command give you result with list of table with standard follow indication.
+![PHP DB Auditor Standard UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vcian/art/main/php-db-auditor/db-standard-ui.png)
+![PHP DB Auditor Standard UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vcian/art/main/php-db-auditor/db-standard-table-report-1.png)
+![PHP DB Auditor Standard UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vcian/art/main/php-db-auditor/db-standard-table-report-2.png)
+#### **php dbauditor db:constraint**
+ This command gives you result with list of tables with primary,foreign,unique,index constraint.
+![PHP DB Auditor Constraint UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vcian/art/main/php-db-auditor/db-constraint-ui.png)
+![PHP DB Auditor Constraint UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vcian/art/main/php-db-auditor/db-constraint-add.png)
+![PHP DB Auditor Constraint UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vcian/art/main/php-db-auditor/db-constraint-selection.png)
+![PHP DB Auditor Constraint UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vcian/art/main/php-db-auditor/db-constraint-result.png)
+You can add more constraint to the table by seeing existing constraint with table.
+#### **php dbauditor db:summary**
+ This command provides you with information about the database, including its name, size, table count, and character set.
+![PHP DB Auditor Standard UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vcian/art/main/php-db-auditor/db-auditor-summary.png)
+## Changelog
+Please see [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for more information what has changed recently.
+## Contributing
+Please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.
+ We believe in
+ 👇
+## Security
+If you discover any security-related issues, please email ruchit.patel@viitor.cloud instead of using the issue tracker.
+## Credits
+- [All Contributors](../../contributors)
+## License
+The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.md) for more information.
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