A multi-module end to end Pet Clinic Web Application using Spring MVC
Displays Owners/Vet information, Pets and Pet Type and their association to owners and their visit to a veterinarian. Currently, data stored using bootstrap & H2 database.
CRUD Operations
- Displays Owners/Veterinarians information
- Create/Find an Owner
- Pets & Vets visits
- Update pet association with owner/veterinarians
- Technology : Bootstrap, Java, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JPA, JUnit5, Mockito, Maven & Gradle
- Application Servicer: Apache Tomcat Server
- Database : H2 Database
- Home Page - http://localhost:8080/
- Find Owner - http://localhost:8080/owners/find
- Show All Owners - http://localhost:8080/owners?lastName=
- Owner Information & Pet Association - http://localhost:8080/owners/1
- Vet List Page - http://localhost:8080/vets.html
Development Platform - IntelliJ Idea
Java SDK
Build Tool - Maven & Gradle
After downloading & Installing Java, Maven and Gradle.
- Ensure that the path variables are set correctly. (JAVA_HOME, GRADLE_HOME, M2_HOME & MAVEN_HOME).
- Add these to the Path variable in System variables "%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%MAVEN_HOME%\bin;%GRADLE_HOME%\bin". This lets your system know where the required binaries are located.
- Verify installation
- Java installation can be verified by running "java -verson" in command prompt.
- Maven installation can be verified by running "mvn -v" in command prompt.
- Gradle installation can be verified by running "gradle -v" in command prompt. We should be seeing actual versions rather than '* is not recognized as as internal or external command' error.
Clone the repository and import it to IntelliJ
Run the Pet Clinic Spring Application through IntelliJ.