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Twitter Sentiment Analysis

In this project we developed a standalone application to perform real-time sentiment analysis of Twitter users related to keywords defined by the application user. The system exploits two frameworks for large-scale distributed computation of data such as Kafka and Spark Streaming to process the stream of Tweets generated by Twitter APIs.

How to run the code

Run Zookeper and Kakfa Server first: /usr/local/kafka_2.11-2.0.0/config/ /usr/local/kafka_2.11-2.0.0/config/

Run the Web Server in the folder /src/ruby:
ruby web-server.rb

In the browser, navigate to http://localhost:4567, insert the preferred keywords and start the stream processing.

Then run the Spark Streaming job int the folder /src/scala:
run sbt

To track new keywords the stream must be stopped before and then started again.

Used Tools

Programming Languages

  • Ruby 2.3.4

  • Scala 2.11.12

Web Framework

  • Sinatra 2.0.4

Distributed Large-Scale Streaming Processing Frameworks

  • Kafka 2.11-2.0.0

  • Spark 2.3.1

NLP Library

  • Stanford CoreNLP 3.5.2

System Components

The system consists of:

  • A Kafka Producer that submit the input from the Twitter Stream APIs to the Kafka Brokers. It is written in Ruby (file: /src/ruby/kafka-producer.rb)

  • A Kafka Consumer that creates a DirectStream from the Kafka distrbuted log. It is written in Scala
    (file: /src/scala/spark-sentiment-analysis.scala)

  • A Spark Streaming Job to count the processed tweets and analyze their sentiment related to a specific topic. It is written in Scala
    (file: /src/scala/spark-sentiment-analysis.scala)

  • A Sentiment Analyzer object to perform the Sentiment Analysis of tweets. It is written in Scala exploiting the CoreNLP Stanford library
    (file: /src/scala/sentiment-analyzer.scala)

  • A Web Server to create a dynamic web interface to visualize the analysis and manage the stream of data. It is written in Ruby exploiting the Sinatra framework
    (file: /src/scala/web-server.rb)