Create a Tinder-like button with ripple animation.
##Using Cocoapods
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like LNBRippleEffect in your projects.
pod 'LNBRippleEffect'
##Normal Installation
- Download the zip file.
- Add LNBRippleEffect.h and LNBRippleEffect.m files to your workspace
- Select 'Copy items if needed' option
Import LNBRippleEffect.h
#import "LNBRippleEffect.h"
Add the following code to your ViewController and you're good to go.
LNBRippleEffect *rippleEffect = [[LNBRippleEffect alloc]initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@""] Frame:CGRectMake(110, 200, 100, 100) Color:[UIColor colorWithRed:(28.0/255.0) green:(212.0/255.0) blue:(255.0/255.0) alpha:1] Target:@selector(buttonTapped:) ID:self];
[rippleEffect setRippleColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:(28.0/255.0) green:(212.0/255.0) blue:(255.0/255.0) alpha:1]];
[rippleEffect setRippleTrailColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:(28.0/255.0) green:(212.0/255.0) blue:(255.0/255.0) alpha:0.5]];
[self.view addSubview:rippleEffect];
###LNBRippleEffect is highly customizable
- Add an image to the button
- Change the button's border by editing the initWithImage's Color argument
- Change the color of ripples by setting custom RGB values to UIColor property of setRippleColor
- Change the color of ripple trails by setting custom RGB values to UIColor property of setRippleTrailColor
Bharath Lalgudi Natarajan(@lnbharath)
LNBRippleEffect is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.