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Merge pull request #73 from vaibhavkarve/vaibhav
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vaibhavkarve authored Mar 11, 2021
2 parents ee7c5c6 + 95e7820 commit 9d65675
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 67 deletions.
147 changes: 80 additions & 67 deletions src/model.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,16 +56,17 @@ it into a partial function of the same arity.
1. This constructor can only make functions of arity ≥ 1.
2. This constructor makes a recursive call to itself. -/
def mk_Func_of_total {α : Type} : Π {n : ℕ}, (vector α (n+1) → α) → Func α (n+1)
| 0 := λ f a, f ⟨[a], by norm_num⟩ -- this produces a 1-ary func
| (n+1) := λ f a, mk_Func_of_total (λ v, f (a ::ᵥ v)) -- an (n+2)-ary function
def mk_Func_of_total {α : Type} : Π {n : ℕ+}, (vector α n → α) → Func α n
| ⟨0, _⟩ f := by linarith
| ⟨1, _⟩ f := λ a, f ⟨[a], by norm_num⟩ -- this produces a 1-ary func
| ⟨n+2, h⟩ f := λ a, @mk_Func_of_total ⟨n+1, by linarith⟩ (λ v, f (a ::ᵥ v)) -- an (n+1)-ary function

/-- We can apply a Func to an element. This will give us a lower-level
**Deprecation warning**: this function will be removed from future iterations.-/
def app_elem {α : Type} {n : ℕ} (f : Func α (n+1)) (a : α) : Func α n := f a
def app_elem {α : Type} {n : ℕ+} (f : Func α (n+1)) (a : α) : Func α n := f a

/-- A Func can be applied to a vector of elements of the right size.
Expand All @@ -74,9 +75,10 @@ def app_elem {α : Type} {n : ℕ} (f : Func α (n+1)) (a : α) : Func α n := f
2. In the recursive case, we can apply an (n+2)-ary function to (n+2) elements
by applying it to the head and then recursively calling the result on the
remaining (n+1)-sized tail. -/
def app_vec {α : Type} : Π {n : ℕ}, Func α (n+1) → vector α (n+1) → α
| 0 := λ f v, f v.head
| (n+1) := λ f v, app_vec (f v.head) (v.tail)
def app_vec {α : Type} : Π {n : ℕ+}, Func α n → vector α n → α
| ⟨0, _⟩ f v := by linarith
| ⟨1, _⟩ f v := f v.head
| ⟨n+2, _⟩ f v := @app_vec ⟨n+1, by linarith⟩ (f v.head) (v.tail)

-- Under this notation, if `(f : Func α n)` and `(v : vector α n)`, then `(f ⊗
-- n)` denotes the value in `α` obtained by feeding the `n` elements of `v` to
Expand All @@ -85,43 +87,41 @@ local infix `⊗` : 70 := app_vec

/-- Apply a Func to a function on `fin n`.-/
def app_fin {α : Type} {n : ℕ} (f : Func α (n+1)) (v : fin (n+1) → α) : α :=
def app_fin {α : Type} {n : ℕ+} (f : Func α n) (v : fin n → α) : α :=
f ⊗ (vector.of_fn v)

/-- We can apply a Func to a vector of elements of the incorrect size as well.
TODO: Turn this into patter-matched term-style definition.
def app_vec_partial {α : Type} {n m : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n) (f : Func α (n+1))
(v : vector α (m+1)) : Func α (n-m) :=
induction m with m mih,
{ exact f v.head},
have nat_ineq : n-m.succ+1 = n-m := by omega,
have f' : Func α (n-m) := mih (by omega) v.tail,
rw ← nat_ineq at f',
exact f' v.head,
def {n : ℕ+} {α : Type} {A : set α} (F : Func α n) {f : A → α} :
(∀ v : vector A n, F ⊗ f ∈ A) → Func A n :=
λ h, mk_Func_of_total (λ v, ⟨F ⊗ ( f), h v⟩)

/-- We can apply a Func to a vector of elements of the incorrect size as well.-/
def app_vec_partial {α : Type} : Π (m n : ℕ), 0 < m → 0 < n →
m ≤ n → Func α n → vector α m → Func α (n-m)
| 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ := by linarith
| _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ := by linarith
| 1 1 _ _ _ f v := f v.head
| (m+2) 1 h₁ h₂ h f v := by linarith
| 1 (n+2) h₁ h₂ h f v := f v.head
| (m+2) (n+2) _ _ _ f v := by
{ simp only [nat.succ_sub_succ_eq_sub] at *,
have recursive_call :=
app_vec_partial (m+1) (n+1) (by norm_num) (by norm_num) (by linarith)
(f v.head) v.tail,
simp only [nat.succ_sub_succ_eq_sub] at recursive_call,
exact recursive_call,

def app_vec_partial' {α : Type} : Π (m n : ℕ),
m ≤ n → Func α (n+1) → vector α (m+1) → Func α (n-m)
| 0 0 := λ h f v, f v.head
| (m+1) 0 := sorry
| 0 (n+1) := sorry
| (m+1) (n+1) := sorry
--| (m+1) (n+1) := λ h f v, app_vec_partial' (_ : m ≤ n-1) (f v.head (by omega)) (v.tail)

/-! ## Languages -/

/-- A language is given by specifying functions, relations and constants
along with the arity of each function and each relation.-/
structure lang : Type 1 :=
(F : ℕ → Type) -- functions. ℕ keeps track of arity.
(R : ℕ → Type) -- relations
(F : ℕ+ → Type) -- functions. ℕ keeps track of arity.
(R : ℕ+ → Type) -- relations
(C : Type) -- constants

/-- Constants of a language are simply its 0-ary functions. -/
def lang.C (L : lang) : Type := L.F 0

/-- A dense linear ordering without endpoints is a language containg a
Expand All @@ -134,9 +134,10 @@ def lang.C (L : lang) : Type := L.F 0
-- 6. ∀x ∀y (x ≤ y → ∃z (x ≤ z ∧ z ≤ y)).
The language contains exactly one relation: ≤, and no functions or constants-/
def DLO_lang : lang := {R := λ n : ℕ,
def DLO_lang : lang := {R := λ n : ℕ+,
if n = 2 then unit else empty, -- one binary relation
F := function.const ℕ empty}
F := function.const ℕ+ empty, -- no functions
C := empty} -- no constants

/-- Having defined a DLO_lang, we now use it to declare that lang is an
inhabited type.-/
Expand All @@ -154,23 +155,24 @@ def lang.card (L : lang) : cardinal :=
constants to appropriate elements of a domain/universe type.-/
structure struc (L : lang) : Type 1 :=
(univ : Type) -- universe/domain
(F {n : ℕ} (f : L.F n) : Func univ n) -- interpretation of each function
(R {n : ℕ} (r : L.R n) : set (vector univ n)) -- interpretation of each relation

def struc.C {L : lang} (M : struc L) : L.C → M.univ := @struc.F L M 0
(F {n : ℕ+} (f : L.F n) : Func univ n) -- interpretation of each function
(R {n : ℕ+} (r : L.R n) : set (vector univ n)) -- interpretation of each relation
(C : L.C → univ) -- interpretation of each constant

instance struc.inhabited {L : lang} : inhabited (struc L) :=
{default := {univ := unit, -- The domain must have at least one term
F := λ _ _, mk_Func_of_total (function.const _,
R := λ _ _, ∅}
F := λ _ _, mk_Func_of_total (function.const _,
R := λ _ _, ∅,
C := function.const L.C}

local notation f^M := M.F f -- f^M denotes the interpretation of f in M.
local notation r`̂`M : 150 := M.R r -- r̂M denotes the interpretation of r in
-- M. (type as a variant of \^)

def struc.card {L : lang} (M : struc L) : cardinal := M.univ

/-! ## Embeddings between Structures -/
Expand All @@ -181,9 +183,9 @@ on the domain and preserves the interpretation of all the symbols of L.-/
structure embedding {L : lang} (M N : struc L) : Type :=
(η : M.univ → N.univ) -- map of underlying domains
(η_inj : function.injective η) -- should be one-to-one
(η_F : ∀ n (f : L.F (n+1)) (v : vector M.univ (n+1)),
(η_F : ∀ n (f : L.F n) (v : vector M.univ n),
η (f^M ⊗ v) = f^N ⊗ η v) -- preserves action of each function
(η_R : ∀ n (r : L.R (n+1)) (v : vector M.univ (n+1)),
(η_R : ∀ n (r : L.R n) (v : vector M.univ n),
v ∈ (r̂M) ↔ ( η v) ∈ (r̂N)) -- preserves each relation
(η_C : ∀ c, η (M.C c) = N.C c) -- preserves constants

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,16 +233,33 @@ definition of `coe`.
structure substruc {L : lang} (N : struc L) : Type :=
(univ : set N.univ) -- a subset of N.univ
(η : univ → N.univ := coe) -- the inclusion map
(η_inj : function.injective η) -- should be one-to-one
(univ_invar_F : ∀ (n : ℕ+) (f : L.F n) (v : vector univ n),
f^N ⊗ ( coe) ∈ univ) -- univ is invariant over f
(univ_invar_C : ∀ (c : L.C), N.C c ∈ univ) -- univ contains all constants

/- TODO : The intersection of 2 structures (on the same language) is a structure.-
Problem: How would we even define the intersection of M.univ and N.univ?
Intersection only makes sense for sets, not types.

/-- The substructure generated by a subset of `N.univ`.-/
def substruc.closure {L : lang} {N : struc L} (M : set N.univ) : substruc N :=
⟨M, coe, subtype.coe_injective⟩
/-- A substructure is finite if it has only finitely many domain elements.-/
class fin_substruc {L : lang} {N : struc L} (S : substruc N) :=
(finite : set.finite S.univ)

/-- Every substruc is a struc.-/
instance substruc.has_coe {L: lang} {M : struc L} : has_coe (substruc M) (struc L)
:= {coe := λ (S : substruc M),
{univ := S.univ,
F := λ n f, (f^M).map (S.univ_invar_F n f),
R := λ _ r v, coe ∈ (r̂M),
C := λ c, ⟨M.C c, S.univ_invar_C c⟩}}

/-! ## Terms -/

/-- We define terms in a language to be constants, variables, functions or
Expand All @@ -254,11 +273,12 @@ so we can switch to using finvec.
inductive term (L : lang) : ℕ → Type
| con : L.C → term 0
| var : ℕ → term 0
| func {n : ℕ} : L.F (n+1) → term (n+1)
| app {n : ℕ} : term (n + 1) → term 0 → term n
| func {n : ℕ+} : L.F n → term n
| app {n : ℕ} : term (n+1) → term 0 → term n
open term

variables {L : lang} {M : struc L}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,7 +371,7 @@ inductive formula (L : lang)
| tt : formula
| ff : formula
| eq : term L 0 → term L 0 → formula
| rel : Π {n : ℕ}, L.R n → vector (term L 0) n → formula
| rel : Π {n : ℕ+}, L.R n → vector (term L 0) n → formula
| neg : formula → formula
| and : formula → formula → formula
| or : formula → formula → formula
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,19 +456,13 @@ language.
In Lou's book (more general): we start instead with C ⊂ M.univ, and then add
only elements of C as constants to the language. -/
@[reducible] def expanded_lang (L : lang) (M : struc L) : lang :=
{F := function.update L.F 0 (M.univ ⊕ L.C),
{C := M.univ ⊕ L.C,
.. L}

/-- Define expanded structures. -/
def expanded_struc (L: lang) (M : struc L) : struc (expanded_lang L M) :=
{F := λ n f, by {dsimp only at f,
unfold function.update at f,
split_ifs at f with h,
simp only [eq_rec_constant] at f,
rw h,
exact sum.cases_on f id M.C,
exact f^M},
{C := λ c, sum.cases_on c id M.C,
.. M}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -551,7 +565,7 @@ end
iff it is also satisfied under `va₂`.
lemma iff_models_formula_relation_of_identical_var_assign
(n : ℕ) (r : L.R n) (vec : vector (term L 0) n)
(n : ℕ+) (r : L.R n) (vec : vector (term L 0) n)
(va₁ va₂ : ℕ → M.univ)
(h : ∀ var ∈ vars_in_formula (formula.rel r vec), va₁ var = va₂ var) :
(va₁ ⊨ (formula.rel r vec)) ↔ (va₂ ⊨ (formula.rel r vec)) :=
Expand All @@ -572,12 +586,11 @@ begin
apply x,
exact h₁},
--suffices y : vars_in_term (vec.nth m) ⊆ vars_in_list vec.to_list, apply y,
cases (vec.nth m) with c var',
{unfold vars_in_term, tauto},
--cases (vec.nth m) with c var',
--{unfold vars_in_term, tauto},

simp,intro h₂, rw h₂,
--simp,intro h₂, rw h₂,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -669,7 +682,6 @@ begin
use function.const ℕ (default M.univ),

cases σ₁,
repeat {sorry},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -748,9 +760,10 @@ begin

class has_infinite_model (t : theory L) : Type 1 :=
(μ : Model t)
(big : ≤ μ.card)

class has_infinite_model (t : theory L) :=
(big: ∃ μ : Model t, μ.card ≥

/-- Lowenheim-Skolem asserts that for a theory over a language L, if that theory
Expand Down

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