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Merge pull request #74 from vaibhavkarve/vaibhav
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vaibhavkarve authored Mar 12, 2021
2 parents 9d65675 + 0762b9d commit 7e8efee
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 7 deletions.
59 changes: 52 additions & 7 deletions src/model.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ begin
use function.const ℕ (default M.univ),
use function.const ℕ (arbitrary M.univ),
cases σ₁,
repeat {sorry},
Expand All @@ -690,7 +690,10 @@ end
/-- An `L`-theory `T` is simply a set of `L`-sentences. We say that `M` is
a model of `T` and write `M ⊨ T` if `M ⊨ φ` for all sentences `φ ∈ T`.-/
def theory (L : lang) : Type := set (sentence L)

instance theory.has_mem : has_mem (sentence L) (theory L) := ⟨set.mem⟩
instance theory.has_union : has_union (theory L) := set.has_union
instance theory.has_singleton : has_singleton (sentence L) (theory L) := set.has_singleton

/-- We now define a model to be a structure that models a set of sentences
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -745,8 +748,7 @@ def coeset : set(sentence L) → set(formula L) := set.image coe
/-- A theory is complete if any pair of models satisfies exactly the same
structure complete_theory (t : theory L) :=
(has_model : ∃ (A : struc L), ∀ (va : ℕ → A.univ), ∀ (σ ∈ t),
va ⊨ ↑σ)
(has_model : ∃ (A : struc L), ∀ (σ ∈ t), A ⊨ σ)
(models_iff_models : ∀ (A₁ A₂ : Model t), ∀ (σ ∈ t),
A₁.M ⊨ σ ↔ A₂.M ⊨ σ)

Expand All @@ -765,6 +767,20 @@ class has_infinite_model (t : theory L) : Type 1 :=
(big : ≤ μ.card)

instance nonempty_universe_of_theory_with_infinite_model
(t : theory L) [h : has_infinite_model t] : nonempty h.μ.M.univ :=
by { haveI infinite_univ := cardinal.infinite_iff.mpr h.big,
inhabit h.μ.M.univ,
apply infinite.nonempty,

noncomputable instance inhabited_universe_of_theory_with_infinite_model
(t : theory L) [h : has_infinite_model t] : inhabited h.μ.M.univ :=
{default := by {inhabit h.μ.M.univ,
exact arbitrary h.μ.M.univ}

/-- Lowenheim-Skolem asserts that for a theory over a language L, if that theory
has an infinite model, then it has a model for any cardinality greater than
Expand All @@ -776,8 +792,14 @@ axiom LS_Lou (k : cardinal) (h : L.card ≤ k) (t : theory L) [has_infinite_mode
/- A theory is k-categorical if all models of cardinality k are isomorphic as
def theory_kcategorical (k : cardinal) (t : theory L) :=
∀ (M₁ M₂ : Model t), M₁.card = k ∧ M₂.card = k → nonempty (isomorphism M₁.M M₂.M)
∀ (M₁ M₂ : Model t), M₁.card = k ∧ M₂.card = k → inhabited (isomorphism M₁.M M₂.M)

def model_of_extended {t : theory L} {μ : Model t} {σ : sentence L} (sat_σ: μ.M ⊨ σ) :
Model (t ∪ {σ}) :=

/-- If a theory is k-categorical and has an infinite model,
Expand All @@ -792,16 +814,39 @@ begin
-- M₃ and M₄ both model T.
-- But by kcategoricity, M₃ and M₄ are isomorphic.
-- Achieve a contradiction using isomorphic_struc_satisfy_same_theory.

{ use _inst_1.μ.M,
intros σ hσ,
cases _inst_1.μ,
apply satis,
intros μ₁ μ₂ σ hσ,
intro hM₁,
unfold theory_kcategorical at hkc,
--by_contradiction not_satis,

by_cases same_card : (μ₁.card = k) ∧ (μ₂.card = k),
have x := hkc μ₁ μ₂ same_card,
exact isomorphic_struc_satisfy_same_theory μ₁.M μ₂.M (x.default) σ hM₁,
have LS := LS_Lou k h,
push_neg at same_card,

def extend_struc_by_element : sorry := sorry

def extension_of_isomorphism (t : theory L) (M₁ M₂ : Model t) :
∀ (S₁ : substruc M₁.M) (S₂ : substruc M₂.M) [fin_substruc S₁] [fin_substruc S₂]
(η : isomorphism S₁ S₂),
∀ (S₁ : substruc M₁.M) (S₂ : substruc M₂.M) [fin_substruc S₁] [fin_substruc S₂],
(η : @isomorphism L ↑S₁ S₂),
∀ (m : M₁.M.univ), ∃ (m': M₂.M.univ),
∃ (η' : extend_struc_by_element S₁ m → extend_struc_by_element S₂ m'),
η' is_isomorphism ∧ (η' m = m') ∧ (η = η' on S₁)
Expand Down

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