Lets visualize India elections 2019 . (UPS vs NDA). [Work in progress.]
- Make sure Python 3.6 is installed or a version of Python greater than 3.6
- Developed in mac / ubuntu.
- Install virtualenv. (https://gist.github.com/frfahim/73c0fad6350332cef7a653bcd762f08d)
- Clone this repostiory
git clone https://github.com/v-adhithyan/india-elections
- cd to the repo
cd india-elections
- Create virtualenv
virtualenv elections
- Activate virtualenv
source elections/bin/activate
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- create a .env file and add the following contents and replace secrets with your's
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='indiaelections.settings' SENTRY_TOKEN='your sentry token' TW_CONSUMER_KEY='your twitter consumer key' TW_CONSUMER_SECRET='your twitter consumer secret' TW_ACCESS_TOKEN='twitter access token' TW_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET='twitter access token secret' DB_HOST = "localhost" DB_NAME='indiaelections' DB_USERNAME='indiaelections' DB_PASSWORD='some password' MYSQL='0' MEMCACHE_DISTRIBUTED='0' MEMCACHE_LOCATION='memcache host' MEMCACHE_USERNAME='memcache username' MEMCACHE_PASSWORD='memcache password' DEV_STATIC='1' PC_HOST='localhost'
- Migrate the app
python manage.py migrate
- Bootstrap the server with some data
python manage.py setup_dev_env
- Start server
python manage.py runserver
- Open browser and go to localhost:8000/ - You will see India elections 2k19 - visulizations
At the root directory, run the following command to add pre commit hook.
flake8 --install-hook git
git config --bool flake8.strict true
- Use pre-commit library for pre-commit hooks
- Write more unit tests/ fix failing tests
- Add contributing and Pull request template
- Refactor code, use wily, rope, improve maintainabilty