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AWS-specific configuration


Base Module will create:

  • a VPC
  • three subnets
    • one private, that can only access other hosts in the VPC and outbound connection to internet
    • one additional network, private too, that only allows communications between hosts inside the subnet and no outbound connections allowed
    • one public, that can also access the Internet and accepts connections from an IP whitelist
  • security groups, routing tables, Internet gateways, NAT gateway as appropriate
  • one bastion host is also created in the public network

This architecture is based on AWS VPC with Public and Private Subnets.

A mirror is necessary for SUSE Manager installations and for SLES clients (see In Uyuni deployments with free OSs a mirror is not mandatory, but will still to speed up machine provisioning.

AWS backend don't have support for pxe_boot hosts. Its implementation will be considered in future releases.


You will need:

  • an AWS account, specifically an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key
  • an SSH key pair valid for that account
  • the name of the region and availability zone you want to use.

Select AWS backend to be used

Create a symbolic link to the aws backend module directory inside the modules directory: ln -sfn ../backend_modules/aws modules/backend

AWS backend specific variables

Most modules have configuration settings specific to the AWS backend, those are set via the provider_settings map variable. They are all described below.

Base Module

Available provider settings for the base module:

Variable name Type Default value Description
region string null AWS region where infrastructure will be created
availability_zone string null AWS availability zone inside region
ssh_allowed_ips array [] Array of IP's to white list for ssh connection
key_name string null ssh key name in AWS
key_file string null ssh key file
bastion_host string null bastian host use to connect machines in private network
additional_network string A network mask for the additional network (needs to follow the pattern 172.16.X.Y/24, where X cannot be 0 or 1)
server_registration_code string null SUMA SCC server registration code to use SCC repositories and disable internal repositories
proxy_registration_code string null SUMA SCC proxy registration code to use SCC repositories and disable internal repositories
sles_registration_code string null SLE registration code to use SCC repositories and disable internal repositories ( use for minion, sshminion and client)
bastion_image string opensuse155o Image name to be used when deploying the bastion host

An example follows:

provider_settings = {
    region            = "eu-west-3"
    availability_zone = "eu-west-3a"
    ssh_allowed_ips   = [""]
    key_name = "my-aws-key"
    key_file = "/path/to/key.pem"

Host modules

Following settings apply to all modules that create one or more hosts of the same kind, such as suse_manager, suse_manager_proxy, client, grafana, minion, mirror, sshminion and virthost:

Variable name Type Default value Description
key_name string from base Module ssh key name in AWS
key_file string from base Module ssh key file
ssh_user string OS-specific SSH user (ec2-user, centos, ubuntu, etc) ssh user to use in ssh into the machine for provisioning
bastion_host string from base Module bastion host used to connect to machines in the private network
public_instance boolean false boolean to connect host either to the private or the public network
volume_size number 50 main volume size in GB
instance_type string t3.micro(apart from specific roles) AWS instance type

An example follows:

  provider_settings = {
    public_instance = true
    instance_type   = "t3.small"

server, proxy and mirror modules have configuration settings specific for extra data volumes, those are set via the volume_provider_settings map variable. They are described below.

  • volume_snapshot_id: data volume snapshot id to be used as base for the new disk (default value: null)
  • type: volume type that should be used (default value sc1). See the list at the AWS EBS Volume Type documentation page.

An example follows:

volume_provider_settings = {
 volume_snapshot_id = "snap-0123abcd"

Default provider settings by role

Some roles such as server or mirror have specific defaults that override those in the table above. Those are:

Role Default values Testuite
server {instance_type="t3.medium"} {instance_type="m5.xlarge"}
proxy {instance_type="t3.micro"} {instance_type="t3.medium"}
mirror {instance_type="t3.micro"} {instance_type="t3.micro"}
controller {instance_type="m5.large"} {instance_type="m5.large"}
grafana {instance_type="t3.medium"} {instance_type="t3.medium"}
virthost {instance_type="t3.medium"} {instance_type="t3.medium"}

Accessing instances

bastion is accessible through SSH at the public name noted in outputs.

$ terraform apply
Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


bastion_host =

$ ssh -i key.pem

Other hosts are accessible via SSH from the bastion itself.

This project provides a utility script, configure_aws_tunnels.rb, which will add Host definitions in your SSH config file so that you don't have to input tunneling flags manually.

$ terraform apply
$ ./configure_aws_tunnels.rb
$ ssh server