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User Manual

martinkonopka edited this page Apr 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

Define a new project

  1. To define a new project, select Projects in the top menu to open list of your projects.
  2. Select Create new project

Owned projects

  1. Enter Name, Description, and Session template for the project. Session template is in a UXC Session Definition JSON file. Name of the project must not contain any of these characters: " < > | : * ? \ /. Click Create to submit the project.

Create new project

  1. After successful creation, you will be redirected to the project details page where you can schedule sessions for recording, see existing sessions and download recorded data.

Project details

Define project sessions

  1. To schedule a session recording, select Create new session in the project details page.
  2. Enter session Name, Start time, Length. If needed, you can also modify session template which is reused from the project.

Create new session

  1. To edit session, select Edit in project details page for the session. You can also move session between projects.

Edit session

Record sessions

  1. On the UXR homepage you can see calendar of planned sessions for current day.

Sessions calendar

  1. Launch UXC applications in the classroom and choose your session from the list in the app window.

Start recording in UXC

  1. Observe states of the nodes in the classroom on the Dashboard page.


  1. When participant completes the experiment, the data is automatically uploaded to the UXR.

Upload recording to UXR

Download session data

  1. In session details you find list of completed recordings.

Session recordings

  1. To download all recordings for session, click on the Download button in the Project details page.

Download session recordings