Data is contained in 2 main directories, the clean directory and the originals
directory. The originals files are the raw files from the field, and have some
issues. These issues are addressed in the
module which
generates the cleaned and consolidated dataset in the clean directory.
An archive is provided of the cleaned and anonymized dataset, which can be extracted here and then used to generate all the plots in the root directory.
Remove nil characters from the transactions log. This is likely due to nodejs buffering the file and then having the power yanked out from underneath it.
Ensure the transaction log and flowlogs have overlapping sets of user ids. This was an issue at first, but flowlogs have been re-exported now with matching keys.
Separate out anomalous flows. Some flows made it onto the tunnel interface with bogus source addresses. These may have been spoofed as part of the DOS attack on UMS.
Separate out peer-to-peer flows. I'm not sure exactly what to do with these yet.
Canonicalise the direction of the flows and store in a specific flow type.
Convert IP addresses objects to strings (to allow native serialization and comparison)
Concatenate the flowlogs retrieved at different times into one consolidated log.
Remove duplicates from the consolidated log.
Add FQDN information where available, either from a previous DNS request by the user, or if not available, via a reverse DNS lookup.
Map domain names, protocols, and ip addresses to organizations and traffic categories.
Remove organizations, domain names, and ip addresses visited by fewer than 5 users.
Repartition the data and optimize the datatypes of all columns.