- Urban and rural scenarios in the surrounding of Ulm (Germany) and in diverse weather conditions (e.g. sunny, rainy, foggy, night, ...)
- Multiple Sensor-Setup: Cameras, Lidars, Stereo, GPS, IMU
- Appropriate for semantic segmentation, drivable area detection, ...
- 12 classes (car, truck, bus, motorbike, pedestrian, bicyclist, traffic-sign, traffic-light, road, sidewalk, pole, unlabelled)
- 3482 finely annotated camera images
- Training data: 1414 (good weather conditions only)
- Validation data: 508 (good weather conditions only)
- Test data: 1559 (different adverse weather conditions)
- Class definitions
class_name | class_id | short_cut | RGB_color |
Unlabeled | 0 | u | (255, 255, 255) |
Sky | 1 | s | (0, 0, 0) |
Car | 2 | c | (0, 0, 255) |
Truck | 3 | l | (0, 255, 255) |
Bus | 4 | b | (153, 153, 255) |
Motorcycle | 5 | m | (0, 0, 30) |
Pedestrian | 6 | p | (220, 20, 60) |
Bicyclist | 7 | f | (155, 40, 0) |
Traffic_sign | 8 | v | (220, 220, 0) |
Traffic_light | 9 | a | (250, 170, 30) |
Road | 10 | r | (170, 85, 55) |
Sidewalk | 12 | i | (244, 35, 232) |
Building | 13 | g | (70, 70, 70) |
Pole | 15 | o | (152, 251, 152) |
- 7 classes (ego lane, parallel lane, opposite lane, crossing area, parallel turn lane, opposite turn lane, parking lane)
- Simplified task with merged classes ego lane, parallel lane, opposite lane
- 2226 finely annotated camera images
- Training data: 1472
- Validation data: 561
- Test data: 193
- Class definitions
class_name | class_id | RGB_color |
Background | 0 | (0,0,0) |
EgoLane | 1 | (0, 255, 0) |
ParallelLane | 2 | (255, 255, 0) |
OppositeLane | 3 | (255, 0, 0) |
CrossingArea | 4 | (102, 255, 255) |
ParallelTurnLane | 5 | (204, 204, 0) |
OppositeTurnLane | 6 | (102, 0, 102) |
ParkingLane | 7 | (0, 0, 255) |
The following compoents are required for this repository:
- cv2
- numpy
- ros
- yaml
clone Repository
$ git clone ssh://git@mrm-git.e-technik.uni-ulm.de:7678/pfeuffer/aduulm_dataset.git (To be updated!) $ cd aduulm_dataset
Download the ADUULM-Dataset from the ADUULM-Dataset webpage. Please download the zip files of each folder and copy all data into one common dataset folder. After unzipping the files, your directory should look like this:
. |-- ADUULM_DATASET |-- data |-- foggy |-- sample_01 |-- *.tiff |-- *.pcd |-- ... |-- sample_02 |-- ... |-- ... |-- night |-- sample_01 |-- ... |-- ... |-- ... |-- demo_sequences |-- *.bag |-- ... |-- image_splits |-- drivable_area_detection |-- *.txt |-- semantic_segmentation |-- split_training_good_weather_only |-- *.txt |-- split_training_adverse_weather |-- *.txt |-- metadata |-- *.yaml |-- ros_sequences |-- foggy |-- *.bag |-- night |-- *.bag |-- ...
Create ground-truth from json-files:
$ python scripts/prepare_TrainingData_SemanticSegmentation.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> <image_split> <training_set> $ python scripts/prepare_TrainingData_DrivableArea.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> <task_variant> <training_set>
$ python scripts/prepare_TrainingData_SemanticSegmentation.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> split_training_good_weather_only train $ python scripts/prepare_TrainingData_SemanticSegmentation.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> split_training_good_weather_only val $ python scripts/prepare_TrainingData_SemanticSegmentation.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> split_training_good_weather_only test $ python scripts/prepare_TrainingData_DrivableArea.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> full train $ python scripts/prepare_TrainingData_DrivableArea.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> full val $ python scripts/prepare_TrainingData_DrivableArea.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> full test
OPTIONAL: create dense-depth-image from lidar data according to paper Robust Semantic Segmentation in Adverse Weather Conditions by means of Sensor Data Fusion
$ python scripts/generate_DepthImage.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> <image_split> <training_set>
$ python scripts/generate_DepthImage.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> split_training_good_weather_only train $ python scripts/generate_DepthImage.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> split_training_good_weather_only val $ python scripts/generate_DepthImage.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> split_training_good_weather_only test
OPTIONAL: extract previous camera images from provided ros-bags for recurrent neural networks (e.g. see Robust Semantic Segmentation in Adverse Weather Conditions by means of Fast Video-Sequence Segmentation)
$ python scripts/extract_Images_from_ROSbag.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> <image_split> <training_set>
$ python scripts/extract_Images_from_ROSbag.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> split_training_good_weather_only train $ python scripts/extract_Images_from_ROSbag.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> split_training_good_weather_only val $ python scripts/extract_Images_from_ROSbag.py <path2ADUULM_DATASET> split_training_good_weather_only test
Each data-sample is stored in a separate folder and contains the following data:
- <folder_name>_camera_16bit.tiff: wideangle camera image (16bit-image)
- <folder_name>.json: contains the image labels as polygon
- <folder_name>_stereo_left.tiff: left camera image of the stereo camera (16bit-image)
- <folder_name>_stereo_disp.tiff: disparity image of the stereo camera (16bit-image)
<lidar_name> = [VeloFront, VeloRear, VeloLeft, VeloRight]
- <folder_name>_<lidar_name>_syn.pcd: time synchronized lidar points represented in the vehicle coordinate frame
- <folder_name>_<lidar_name>_labeled.pcd: fine-annotated lidar point cloud; each point contains the correspondint label-id stored in the color information
The raw lidar points, the corresponding gps and adma data can be extracted from the provided ros-sequences. Each ros-sequence also contains previous sensor data
- wideangle camera of resolution 1920x1080
- stereo-camera pair of resolution 1920x1080
- rear camera of resolution 1392x1040
- four lidar sensors (Velodyne 16/32) mounted on the car‘s roof
camera annotation:
- annotations are given in json-file. Each object is described by a polgyon. The remaining points are classified as unlabeled!
lidar annotation:
- the lidar point cloud is stored in pcd-format (of Point-cloud-Library)
- the label-id of each point is stored in the color-information (<Point_XYZRGB>)
For the case you use the ADUUlm-Dataset for your scientific work please do not forget to cite our BMVC2020 paper:
Title = {The ADUULM-Dataset - A Semantic Segmentation Dataset for Sensor Fusion},
Author = {Pfeuffer, Andreas and Sch{\"o}n, Markus and Ditzel, Carsten and Dietmayer, Klaus},
Booktitle= {31th British Machine Vision Conference 2020, {BMVC} 2020, Manchester, UK, September 7-10, 2020},
Year= {2020},
Publisher= {{BMVA} Press}