ffmpeg-tools offers helpful ffmpeg commands
sudo apt install ffmpeg python3 python3-venv git pipenv
git clone https://github.com/utility-toolbox/ffmpeg-tools # get code
cd ffmpeg-tools
python3 -m venv .venv # virtual-environment
pipenv install # install dependencies
echo "export \"\$PATH:`pwd`\"" >> ~/.bashrc # add to path
source ~/.bashrc # or restart your shell
usage: ffmpeg-tools [-h] [-v] {chapters-split,concat,stack} ...
To get temporary shell completion (for your running shell-instance)
eval "$(ffmpeg-tools --shell-completion)"
For permanent shell completion you can add the line above to ~/.bashrc
This would increase your shell startup time by a good margin so it's not recommended.
The recommended way would be to pipe the completion-script to a file and sourcing that.
mkdir -p "~/.bash_completion.d/"
ffmpeg-tools --shell-completion > "~/.bash_completion.d/ffmpeg-tools.completion.sh"
echo "source \"~/.bash_completion.d/ffmpeg-tools.completion.sh\"" >> ~/.bashrc
The middle-command has to be redone when updating this project.