The configuration for each experiment (simulated or hardware) is specified
using a YAML file, which are typically stored in upright_cmd/config/
Often only a few configuration parameters change between experiments, so we
would like to be able to extend a general shared YAML file with only these few
differences. This is done using the include
key, the value of which is block
sequence; each element of the sequence contains package
, the name of the ROS
package, and path
, the relative path to the YAML file from that package. The
element can also contain the key
key, which specifies the key that included
YAML parameters should be placed in the overall configuration hierarchy.
For example, suppose I have my YAML file mine.yaml
and I want to include the
parameters from shared.yaml
located at upright_cmd/config/shared.yaml
where upright_cmd
is a ROS package. Then in mine.yaml
(typically at the
top), I write:
package: upright_cmd
path: config/shared.yaml
Now suppose that I also want to include some control parameters from the file
, and I want these parameters to be nested
under the controller
key. Then I can augment the include
statement about
package: upright_cmd
path: config/shared.yaml
key: controller
package: upright_cmd
path: config/controller.yaml
When one file includes another, any keys present in both take the value from the file doing the including; in other words, the values in the included file are overwritten. You can include as many files into another as desired.
The top-level keys for the upright project are
controller # controller parameters
simulation # simulation parameters
logging # how/where to log data (only used for simulation)
Nested under logging
are the following keys:
timestep: float # how often to record data (in seconds)
log_dir: str # the absolute path to directory in which to save data
These values are used by the DataLogger
Nested under controller
are the following keys:
gravity: list of float, length 3 # gravity vector
# upright uses OCS2's auto-differentiation + code generation to automatically
# compute gradients of costs and constraints
# set this to `true` to recompile each time, or `false` to skip this step.
# Only set to `true` if running the same controller setup repeatedly (i.e.,
# same object arrangments and constraints; the waypoints can change).
recompile_libraries: bool
# Enable extra debugging information. Currently, this is used to print and
# publish more information from the MRT node in
# `upright_ros_interface/src/mrt_node.cpp`.
debug: bool
# The solver to use. Currently only `SQP` (sequential quadratic programming)
# is supported.
solver_method: str
# settings for the model predictive controller
time_horizon: float, non-negative # optimization time horizon
debug_print: bool # set `true` to print extra information
cold_start: bool # set `false` to warm start the solver at each control iteration
# settings for sytem state estimation
# estimation is done with a Kalman filter
# noise is assumed isotropic, so variance can be represented with a single scalar
robot_init_variance: float, non-negative # initial pose variance
robot_process_variance: float, non-negative # process variance
robot_measurement_variance: float, non-negative # measurement variance
# settings for low-level reference tracking
rate: int, non-negative # controller frequency [Hz]
min_policy_update_time: float, non-negative # don't switch the MPC policy more often than this [s]
# state feedback gains
# these should be set to zero if sqp.use_feedback_policy = true, since the
# controller computes its own optimal feedback policy in that case
kp, kv, ka: float, non-negative
# for each of these options, if it is `true`, then the controller with stop
# when the state, input, or EE position limits are violated, respectively
enforce_state_limits: bool
enforce_input_limits: bool
enforce_ee_position_limits: bool
# margins for violation of the state, input, and EE position bounds
state_violation_margin: float, non-negative
input_violation_margin: float, non-negative
ee_position_violation_margin: float, non-negative
# set to `true` when doing projectile experiments
use_projective: bool
# settings for the sequential quadratic programming solver
dt: float, non-negative # time step of the optimized trajectory [s]
sqp_iteration: int, positive # max number of SQP iterations per solve
init_sqp_iteration: int, positive # max number of SQP iterations during first solve
# convergence parameters
delta_tol: float, non-negative
cost_tol: float, non-negative
# set `true` for MPC to compute a linear feedback policy
use_feedback_policy: bool
# set true to project the state and input onto the lower-dimensional space
# defined by the affine inequality constraints
project_state_input_equality_constraints: bool
# print solver information
print_solver_status: bool
print_solver_statistics: bool
print_line_search: bool
# settings for the HPIPM QP solver used to solve each QP
iter_max: int, positive # max number of iterations
warm_start: bool # set `true` to warm start the solver
slacks: # slack variable settings
enabled: bool # enable slack variables
# "lower" slacks are associated with lower-bounded inequality
# constraints; "upper" slacks with the upper-bounded ones
upper_L2_penalty: float, non-negative # L2 penalty on upper slacks (default: 100)
lower_L2_penalty: float, non-negative # L2 penalty on lower slacks (default: 100)
upper_L1_penalty: float, non-negative # L1 penalty on upper slacks (default: 0)
lower_L1_penalty: float, non-negative # L1 penalty on lower slacks (default: 0)
upper_low_bound: float # lower bound on the upper slacks (default: 0)
lower_low_bound: foat # lower bound on the lower slacks (default: 0)
# settings for the balancing constraints
enabled: bool # set `true` to enable the balancing constraints
# name of the arrangement of objects being balanced
arrangement: str
# `hard` for hard constraints; `soft` to enforce constraints via cost penalties
# soft constraints have not been extensively tested
constraint_type: hard | soft
# set `true` to use contact-forced based constraints, or `false` to use
# constraints based on the zero-moment point and limit surface
# the latter constraints are less flexible and are no longer fully supported
use_force_constraints: bool
# weight on the contact forces in the objective function
force_weight: float, non-negative
# settings for the inertial alignment method, an alternative to the balancing
# constraints
# inertial alignment tries to tilt the tray so that its normal is always
# aligned opposite to the gravito-inertial acceleration
# set `true` to add inertial alignment as a cost
cost_enabled: bool
# set `true` to add inertial alignment as a constraint
# should not be used in conjunction with `cost_enabled`
constraint_enabled: bool
# take the angular acceleration of the specified `com` into account when
# computing alignment
# the `com` parameter has no effect if this is `false`
use_angular_acceleration: bool
# the point around which to compute the acceleration, with respect to the
# tray's origin (only has an effect when `use_angular_acceleration` is `true`)
com: list of float, length 3
# instead of aligning with the acceleration vector, set to `true` to align
# with `contact_plane_normal`, expressed in the world frame
# this is useful for keeping the tray flat
align_with_fixed_vector: bool
# the world-frame normal vector to align with if `align_with_fixed_vector` is
# true
contact_plane_normal: list of float, length 3
# for safety, the end effector can be restricted to lie inside of a box
enabled: bool # set `true` to enable this constraint in the controller
xyz_lower: list of float, length 3 # task-space lower bound
xyz_upper: list of float, length 3 # task-space upper bound
# settings for constraining the robot to avoid the path of a projectile
enabled: bool # set `true` to enable this constraint in the controller
# the names of the links to constrain to avoid collision with the projectile
collision_links: list of str
# the minimum distance that should be maintained between the projectile and
# each link in `collision_links`
distances: list of float
# scale the constraints by this value
scale: float, non-negative
# list of waypoints defining the trajectory relative to the EE's initial pose
# time the EE should be at this waypoint
time: float, non-negative
# EE position (x, y, z)
position: list of float, length 3
# EE orientation quaternion (x, y, z, w)
orientation: list of float, length 4
# settings for general obstacle avoidance
enabled: bool # set `true` to enable this constraint in the controller
constraint_type: hard | soft # `soft` not fully supported
# minimum distance to enforce between objects
minimum_distance: float, positive
# list of pairs of str
# defines the pairs of links which should be constrained not to collide
- [link1, link2] # for example
# list of dynamic obstacles
name: str # name of the dynamic obstacle
radius: float, positive # radius of the dynamic obstacle
# modes of the obstacle
# this mode is active from this time until mode with the next time
time: float, non-negative
# state of the obstacle at the start of the mode
position: list of float, length 3
velocity: list of float, length 3
acceleration: list of float, length 3
# the controller can be initialized around some operating points
# may not fully supported
enabled: bool # leave `false`
# list of the balanced object parameters from the perspective of the controller
object_name: # name of the object
# type of shape
shape: cuboid | cylinder | wedge
# parameters for different shape types
side_lengths: list of float, length 3 # side lengths of a cuboid or wedge
radius: float, non-negative # radius of a cylinder
height: float, non-negative # height of a cylinder
# offset of the center of mass from the shape's centroid
com_offset: list of float, length 3
# that mass of the object
mass: float, non-negative
# the diagonal of the inertia matrix about the CoM
# this is optional; if not specified, shape is assumed to have uniform
# density
inertia_diag: list of float, length 3, non-negative
# arrangements of the objects
objects: # list of objects composing the arrangement
name: str # the name of this particular object
type: str # the type of the object; must correspond to an entry in `objects`
parent: str # name of (one of) the object(s) this one is placed upon
# optional offset of this object's CoM in the horizontal plane w.r.t.
# the parent's CoM
# all the entries under offset are also optional and default to zero
# if not provided
x: float # x-component
y: float # y-component
# polar coordinates can also be used
# if both Cartesian and polar coordinates are used, they are added
# together
r: float # distance
θ: float # angle
# define the contact planes in the arrangement
first: str # name of the first object in the contact pair
second: str # name of the second object
mu: float, non-negative # friction coefficient
# safety margin for the controller
# the balancing constraints are formulated as if the friction
# coefficient is `mu - mu_margin`
mu_margin: float, non-negative
# safety margin for the controller
# contact points are pulled in by this amount so that the balancing
# constraints are more conservative
support_area_inset: float, non-negative
# parameters of the robot
x0: list of float # initial state
# system dimensions
q: int, positive # generalized position dimension
v: int, positive # generalized velocity dimension
x: int, positive # state dimension
u: int, positive # input dimension
# URDF model defining the robot
package: str # package name
path: str # where to write the URDF relative to the package
# the xacro (which is a superset of plain URDF) files to include together
# to compile the URDF
includes: list of str
# specify any xacro argument values here
arg: value
# the name of the link representing the tool (i.e., the tray)
tool_link_name: str
# type of mobile base
base_type: omnidirectional | fixed | nonholonomic | floating
# optional map of joint names to the value at which they should remain constant
# this is useful if one only wants to work with a subset of the whole robot
joint_name: float
# weights on state, input, and end effector pose
input: # input weight
scale: float, non-negative # scale coefficient for the whole weight matrix
diag: list of float, non-negative # weight matrix diagonal
state: # state weight
scale: float, non-negative
diag: list of float, non-negative
end_effector: # EE pose weight
scale: float, non-negative
diag: list of float, non-negative, length 3 # 3 position DOFs, 3 orientation DOFs
# state and input limits
constraint_type: hard | soft
input: # input limits
lower: list of float
upper: list of float
state: # state limits
lower: list of float
upper: list of float
# settings for performing the forward rollout of the trajectory
# see <ocs2_oc/rollout/RolloutSettings.h>
Nested under simulation
are the following keys:
timestep: float, non-negative # simulation timestep [s]
duration: float, non-negative # duration of the simuation [s]
gravity: list of float, length 3 # gravity vector
# name of the arrangement of objects being balanced
arrangement: str
# set `true` to show the contact points between objects in their initial
# position useful for debugging
show_contact_points: bool
# set `true` to show reference frames including the initial EE pose and all
# desired waypoints
# useful for debugging
show_debug_frame: bool
# define virtual cameras to capture static shots of the scene or as a viewpoint
# for a video
# cameras can be defined in multiple ways
# using absolute target and camera position
camera_name: # name of the camera
target: list of float, length 3
position: list of float, length 3
# using target and camera position relative to EE initial position
relative_target: list of float, length 3
relative_position: list of float, length 3
# using target and distance and orientation of the camera
# this one is convenient because these parameters can be read off of the
# PyBullet GUI
target: list of float, length 3
distance: float, non-negative
roll: float
pitch: float
yaw: float
# define videos to be captured during the simulation
# this needs to be enabled by the command line argument --video
# set `true` to also save an image for each of the video frames (in addition
# to the video itself)
# this is useful for post-processing the video, or taking stills of
# particular frames
safe_frames: bool
# absolute path to the directory in which to save the video
dir: str
# take a new frame every `timestep` seconds
timestep: float, non-negative [s]
# multiple videos (i.e., from different viewpoints) can be taken simultaneously
# each one is specifed here
camera: str # the name of the camera to use to record the video
name: str # the name of the video corresponding to this view
# define photos to be taken during the simulation
# currently only photos at the start or end of the simulation are supported
start: # viewpoints to take photos at the start
camera: str
name: str
end: # viewpoints to take photos at the end
camera: str
name: str
enabled: bool # add static obstacles to the simulation
# obstacles are defined using a URDF
package: str # name of the package
path: str # where to write the URDF relative to the package
# the xacro (which is a superset of plain URDF) files to include together
# to compile the URDF
includes: list of str
enabled: bool # add dynamic obstacles to the simulation
# list of dynamic obstacles
# set `true` if the obstacle's trajectory should be actively be
# controlled/tracked, or `false` if it should be left subject to the
# simulation's dynamics
controlled: bool
# radius of the obstacle
radius: float, positive
# `position` of each mode is relative to the initial EE if `true`,
# otherwise relative to world coordinates
relative: bool
# same as in the `controller.obstacles.dynamic` section
# parameters of the robot
# this is the same as in the `controller` section with the following exceptions:
# instead of `x0`, the simulation only requires the home joint configuration
home: list of floats
# measurement and process noise
q_std_dev: float, non-negative # standard deviation of measured joint positions
v_std_dev: float, non-negative # standard deviation of measured joint velocities
v_std_dev: float, non-negative # standard deviation of velocity inputs
# list of the names of the joints being controlled
joint_names: list of str
# the objects are defined in the same way as in the `controller` section,
# except that there is color parameter as well:
# [r, g, b, a] color, where each value is between 0 and 1, a is the alpha
# (transparency)
color: list of float
# this has the same structure as in the `controller` section
# we typically make a seperate arrangements.yaml file that is included in both
# the controller and simulation settings, where the parameters of the objects
# themselves are changed if we want to have differences between the two