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A lightweight, simple and easy PHP library for calculating annuities (e.g., mortgages) and other financial instruments according to various input data

Composer package Build Status


  • PHP 5.5+
  • BCMath module
  • PHPUnit for testing


  • Annuity present and future value calculator
  • Debt amortization calculator
  • Bond fair value calculator
  • Bond Yield-to-Maturity calculator
  • Bond duration calculator

Much more to come – including calculators for discount securities, bond valuation, duration, stock pricing... Also looking into other optimizations and improvements. Current hot ideas:

  • utilization of reflection in the getters of the calculators' result array for easier and less error-prone implementation of new calculator classes

Please bear in mind that this is an ALPHA version containing incomplete features. The codebase is prone to drastic changes during its way out of the alpha stage.

Learning the ropes

Place the library files into your directory structure

Just copy all the files somewhere appropriate, like a dedicated "vendor" or "lib" directory (so that it doesn't make a mess out of your directory hierarchy). Nothing more is needed.

Alternatively, you can obtain the library as a package via Composer. It's hosted on Packagist

Include it in your project

The initialization is dead simple. Just include the main FinanCalc.php file and you are good to go!

// replace the example Composer-bound path with yours
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/uruba/financalc/src/FinanCalc.php';


You have two choices as to how to instantiate the appropriate class to get your results:

Factory methods

Since the library automatically keeps track of pre-defined factory methods (contained in the classes which are members of the namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\Factories), it's very easy and straightforward to utilize them.

From the main FinanCalc object (whose instance you get by calling its static method getInstance()) you have to call the getFactory() method, which takes in the name of the factory class as a parameter of type string (you can find all the included factory classes in the src/calculators/factories directory).

This method yields you the factory object, on which you can finally call the target factory method that produces the appropriate calculator instance for you (you can say that it is a factory of a factory of a desired result object – the reason for this "multi-layered factories" approach is laying ground for future extensibility of the calculator classes to provide more functionality whilst acting as a mid-layer between the top-most factory methods and the final result object).

use FinanCalc\FinanCalc;


$annuityCalculatorFactory = FinanCalc

Direct instantiation

The second option is to instantiate the calculator class of your choice directly by calling its constructor with appropriate parameters (you can find all the included calculator classes in the src/calculators directory).

use FinanCalc\Calculators\DebtAmortizator;
use FinanCalc\Constants\AnnuityPaymentTypes;


$annuityCalculatorDirect = new DebtAmortizator(
                                       new AnnuityPaymentTypes(AnnuityPaymentTypes::IN_ARREARS));

Getting results

You have three options as to how to retrieve raw results of the calculations.

Directly accessible result object

It's very simple to retrieve the results. Every calculator class implementing the CalculatorAbstract has a getter method getResult(), which enables you to get an appropriate object representing the result of the calculation according to the data passed earlier to the constructor/factory method of a given calculator class.

We'll demonstrate the process on our AnnuityCalculator – step by step, day by day:

  1. step is to instantiate the appropriate calculator class, either by constructor or by a factory method (refer to the previous chapter for more information)

    use \FinanCalc\FinanCalc;
    // Instantiation by a factory method 
    // – 
    // in our case we calculate a yearly-compounded annuity
    // with a duration of 5 periods (here years),
    // 100000 money units paid out per period
    // and a compounding interest rate of 0.15 (i.e., 15%)
    $annuityCalculatorObject = FinanCalc
  2. step is to get the mentioned "result" object:

    $result = $annuityCalculatorObject->getResult();
  3. step is to get the desired value by exploiting appropriate getter methods (for a detailed list of available gettter methods please refer to the Reference chapter)

    // get the present value of the annuity in arrears
    // (as a string)
    $PV = $result->getPresentValue(
                        new AnnuityPaymentTypes(AnnuityPaymentTypes::IN_ARREARS)
    // get the future value of the annuity in arrears
    // (as a string)
    $FV = $result->getFutureValue(
                        new AnnuityPaymentTypes(AnnuityPaymentTypes::IN_ARREARS)

Therewith the process is concluded and you can now use the obtained results in any way you see fit.

Serialized output

If you want to get the marshaled object representation of the result, you can utilize the built-in getSerializedResult(SerializerInterface $serializer) which is implemented in the base abstract class from which every calculator class inherits. You just have to pass a serializer object (i.e., one which implements the SerializerInterface interface).

We'll again demonstrate the process on our venerable AnnuityCalculator using the XMLSerializer:

  1. step is the same – instantiate the appropriate calculator class, either by constructor or by a factory method (refer to the previous chapter for more information)

    use \FinanCalc\FinanCalc;
    // Instantiation by a factory method
    // –
    // in our case we calculate a yearly-compounded annuity
    // with a duration of 5 periods (here years),
    // 100000 money units paid out per period
    // and a compounding interest rate of 0.15 (i.e., 15%)
    $annuityCalculatorObject = FinanCalc
  2. step is to get a serialized result object

    $result = $annuityCalculatorObject->getSerializedResult(new XMLSerializer());
  3. now we have the comprehensive representation of the result object in the target format. In our example it looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

NOTE: The name of the "root" element in the XML output can be customized by the config property serializers_root_elem_name. In the future, it will be automatically assigned according to the type of the result object.

You can easily implement your own serializer classes by implementing the SerializerInterface.


You can also get a result's representation as an array. This representation is primarily used to pass the calculator object's properties to a serializer. The output should therefore be equivalent except for the semantic representation. It also enables you to easily implement your own serializer classes.

Let's demonstrate the process for the last time on our AnnuityCalculator:

  1. step is the same – instantiate the appropriate calculator class, either by constructor or by a factory method (refer to the previous chapter for more information)

    use \FinanCalc\FinanCalc;
    // Instantiation by a factory method
    // –
    // in our case we calculate a yearly-compounded annuity
    // with a duration of 5 periods (here years),
    // 100000 money units paid out per period
    // and a compounding interest rate of 0.15 (i.e., 15%)
    $annuityCalculatorObject = FinanCalc
  2. step is to get a result array

    $result = $annuityCalculatorObject->getResultAsArray();
  3. the result array will look like this (the "var_export" representation):

    array (
      'annuitySinglePaymentAmount' => '100000',
      'annuityNoOfCompoundingPeriods' => '5',
      'annuityInterest' => '0.15',
      'annuityPeriodLength' =>
      array (
        'years' => '1.00000000',
        'months' => '12.00000000',
        'days' => '360.00000000',
      'annuityPresentValue' =>
      array (
        'in_advance' => '385497.83',
        'in_arrears' => '335215.53',
      'annuityFutureValue' =>
      array (
        'in_advance' => '775373.79',
        'in_arrears' => '674238.12',


The configuration capabilities are currently very limited so there's next to nothing to tinker with.

The default configuration values are currently to be found in the "constants/Default.php" file, but there will be a possibility to use an easily accessible JSON configuration file in the future.


The library includes a "test" subdirectory which contains all the basic tests. For your peace of mind, feel free to give them a run on your setup (provided that you have PHPUnit good and ready) and ensure that everything checks out.

The tests currently cover only ~50% of the library's code so they're also a subject of necessary future improvements.


Here you can find the documentation for each of the vanilla calculator types.

The implicit type of setters'/constructors' arguments as well as getters' returned values is String if not stated otherwise.


namespace FinanCalc\Calculators

  • __construct($annuitySinglePaymentAmount, $annuityNoOfCompoundingPeriods, $annuityInterest, $annuityPeriodLength)
    • $annuitySinglePaymentAmount = 'K' – amount of each individual payment (number greater than zero)
    • $annuityNoOfCompoundingPeriods = 'n' – number of periods pertaining to the interest compounding; if 'n = 0', the annuity is considered a perpetuity
    • $annuityInterest = 'i' – the interest rate per a single payment period by which the unpaid balance is multiplied (i.e., a decimal number typically lower than 1 and greater than 0)
    • $annuityPeriodLength = length of a single period in days (number greater than zero)
  • getResult() – gets the AnnuityInstance object manufactured by the constructor
  • getResultAsArray() – gets the array of the pertinent AnnuityInstance's property values
  • getSerializedResult(SerializerInterface $serializer) – gets the serialized result, according to the passed SerializerInterface object

AnnuityCalculatorFactory (AnnuityCalculator's factory object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\Factories

  • newYearlyAnnuity($annuitySinglePaymentAmount, $annuityNoOfCompoundingPeriods, $annuityInterest)
  • newMonthlyAnnuity($annuitySinglePaymentAmount, $annuityNoOfCompoundingPeriods, $annuityInterest)
  • newDailyAnnuity($annuitySinglePaymentAmount, $annuityNoOfCompoundingPeriods, $annuityInterest)
  • newPerpetuity($annuitySinglePaymentAmount, $annuityInterest)

AnnuityInstance (AnnuityCalculator's result object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\AnnuityCalculator

  • setAnnuitySinglePaymentAmount($annuitySinglePaymentAmount) – sets K
  • setAnnuityNoOfCompoundingPeriods($annuityNoOfCompoundingPeriods) – sets n
  • setAnnuityInterest($annuityInterest) – sets i
  • setAnnuityPeriodLength($annuityPeriodLength) – sets the length of each compounding period in days
  • getAnnuitySinglePaymentAmount() – gets K
  • getAnnuityNoOfCompoundingPeriods() – gets n
  • getAnnuityInterest() – gets i
  • getAnnuityPeriodLengthInYears() – gets the length of each compounding periods in years
  • getAnnuityPeriodLengthInMonths() – gets the length of each compounding periods in months
  • getAnnuityPeriodLengthInDays() – gets the length of each compounding periods in days
  • getPresentValue(AnnuityPaymentTypes $annuityType) – gets the present value of the annuity
    • AnuityPaymentTypes $annuityType = determines whether the payments are made either at the beginning or the end of each of the annuity's periods [optional for perpetuities]
  • getFutureValue(AnnuityPaymentTypes $annuityType) – gets the future value of the annuity
    • AnuityPaymentTypes $annuityType = determines whether the payments are made either at the beginning or the end of each of the annuity's periods [optional for perpetuities]
  • getValue(AnnuityPaymentTypes $annuityPaymentType, AnnuityValueTypes $annuityValueType) – gets either the present or the future value of the annuity
    • AnuityPaymentTypes $annuityPaymentType = determines whether the payments are made either at the beginning or the end of each of the annuity's periods [optional for perpetuities]
    • AnuityValueTypes $annuityValueType = determines whether the result is the present or the future value of the annuity


namespace FinanCalc\Constants

  • IN_ADVANCE = 1
  • IN_ARREARS = 2


namespace FinanCalc\Constants



namespace FinanCalc\Calculators

  • __construct($debtPrincipal, $debtNoOfCompoundingPeriods, $debtPeriodLength, $debtInterest, AnnuityPaymentTypes $debtPaymentType)
    • $debtPrincipal = 'PV' – the principal of the debt (number greater than zero)
    • $debtNoOfCompoundingPeriods = 'n' – number of the debt's compounding periods (number greater than zero)
    • $debtPeriodLength = length of each of the debt's compounding periods in days (number greater than zero)
    • $debtInterest = 'i' – interest by which the outstanding balance is multiplied (i.e., a decimal number typically lower than 1 and greater than 0)
    • AnnuityPaymentTypes $debtPaymentType = determines whether the debt is repaid in advance (at the beginning of each period) or in arrears (in the end of each period)
  • getResult() – gets the DebtInstance object manufactured by the constructor
  • getResultAsArray() – gets the array of the pertinent DebtInstance's property values
  • getSerializedResult(SerializerInterface $serializer) – gets the serialized result, according to the passed SerializerInterface object

DebtAmortizatorFactory (DebtAmortizator's factory object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\Factories

  • newYearlyDebtAmortization($debtPrincipal, $debtNoOfPeriods, $debtInterest)
  • newMonthlyDebtAmortization($debtPrincipal, $debtNoOfPeriods, $debtInterest)
  • newDailyDebtAmortization($debtPrincipal, $debtNoOfPeriods, $debtInterest)
  • newDebtAmortizationCustomPeriodLength($debtPrincipal, $debtNoOfPeriods, $debtInterest, $debtSinglePeriodLength)

DebtInstance (DebtAmortizator's result object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\DebtAmortizator

  • setDebtPrincipal($debtPrincipal) – sets PV
  • setDebtNoOfCompoundingPeriods($debtNoOfCompoundingPeriods) – sets n
  • setDebtPeriodLength($debtPeriodLength) – sets the length of each compounding period in days
  • setDebtInterest($debtInterest) – sets i
  • getDebtDiscountFactor() – gets the value of the debt's discount factor = 'v'
  • getDebtSingleRepayment() – gets the amount of a single repayment = 'K'
  • getDebtPrincipal() – gets PV
  • getDebtNoOfCompoundingPeriods() – gets n
  • getDebtPeriodLengthInYears() – gets the length of each compounding period in years
  • getDebtPeriodLengthInMonths() – gets the length of each compounding period in months
  • getDebtPeriodLengthInDays() – gets the length of each compounding period in days
  • getDebtDurationInYears() – gets the duration of the debt in years
  • getDebtDurationInMonths() – gets the duration of the debt in months
  • getDebtDurationInDays() – gets the duration of the debt in days
  • getDebtInterest() – gets i
  • getDebtRepayments() – gets the array of RepaymentInstance objects representing all the individual payments within the debt comprised into an array


namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\DebtAmortizator

  • getPrincipalAmount() – gets the amount of the debt's principal covered by this single repayment
  • getInterestAmount() – gets the amount of the debt's interest covered by this single repayment
  • getTotalAmount() – gets the total amount covered by this individual repayment (both the "principal" and "interest" part)


namespace FinanCalc\Calculators

  • __construct($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondVIR, $bondYearsToMaturity, $bondPaymentFrequency = 1)
    • $bondFaceValue = 'F' – face value of the bond (number greater than zero)
    • $bondAnnualCouponRate = 'c' – annual coupon rate of the bond (i.e., a decimal number typically lower than 1 and greater than 0)
    • $bondVIR = 'i' or 'VIR' – valuation interest rate of the bond (i.e., a decimal number typically lower than 1 and greater than 0)
    • bondYearsToMaturity = number of years to the maturity of the bond (number greater than zero, can be a decimal number)
    • bondPaymentFrequency = frequency of bond payments (expressed in a divisor of 12 months ~ 1 year); e.g.: divisor 2 means semi-annual payments
  • getResult() – gets the BondInstance object manufactured by the constructor
  • getResultAsArray() – gets the array of the pertinent BondInstance's property values
  • getSerializedResult(SerializerInterface $serializer) – gets the serialized result, according to the passed SerializerInterface object

BondFairValueCalculatorFactory (BondFairValueCalculator's factory object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\Factories

  • newAnnualCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondVIR, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newSemiAnnualCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondVIR, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newQuarterlyCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondVIR, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newMonthlyCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondVIR, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newCustomCouponFrequencyBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondVIR, $bondYearsToMaturity, $bondPaymentFrequency)

BondInstance (BondFairValueCalculator's result object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\BondFairValueCalculator

  • setBondFaceValue($bondFaceValue) – sets F
  • setBondAnnualCouponRate($bondAnnualCouponRate) – sets c
  • setBondVIR($bondVIR) – sets i/VIR
  • setBondYearsToMaturity($bondYearsToMaturity) – sets the number of years to the maturity of the bond
  • setBondPaymentFrequency($bondPaymentFrequency) – sets the frequency of bond payments
  • getBondFaceValue() – gets F
  • getBondAnnualCouponRate() – gets c
  • getBondVIR() – gets i/VIR
  • getBondYearsToMaturity() – gets the number of years to the maturity of the bond
  • getBondPaymentFrequency() – gets the frequency of bond payments
  • getBondNoOfPayments() – gets the total number of payments during the lifespan of the bond
  • getBondFairValue() – gets the fair value of the bond [calculated as present value of future cashflows corresponding to the bond by means of the valuation interest rate]


namespace FinanCalc\Calculators

  • __construct($bondFaceValue, $bondMarketValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondYearsToMaturity, $bondPaymentFrequency = 1)
    • $bondFaceValue = 'F' – face value of the bond (number greater than zero)
    • $bondMarketValue = 'P' – market value (i.e., price) of the bond (number greater than zero)
    • $bondAnnualCouponRate = 'c' – annual coupon rate of the bond (i.e., a decimal number typically lower than 1 and greater than 0)
    • bondYearsToMaturity = number of years to the maturity of the bond (number greater than zero, can be a decimal number)
    • bondPaymentFrequency = frequency of bond payments (expressed in a divisor of 12 months ~ 1 year); e.g.: divisor 2 means semi-annual payments
  • getResult() – gets the BondInstance object manufactured by the constructor
  • getResultAsArray() – gets the array of the pertinent BondInstance's property values
  • getSerializedResult(SerializerInterface $serializer) – gets the serialized result, according to the passed SerializerInterface object

BondYTMCalculatorFactory (BondYTMCalculator's factory object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\Factories

  • newAnnualCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondMarketValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newSemiAnnualCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondMarketValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newQuarterlyCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondMarketValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newMonthlyCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondMarketValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newCustomCouponFrequencyBond($bondFaceValue, $bondMarketValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondYearsToMaturity, $bondPaymentFrequency)

BondInstance (BondYTMCalculator's result object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\BondYTMCalculator

  • setBondFaceValue($bondFaceValue) – sets F
  • setBondMarketValue($bondMarketValue) – sets the market value of the bond
  • setBondAnnualCouponRate($bondAnnualCouponRate) – sets c
  • setBondYearsToMaturity($bondYearsToMaturity) – sets the number of years to the maturity of the bond
  • setBondPaymentFrequency($bondPaymentFrequency) – sets the frequency of bond payments
  • getBondFaceValue() – gets F
  • getBondMarketValue() – gets the market value of the bond
  • getBondAnnualCouponRate() – gets c
  • getBondYearsToMaturity() – gets the number of years to the maturity of the bond
  • getBondPaymentFrequency() – gets the frequency of bond payments
  • getBondNoOfPayments() – gets the total number of payments during the lifespan of the bond
  • getApproxBondYTM() – gets the approximate value of the bond's yield to maturity in the form of a decimal number [it is the internal rate of return of the bond]


namespace FinanCalc\Calculators

  • __construct($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondAnnualYield, $bondYearsToMaturity, $bondPaymentFrequency = 1)
    • $bondFaceValue = 'F' – face value of the bond (number greater than zero)
    • $bondAnnualCouponRate = 'c' – annual coupon rate of the bond (i.e., a decimal number typically lower than 1 and greater than 0)
    • $bondAnnualYield = annual yield of the bond (calculated as an interest rate divided by the bond's' value)
    • bondYearsToMaturity = number of years to the maturity of the bond (number greater than zero, can be a decimal number)
    • bondPaymentFrequency = frequency of bond payments (expressed in a divisor of 12 months ~ 1 year); e.g.: divisor 2 means semi-annual payments
  • getResult() – gets the BondInstance object manufactured by the constructor
  • getResultAsArray() – gets the array of the pertinent BondInstance's property values
  • getSerializedResult(SerializerInterface $serializer) – gets the serialized result, according to the passed SerializerInterface object

BondDurationCalculatorFactory (BondDurationCalculator's factory object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\Factories

  • newAnnualCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondAnnualYield, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newSemiAnnualCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondAnnualYield, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newQuarterlyCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondAnnualYield, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newMonthlyCouponsBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondAnnualYield, $bondYearsToMaturity)
  • newCustomCouponFrequencyBond($bondFaceValue, $bondAnnualCouponRate, $bondAnnualYield, $bondYearsToMaturity, $bondPaymentFrequency)

BondInstance (BondDurationCalculator's result object)

namespace FinanCalc\Calculators\BondDurationCalculator

  • setBondFaceValue($bondFaceValue) – sets F
  • setBondAnnualCouponRate($bondAnnualCouponRate) – sets c
  • setBondAnnualYield($bondAnnualYield) – sets the annual yield of the bond
  • setBondYearsToMaturity($bondYearsToMaturity) – sets the number of years to the maturity of the bond
  • setBondPaymentFrequency($bondPaymentFrequency) – sets the frequency of bond payments
  • getBondFaceValue() – gets F
  • getBondAnnualCouponRate() – gets c
  • getBondAnnualYield() – gets the annual yield of the bond
  • getBondYieldPerPaymentPeriod() – gets the yield of the bond per a payment period
  • getBondYearsToMaturity() – gets the number of years to the maturity of the bond
  • getBondPaymentFrequency() – gets the frequency of bond payments
  • getBondNoOfPayments() – gets the total number of payments during the lifespan of the bond
  • getBondNominalCashFlows() – gets an array of the bond's nominal cash flows (coupons; in the last payment = coupon + face value)
  • getBondDiscountedCashFlows() – gets an array of the bond's discounted cash flows (nominal cash flows which are discounted by the means of the bond's yield per period)
  • getBondPresentValue() – gets the present value of the bond which is represented by sum of all the bond's discounted cash flows (i.e., all the array members returned by the method getBondDiscountedCashFlows() are summed up)
  • getBondDuration() – gets the bond's duration in years (can be a decimal number)


You are free to use/modify/extend the library as you please - for it to serve your purpose. As per the (un)license, the software is provided as is and the original author cannot be held liable for any losses/damages directly or indirectly resulting from using thereof. Attribution is welcome, but certainly not required.

NOTE The library is currently work-in-progress and it is certain that new features will be added in the process.Consider this, therefore, as a preview product prone to abrupt and extensive changes that may affect functionality of an external code adapted to a prior version(s) of the library. Always explore the provisional compatibility of the library with your project in case you upgrade to a new version of the library (by means of an extensive testing of the code in which you are exerting the library's features).

Be everything as it may, thank you for checking out FinanCalc :-)