Version 0.2.0
URBANopt GeoJSON Gem 0.2.0 Release
Date Range: 11/01/2019 - 03/31/2020
Closed Issues and Features
Fixed #41, Added urbanopt-geojson, this closes #40
Fixed #45, Add script to ease updates to changelog
Fixed #46, Use URBANopt standard contributing guidelines
Fixed #49, adding unspecified to flow_direction enum #48
Fixed #50, update package-lock file with secure dependency versions
Fixed #51, update license date to include 2020
Fixed #52, Addresses issues in GeoJSON gem
Fixed #53, Remove unused travis CI file
Fixed #54, Remove Simplecov dependency
Fixed #55, Add github templates for issues and PRs
Fixed #56, Use new version of extension gem
Fixed #58, Require ISSUES for PRs to address. Makes auto-changelog easy
Fixed #62, modifying wire types enum and fixing json validation error
Fixed #63, Require ruby < 2.3.0
Fixed #65, Use pessimistic versioning for dependencies
Fixed #66, Update Jenkinsfile
Fixed #68, fix create_other_building functionality and merge site props to feature props
Fixed #71, Adds methods for converting building class instance to hash.
Fixed #73, Warning message for number of stories
Fixed #74, prep for prerelease
Fixed #75, Fixes bug while creating shading surface for adjacent buildings
Fixed #76, Changed name of extension file
Fixed #78, 0.2.0.pre2
Fixed #80, look for site features in project key instead of Site Origin feature