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Ryan Dee edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 3 revisions

Web browsers provide default styles for HTML elements. Some elements in the framework retain those browser defaults, but most have a minimal amount of opinionated styling applied to them.

Browser Defaults

Use the <del> tag for text that is meant to be treated as deleted text.

Use the <s> tag for text that is meant to be treated as no longer accurate or no longer relevant.

Use the <ins> tag for text that is meant to be treated as an addition to the document.

Use the <u> tag for underlined text.

Use the <strong> tag for text with strong importance.

Use the <b> tag or the .dcf-bold class for bold text without conveying any extra importance.

Use the <em> tag to stress text of linguistic import, the way you would emphasize pronunciation if the same text was spoken.

Use the <i> tag or the .dcf-italic class to italicize text without conveying any extra importance.

Use the <time> tag along with the datetime content attribute to display dates and time.



Abbreviations should be spelled out on first occurrence, then abbreviated using the element on subsequent occurrences.



The address element should be used for physical or digital contact information for a person, people or an organization.



Use to link to other content. If the link goes to an external site and does not contain an image or SVG as a child, an icon will be appended to the link to indicate external content to users.



The blockquote element mostly retains browser default styling, but its measure is restricted to prevent unnecessarily long lines, aiding readability.


<button> <input type="button"> <input type="submit">

Baseline button styles to reset display, padding, font-size, line-height, and text alignment.



Wrap inline snippets of code with <code>. Be sure to escape HTML angle brackets.


Wrap multiple lines of code with <pre>. Use the .dcf-pre component class to retain code styling.


Variable content


User input


Sample output

Details & Summary

<details> <summary>

Combine these elements to build a native accordion (i.e., content that can be expanded and contracted).


<figure> <figcaption>

The browser default margins have been removed from the figures.


<form> <fieldset> <legend> <label> <input> <select> <option> <textarea>

Styles applied directly to form elements are intentionally kept to a minimum.


<h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6>

Headings should be selected to accurately convey content hierarchy, not to resize text for the aesthetic needs of the page layout. Instead, use utility classes to increase or decrease a heading’s font-size.

Horiztonal Rules


The horizontal rule marks a thematic division of content on the page.



Ensure that accurate descriptions of the image content are included in the alt attribute of each image for accessibility.


Description Lists

<dl> <dt> <dd>

The description list (once known as the definition list) is used to mark up groups of terms and descriptions.

Ordered Lists

<ol> <li>

The ordered list prepends each list item with a sequential number.

Unordered Lists

<ul> <li>

The unordered list prepends each list item with a bullet.



Use the mark element to highlight text.



Use the paragraph element to mark up—you guessed it—paragraphs.



Display the completion progress of a task. Remember to use a <label> that includes a for attribute that matches the unique id attribute in the <progress>.



“Smart” or “curly” quotes are applied to inline quotes—no need to add your own.



The small element is intended for inline text meant to be treated as fine print. It does not change the font-size. Add a font-size utility class (like .dcf-txt-xs) to the small element to reduce its font-size.

Subscripts & Superscripts


Subscripts reduce the font-size and place copy slightly below the baseline.


Superscripts reduce the font-size and elevate the copy slightly above the cap line.


<table> <caption> <thead> <tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <th> <td>

Table borders are collapsed and the background is made transparent.