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Python interface for unitree sdk2



  • Python >= 3.8
  • cyclonedds == 0.10.2
  • numpy
  • opencv-python

Install unitree_sdk2_python

pip install unitree_sdk2py

Installing from source

Execute the following commands in the terminal:

cd ~
sudo apt install python3-pip
git clone
cd unitree_sdk2_python
pip3 install -e .


1. Error when pip3 install -e .:
Could not locate cyclonedds. Try to set CYCLONEDDS_HOME or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

This error mentions that the cyclonedds path could not be found. First compile and install cyclonedds:

cd ~
git clone -b releases/0.10.x 
cd cyclonedds && mkdir build install && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
cmake --build . --target install

Enter the unitree_sdk2_python directory, set CYCLONEDDS_HOME to the path of the cyclonedds you just compiled, and then install unitree_sdk2_python.

cd ~/unitree_sdk2_python
export CYCLONEDDS_HOME="~/cyclonedds/install"
pip3 install -e .

For details, see:


The Python sdk2 interface maintains consistency with the unitree_sdk2 interface, achieving robot status acquisition and control through request-response or topic subscription/publishing. Example programs are located in the /example directory. Before running the examples, configure the robot's network connection as per the instructions in the document at

DDS Communication

In the terminal, execute:

python3 ./example/helloworld/

Open a new terminal and execute:

python3 ./example/helloworld/

You will see the data output in the terminal. The data structure transmitted between and is defined in, and users can define the required data structure as needed.

High-Level Status and Control

The high-level interface maintains consistency with unitree_sdk2 in terms of data structure and control methods. For detailed information, refer to

High-Level Status

Execute the following command in the terminal:

python3 ./example/high_level/ enp2s0

Replace enp2s0 with the name of the network interface to which the robot is connected,.

High-Level Control

Execute the following command in the terminal:

python3 ./example/high_level/ enp2s0

Replace enp2s0 with the name of the network interface to which the robot is connected. This example program provides several test methods, and you can choose the required tests as follows:

test.StandUpDown() # Stand up and lie down
# test.VelocityMove() # Velocity control
# test.BalanceAttitude() # Attitude control
# test.TrajectoryFollow() # Trajectory tracking
# test.SpecialMotions() # Special motions

Low-Level Status and Control

The low-level interface maintains consistency with unitree_sdk2 in terms of data structure and control methods. For detailed information, refer to

Low-Level Status

Execute the following command in the terminal:

python3 ./example/low_level/ enp2s0

Replace enp2s0 with the name of the network interface to which the robot is connected. The program will output the state of the right front leg hip joint, IMU, and battery voltage.

Low-Level Motor Control

First, use the app to turn off the high-level motion service (sport_mode) to prevent conflicting instructions. Execute the following command in the terminal:

python3 ./example/low_level/ enp2s0

Replace enp2s0 with the name of the network interface to which the robot is connected. The left hind leg hip joint will maintain a 0-degree position (for safety, set kp=10, kd=1), and the left hind leg calf joint will continuously output 1Nm of torque.

Wireless Controller Status

Execute the following command in the terminal:

python3 ./example/wireless_controller/ enp2s0

Replace enp2s0 with the name of the network interface to which the robot is connected. The terminal will output the status of each key. For the definition and data structure of the remote control keys, refer to

Front Camera

Use OpenCV to obtain the front camera (ensure to run on a system with a graphical interface, and press ESC to exit the program):

python3 ./example/front_camera/ enp2s0

Replace enp2s0 with the name of the network interface to which the robot is connected.

Obstacle Avoidance Switch

python3 ./example/obstacles_avoid_switch/ enp2s0

Replace enp2s0 with the name of the network interface to which the robot is connected. The robot will cycle obstacle avoidance on and off. For details on the obstacle avoidance service, see

Light and volume control

python3 ./example/vui_client/ enp2s0

Replace enp2s0 with the name of the network interface to which the robot is connected.T he robot will cycle the volume and light brightness. The interface is detailed at


Python interface for unitree sdk2







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