USP facilitates interplanetary transport and provides administration services to enable the identification and regulation of all objects in the KCSR (Know & Controlled Space regions).
Ytera connections the interplanetary transport service offers spacetravel between all major spaceports in the KCSR including Yellowstone US, Europe, Mars Alpha, United HQ and First Moon spaceports. It has 2 types of connections, the 'lynx-connections' which is the conventional economy class and 'Star chaser' which offers luxerious and fast space travel. The Regulating & Administration services include following business processes:
- Identifies PSO's (Proprietary Space Objects) within the KCSR
- Validates identity
- Validates space craft ownership
- Informs different governments about these PSO's.
The IT infrastructure of usp integrates with following parties:
- Earth Government (SOAP service)
- Mars Government (REST service)
- BlockedIndentityAPI
- Solar Union Federation (REST service)
- Space Craft Ownership Blockchain (SCOB)
- Unified Identity Blockchain