Team Pear
Our project consists of various analytcs that look at for-hire ride services and their attributes such as time of pickup, locations where they started and ended, and the days they were used. We analzed the number of rides for-hire services have made, most popular times for pickups, and how they perform when compared to one-another. Our datasets consist of rides from the following services:
- Uber
- Lyft
- Diplo
- American
- Firstclass
- Highclass
- Prestige
Each of these ride services has unique parameters we had to work with. Uber rides gave us time, date, location by longitude and latitude, and a base number (Files listed of Uber_Rides_1.csv, Uber_Rides_2.csv, Uber_Rides_3.csv). Lyft rides gave us information about where people were picked up, dropped off, and the type of Lyft ride they used (File listed as cab_rides.csv). All other services provided a date, a time, and an address (File listed as FHV_rides.csv).
- Install an IDE that supports Javascript, NodeJS and HTML. We used Visual Studios
- Make sure install Javascript, NodeJS, and HTML dependencies for the IDE
- Pull or clone this repository.
- open a terminal
- change the directory to the project directory
- into the terminal, enter
npm init -y
npm i -S express body-parser
- follow the prompts given
for our loading animations we used Anime JS
- in the same terminal, enter
npm install animejs --save
- Your device may require this command to save data to file without crashing. This will expand the amount of memory the program has access to.
- Run the following command in the terminal:
npm install --save-dev jest
- download all the datasets here
- make sure you are logged into a ucr email account to access the files
- make a folder in the project directory titled csv_files
- move the datasets into csv_files
-- in the same terminal, enter
npm test
- in the same terminal, enter
node server
- in a web browser go to local host 3000
- You can search through our database by clicking the "Search" button in the top right of the website.
- Depending on the Ride Service you choose, different parameters will appear for your search.
- Uber: You must input a date range and a time range.
- Lyft: You must select a Source (where the ride starts), a Destination (where the ride ends), and a Lyft Ride Type.
- Other Ride Services: You must input a date range and a time range. You have the option to include a New York street name by typing it out. If no street name is provieded, your Search will only look for parameters matching you date range and time range.
- You have the option to edit any of your Search results by clicking the Edit Search Results checkbox below the search parameters.
- When this box is checked, each piece of information about the rides from your search results will be editable.
- You can save your changes to the ride by clicking the Update Ride button located to the right of the ride.
- You can remove a ride by clicking the Remove Ride button located to the right of the ride. The search results will update after the ride is removed.
- You can scroll through your search results by clicking the >> and << buttons that appear below your search results to the left. At most, 20 results will show at a time.
- This analytic will show you a bar graph that compares the number of rides ride services have done in a given month.
- Using the top navigation bar, select the "compare number of rides by month" box to open the search menu.
- You will find two rows:
- In the first row you can select the first ride service you want to compare and the month you want to learn about.
- In the second row you can select the second ride service you want to compare and the month you want to learn about.
- Once you click compare, a graph will appear below the search fields.
- This analytic will show you a line graph for a given ride service per an hour from Midnight to 11PM
- Using the top navigation bar, select the "pick-ups by the hour" button to open the ride service menu
- click on a ride service option: Uber, American, Diplo, Highclass, Firstclass, or Prestige, and click on the "search times" button
- You will see a line graph, the y-axis represents the number of rides and the x-axis represents the hour of the day.
- This analytic will show you a pie chart comparing the total number of rides from Lyft and Uber
- Using the top navigation bar, select the "compare uber to lyft" button to open the ride service menu
- You will see a pie chart, dark blue is Lyft and light blue is Uber
- On the bottom bar you will find six button. The left three buttons will allow you to add a new ride for Lyft, Uber, and Other for-hire vehicle (FHV) services.
- After clicking a button, you will see a new row pop up on screen where you can enter the information relevant to your ride.
- Once you have completed adding in the necessary information, click add ride and a prompt will tell you the ride is added.
- You can save your rides to file by clicking any of the three buttons along the buttom that say "Save the collection of". They save specific rides to specific dataset.