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Uber-tastic Travels Analytics

Team Pear

Introduction to the project

Our project consists of various analytcs that look at for-hire ride services and their attributes such as time of pickup, locations where they started and ended, and the days they were used. We analzed the number of rides for-hire services have made, most popular times for pickups, and how they perform when compared to one-another. Our datasets consist of rides from the following services:

  • Uber
  • Lyft
  • Diplo
  • American
  • Firstclass
  • Highclass
  • Prestige

Each of these ride services has unique parameters we had to work with. Uber rides gave us time, date, location by longitude and latitude, and a base number (Files listed of Uber_Rides_1.csv, Uber_Rides_2.csv, Uber_Rides_3.csv). Lyft rides gave us information about where people were picked up, dropped off, and the type of Lyft ride they used (File listed as cab_rides.csv). All other services provided a date, a time, and an address (File listed as FHV_rides.csv).

How to set up


  • Install an IDE that supports Javascript, NodeJS and HTML. We used Visual Studios
    • Make sure install Javascript, NodeJS, and HTML dependencies for the IDE
  • Pull or clone this repository.

Installing Express

  • open a terminal
  • change the directory to the project directory
  • into the terminal, enter

npm init -y

npm i -S express body-parser

  • follow the prompts given

Installing Anime JS

for our loading animations we used Anime JS

  • in the same terminal, enter

npm install animejs --save

Saving to File

  • Your device may require this command to save data to file without crashing. This will expand the amount of memory the program has access to.


Installing Jtest

  • Run the following command in the terminal:

npm install --save-dev jest

Installing the datasets

  • download all the datasets here
    • make sure you are logged into a ucr email account to access the files
  • make a folder in the project directory titled csv_files
  • move the datasets into csv_files

Running Tests

-- in the same terminal, enter

npm test

Running the program

  • in the same terminal, enter

node server

How to Navigate the Website


  • You can search through our database by clicking the "Search" button in the top right of the website.
  • Depending on the Ride Service you choose, different parameters will appear for your search.
    • Uber: You must input a date range and a time range.
    • Lyft: You must select a Source (where the ride starts), a Destination (where the ride ends), and a Lyft Ride Type.
    • Other Ride Services: You must input a date range and a time range. You have the option to include a New York street name by typing it out. If no street name is provieded, your Search will only look for parameters matching you date range and time range.
  • You have the option to edit any of your Search results by clicking the Edit Search Results checkbox below the search parameters.
    • When this box is checked, each piece of information about the rides from your search results will be editable.
    • You can save your changes to the ride by clicking the Update Ride button located to the right of the ride.
    • You can remove a ride by clicking the Remove Ride button located to the right of the ride. The search results will update after the ride is removed.
  • You can scroll through your search results by clicking the >> and << buttons that appear below your search results to the left. At most, 20 results will show at a time.

Compare Ride Services Based On Month

  • This analytic will show you a bar graph that compares the number of rides ride services have done in a given month.
  • Using the top navigation bar, select the "compare number of rides by month" box to open the search menu.
  • You will find two rows:
    • In the first row you can select the first ride service you want to compare and the month you want to learn about.
    • In the second row you can select the second ride service you want to compare and the month you want to learn about.
  • Once you click compare, a graph will appear below the search fields.

Busiest Times

  • This analytic will show you a line graph for a given ride service per an hour from Midnight to 11PM
  • Using the top navigation bar, select the "pick-ups by the hour" button to open the ride service menu
    • click on a ride service option: Uber, American, Diplo, Highclass, Firstclass, or Prestige, and click on the "search times" button
  • You will see a line graph, the y-axis represents the number of rides and the x-axis represents the hour of the day.

Compare Uber to Lyft

  • This analytic will show you a pie chart comparing the total number of rides from Lyft and Uber
  • Using the top navigation bar, select the "compare uber to lyft" button to open the ride service menu
  • You will see a pie chart, dark blue is Lyft and light blue is Uber

Add a new ride

  • On the bottom bar you will find six button. The left three buttons will allow you to add a new ride for Lyft, Uber, and Other for-hire vehicle (FHV) services.
  • After clicking a button, you will see a new row pop up on screen where you can enter the information relevant to your ride.
  • Once you have completed adding in the necessary information, click add ride and a prompt will tell you the ride is added.

Save your rides to file

  • You can save your rides to file by clicking any of the three buttons along the buttom that say "Save the collection of". They save specific rides to specific dataset.


CS 180 Final Project






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