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Zuraiz Zafar edited this page Apr 7, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Umple-for-Vscode wiki!

File Structure

- src
 +- commands
  +- # `disposable` commands that vscode will run. all commands can be invoked to start the extension
 +- helpers
  +- UmpleLintingProvider.ts # singleton `umpleLintingProvider` that handles linting the files. Also parses `Result`
 +- umple
  +- actions
   +- # functions that are mapped to commands in `/src/commands/`. Will also reference `umpleLintingProvider` for linting. Handle getting required parameters from the user.
  +- umpleAPI.ts # handles commands to umplecli. Parses errors and status messages and returns the resulting `Result` object that can be passed to `umpleLintingProvider`
 +- extension.ts # main entry point for the extension. registers all commands.
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