A front-end CLI REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) is a tool that allows you to interactively enter commands or code snippets, which are then executed, and the results are displayed in real time.
1. Creating a React application:
Setting up the Fronted
Use the following command to create a new React project using Vite with the React template.
- npm create vite@latest
- Select the following options:
- Project name: cli-repl
- Framework: React
- Variant: JavaScript + SWC
Navigate to project directory:
- cd cli-repl
Installation of node modules:
- npm install
Start the development server:
- npm run dev
Setting up the Backend
- Created a folder in the root of react project
- The name of the folder is flask-backend
- Inside this folder there is app.py, requirements.txt and draw-chart directory
- app.py has compplete backend code for the routes
- draw-chart directory acts as database
Installation of Flask, Flask Cors and Pandas
pip install -r requiremnets.txt
before installing requirements, make sure you have Python installed
For Virtual Environment
- Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass // only once if no permisiion
- python -m venv venv
- venv\Scripts\Activate
- deactivate // deactivate the venv
- Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Restricted // To restrict the premisiion again
Now, the project is set up and running. Now lets start working on implementing the CLI REPL functionality.
Folder Structure
- components: Contains React components for the CLI REPL in the src folder.
- Home.jsx
- Terminal.jsx
- AboutCommand.jsx
- HelpCommad.jsx
- FetchPriceCommand.jsx
- UploadCommand.jsx
- DrawCommand.jsx
- DeleteCommand.jsx
- styles: Contains CSS files for styling the components, present in the src/styles.
- terminal.css
- Home is rendering in App.jsx and Terminal is rendering is Home
- Remaining all are rendering in Terminal with in a switch case
- The command is choose on the basis of what user enters
2. Basic Terminal UI
Component Setup
- Terminal Component: Created a Terminal component with an input field and an output area to resemble a CLI.
const Terminal = () => { // Component logic };
- Input Handling: Implemented basic input handling to allow users to type commands into the input field.
- Styled the Terminal component using CSS to match the look and feel of a traditional CLI.
- Set the font-family to Arial, sans-serif for consistency.
Input Focus
- Added functionality to automatically focus on the input field when the Terminal component is rendered, allowing users to start typing commands immediately.
- Command Execution: Implement logic to execute commands and display results.
- Command History: Maintain a history of executed commands and their results.
- Error Handling: Handle invalid commands and display error messages.
- Enhanced Styling: Improve the styling for a more visually appealing interface.
3. Implement Help and About Commands
Tasks Completed
- Created HelpCommand.jsx and AboutCommand.jsx components.
- Implemented basic rendering of help and about information.
- Added command routing in the Terminal component.
- Parsed user input to determine which command component to render.
- Displayed help and about information based on user input.
- Added scrolling behavior using useRef to automatically show the input area when it's out of view.
- Added screen clear functionality for a clean slate on "clear" command.
- Included a background image for visual appeal.
Project Files
- HelpCommand.jsx: Component for displaying help information.
- AboutCommand.jsx: Component for displaying about information.
Implementation Details
- Utilized React hooks such as useState, useEffect, and useRef for managing state and implementing scrolling behavior.
- Used switch case statements to determine the type of command and render the appropriate component or output message.
- Added conditional rendering to show or hide the welcome message based on the clearIntro state.
4. Implement Fetch Price Command
- Create FetchPriceCommand.jsx component.
- Implement basic rendering of fetch price functionality.
Integrate with Binance API.
- Use fetch to fetch cryptocurrency prices from the Binance API.
- Display the fetched price in the output area.
- Command: fetch-price [pair]
- Fetches the current average price of a specified cryptocurrency pair. Replace [pair] with the desired symbol.
- API: https://api.binance.com/api/v3/avgPrice?symbol=BTCUSDT
- Output: The current price of [pair] is [price]
- Example: fetch-price BTCUSDT
5. Implement Upload, Draw and Delete Commands Involves both Frontend and Backend
Frontend Tasks:
The Upload Command component allows users to upload a CSV file to the server for further processing.
- Input: Select a CSV file using the file input field.
- Action: Click the "Upload File" button to upload the file.
- Output: A message indicating whether the file was successfully uploaded or if there was an error.
- Only .csv files can be uploaded
- Changes the name of the file first i.r., to small letters and replace spaces with hyphes
- if file already exist then, replace it
- if no draw-chart directory, then create directory first
- The component uses state to manage the selected file and the message displayed.
- It sends a POST request to the backend endpoint /api/upload with the selected file in the request body.
- Upon successful upload, it updates the message state to display a success message.
- If there is an error, it updates the message state to display an error message.
The Draw Command component allows users to draw a chart based on the uploaded CSV file and specified columns.
- Input: Enter the column names for X and Y axes in the input fields.
- Action: Click the "Draw Chart" button to draw the chart.
- Output: A chart displayed in the output area based on the specified columns.
Checks - Checks whether the file exists in the draw-chart directory - If no file, then error message - Also checks the columns name in the file for their existance
- The component uses state to manage the column names for X and Y axes and the chart data.
- It sends a POST request to the backend endpoint /api/draw with the selected columns in the request body.
- Upon successful chart drawing, it displays the chart in the output area.
- If there is an error, it displays an error message in the output area.
The Delete Command component allows users to delete a file from the server's draw-chart directory by providing the file name.
- Input: Enter the file name in the input field.
- Action: Click the "Delete File" button to delete the file.
- Output: A message indicating whether the file was successfully deleted or if there was an error.
Checks - Checks whether the file exists in the draw-chart directory - If no file, then error message - If yes, then delete
- The component uses state to manage the file name input and the message displayed.
- It sends a POST request to the backend endpoint /api/delete with the file name in the request body.
- Upon successful deletion, it updates the message state to display a success message.
- If there is an error, it updates the message state to display an error message.
Backend Tasks:
Upload Endpoint:
The Upload endpoint allows clients to upload a CSV file to the server for processing.
- Method: POST
- URL: /api/upload Request
- Body: Form data with the key file containing the uploaded file. Response
- Success: 200 OK with a JSON object containing a success message.
- Failure: 400 Bad Request with a JSON object containing an error message. Example
- Request: Form data with the uploaded CSV file.
- Response: { "message": "File uploaded successfully." }
Draw Endpoint:
The Draw endpoint allows clients to draw a chart based on the uploaded CSV file and specified columns.
- Method: POST
- URL: /api/draw Request
- Body: JSON object with the keys file containing the uploaded file name, xAxis containing the X-axis column name, and yAxis containing the Y-axis column name. Response
- Success: 200 OK with a JSON object containing the chart data.
- Failure: 400 Bad Request with a JSON object containing an error message. Example
- Request: { "file": "example.csv", "xAxis": "column1", "yAxis": "column2" }
- Response: { "chartData": [...] }
Delete Endpoint:
The Delete endpoint allows clients to delete a specified file from the server's draw-chart directory.
- Method: POST
- URL: /api/delete Request
- Body: JSON object with the key file containing the name of the file to delete. Response
- Success: 200 OK with a JSON object containing a success message.
- Failure: 400 Bad Request with a JSON object containing an error message. Example
- Request: { "file": "example.csv" }
- Response: { "message": "example.csv has been deleted successfully." }
6. Error Handling and Testing
Implement error handling.
- Handle errors gracefully and display error messages to the user. Write all the checks for critical functionality.
- Write checks for command logic and user input handling.