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This project contains implementations of various parallel algorithms for computing low-rank matrix factorizations. Both shared-memory and shared-nothing (via MPI) implementations are provided.

The following algorithms are currently implemented:

Algorithm Reference Shared memory? Shared nothing?
DSGD Gemulla et al., 2011
DSGD++ Teflioudi et al., 2012
Asynchronous SGD Teflioudi et al., 2012
CSGD Makari et al., 2013
Parallel SGD with locking
Lock-free parallel SGD (Hogwild) Niu et al., 2011
Alternating least squares Zhou et al., 2008
Non-negative matrix factorization Lee and Seung, 2001

Quick start

Follow the installation instructions given in the INSTALL file. First time installation and compilation may take while.

To generate some synthetic data, run:

cd build/tools

The script generateSyntheticData will generate the following files:

  • /tmp/train.mmc: a matrix with some training data
  • /tmp/test.mmc: a matrix with some test data
  • /tmp/ and /tmp/ initial factor matrices

To run DSGD++ on a single-machine with 4 threads, type:

./mfdsgdpp --tasks-per-rank=4 --input-file=/tmp/train.mmc --input-test-file=/tmp/test.mmc --input-row-file=/tmp/ --input-col-file=/tmp/ --rank=10 --update="Nzsl_L2(1)" --regularize="None" --loss="Nzsl_L2(1)" --decay="BoldDriver(0.001)" --epochs=50 --trace=/tmp/trace.R

This gives you output such as:

177 mpi2 | Initialized mpi2 on 1 rank(s)
219 mpi2 | Starting task managers (parallel mode)...
219 mpi2 | Started task manager at rank 0
320 main | Input
320 main |     Input file: /tmp/train.mmc
320 main |     Input test file: /tmp/test.mmc
320 main |     Input row factors: /tmp/
320 main |     Input column factors: /tmp/
320 main | Output
320 main |     Output row factors: Disabled
320 main |     Output column factors: Disabled
320 main |     Trace: /tmp/trace.R (trace)
320 main | Parallelization
320 main |     MPI ranks: 1
320 main |     Tasks per rank: 4
320 main | DSGD++ options
320 main |     Seed: 1499881717
320 main |     Epochs: 50
321 main |     Factorization rank: 10
321 main |     Update function: Nzsl_L2(1)
321 main |     Regularize function: None
321 main |     Loss function: Nzsl_L2(1)
321 main |     Decay: BoldDriver(0.001)
321 main |     Balancing: Disabled
321 main |     Absolute function: Disabled
321 main |     Truncation: Disabled
321 main |     SGD step sequence: WOR
321 main |     DSGD stratum sequence: COWOR
367 mf   | File '/tmp/train.mmc' is not blocked; it will be blocked automatically
368 mf   | Constructing blocks (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (0,3) (0,4) (0,5) (0,6) (0,7) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5) (1,6) (1,7) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) (2,6) (2,7) (3,0) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (3,4) (3,5) (3,6) (3,7)  of '/tmp/train.mmc'
1100 mf   | File '/tmp/test.mmc' is not blocked; it will be blocked automatically
1101 mf   | Constructing blocks (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (0,3) (0,4) (0,5) (0,6) (0,7) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5) (1,6) (1,7) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) (2,6) (2,7) (3,0) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (3,4) (3,5) (3,6) (3,7)  of '/tmp/test.mmc'
1172 mf   | Test matrix: 100000 x 100000, 100000 nonzeros, 4 x 8 blocks
1172 mf   | Data matrix: 100000 x 100000, 1000000 nonzeros, 4 x 8 blocks
1172 mf   | File '/tmp/' is not blocked; it will be blocked automatically
1173 mf   | Constructing blocks (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0)  of '/tmp/'
1532 mf   | Row factor matrix: 100000 x 10, 4 x 1 blocks
1532 mf   | File '/tmp/' is not blocked; it will be blocked automatically
1532 mf   | Constructing blocks (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (0,3) (0,4) (0,5) (0,6) (0,7)  of '/tmp/'
1960 mf   | Column factor matrix: 10 x 100000, 1 x 8 blocks
1972 main | Total time for loading matrices: 1.59269s
2051 main | Using NzslLoss for test data
2051 mf   | Starting DSGD++ (polling delay: 500 microseconds)
2051 mf   | Using COWOR order for selecting strata
2051 mf   | Using WOR order for selecting training points
2092 mf   | Loss: 1.00091e+09 (0.040013s)
2101 mf   | Test loss: 9.98073e+07 (0.009003s)
2101 mf   | Step size: 0.001 (0s)
2101 mf   | Starting epoch 1
2257 mf   | Finished epoch 1 (0.1566s)
2301 mf   | Loss: 9.94144e+08 (0.043457s)
2307 mf   | Test loss: 9.98113e+07 (0.005742s)
2307 mf   | Step size: 0.00105 (0s)
2307 mf   | Starting epoch 2
2468 mf   | Finished epoch 2 (0.160963s)
2508 mf   | Loss: 9.84892e+08 (0.040107s)
2515 mf   | Test loss: 9.98201e+07 (0.006841s)
2515 mf   | Step size: 0.0011025 (0s)


To get some idea about the performance of the algorithm, start an R console and type:

source("/tmp/trace.R")                               # created by running DSGD++ above
mfplot(trace,"time$elapsed", log="y")          # plots the training loss over time

To run DSGD++ on two machines (here both localhost) with 4 threads each, type:

mpirun --hosts localhost,localhost ./mfdsgdpp --tasks-per-rank=4 --input-file=/tmp/train.mmc --input-test-file=/tmp/test.mmc --input-row-file=/tmp/ --input-col-file=/tmp/ --rank=10 --update="Nzsl_L2(1)" --regularize="None" --loss="Nzsl_L2(1)" --decay="BoldDriver(0.001)" --epochs=50 --trace=/tmp/trace.R

Preparing data

To use DSGDpp, convert your data to a market matrix format. We also provide tools to generate and convert matrices (e.g., mfgenerate, mfconvert, mfsample, mfdblock).

To run a factorization in a shared-nothing environment, the data must lie in a shared filesystem mounted at the same location on all machines.

Note that many algorithms require the data to be blocked in some form. The required blocking will be created on the fly, but we did not optimize the performance of this step. For faster data loading, matrices should be blocked up front via the mfdblock tool.


We provide a number of tools to run factorizations and prepare data. All tools are located under build/tools. Run a tool executable without arguments for help on its parameters. E.g., runnung ./mfdsgdpp produces

mfsgdpp [options]

  --help                produce help message
  --input-file arg      filename of data matrix
  --input-test-file arg filename of test matrix
  --input-row-file arg  filename of initial row factors
  --input-col-file arg  filename of initial column factors
  --output-row-file arg filename of final row factors                                               
  --output-col-file arg filename of final column factors                                            
  --trace arg           filename of trace [trace.R]                                                 
  --trace-var arg       variable name for trace [traceVar]                                          
  --epochs arg          number of epochs to run [10]                                                
  --tasks-per-rank arg  number of concurrent tasks per rank [1]                                     
  --sgd-order arg       order of SGD steps [WOR] (e.g., "SEQ", "WR", "WOR")                         
  --stratum-order arg   order of strata [COWOR] (e.g., "SEQ", "RSEQ", "WR",                         
                        "WOR", "COWOR")                                                             
  --seed arg            seed for random number generator (system time if not                        
  --rank arg            rank of factorization                                                       
  --update arg          SGD update function (e.g., "Sl", "Nzsl", "GklData")                         
  --regularize arg      SGD regularization function (e.g., "None", "L2(0.05)",                      
  --loss arg            loss function (e.g., "Nzsl", "Nzsl_L2(0.5)"))
  --abs                 if present, absolute values are taken after every SGD 
  --truncate arg        if present, truncatation is enabled (e.g., --truncate 
                        "(-1000, 1000)"
  --decay arg           decay function (constant, bold driver, or auto)
  --balance arg         Type of balancing (None, L2, Nzl2)

The source code contains additional information about accepted parameter values.

Factorizating matrices

To run a method in a shared-nothing environment, simply prefix the command with mpirun --hosts <list-of-hostnames>.

Tool Method(s)
mfasgd Asynchronous SGD
mfdsgdpp DSGD++
psgdL2Lock Parallel SGD with locking, L2 loss
psgdL2NoLock Parallel SGD without locking (Hogwild), L2 loss
psgdNZL2Lock Parallel SGD with locking, NZL2 loss
psgdNZL2NoLock Parallel SGD without locking (Hogwild), NZL2 loss
mfdap Alternating least squares, non-negative matrix factorization (via multiplicative updates)
mfdsgd DSGD
mfsgd Sequential SGD
stratified-psgd CSGD (cache-conscious parallel SGD)


Tool Description
averageOutMatrix Center a matrix (substract mean from every observed entry)
mfconvert Convert between different file formats
mfcreateInitialFactors Create initial factor matrices
mfcreateRandomMatrixFile Create a blocked random matrix
mfgenerate Geneate random matrices
mfproject Drops rows/columns with fewer entries than a given threshold
mfdblock Blocks an input matrix
mfsample Creates a sample of an input matrix (e.g., used for automatic step size selection)
mfprepare Combines mfsample, mfproject, and mfcreateInitialFactors


R. Gemulla, E. Nijkamp, P. J. Haas, and Y. Sismanis Large-Scale Matrix Factorization with Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent. KDD, 2011

D. D. Lee and H. S. Seung Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization. NIPS, 2001

F. Makari, C. Teflioudi, R. Gemulla, P. J. Haas, and Y. Sismanis Shared-Memory and Shared-Nothing Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithms for Matrix Completion. KAIS, 2013

F. Niu, B. Recht, C. Re, and S. J. Wright Hogwild!: A lock-free approach to parallelizing stochastic gradient descent. NIPS, 2011

C. Teflioudi, F. Makari, and R. Gemulla Distributed Matrix Completion. ICDM, 2012.

Y. Zhou, D. Wilkinson, R. Schreiber and R. Pan Large-scale parallel collaborative filtering for the Netflix Prize. AAIM, 2008