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Simple SMPP GUI client written in java. No external dependencies. Works on Linux and Windows (should work on MacOS, not tested).


You will need java 11 or higher preinstalled on your machine.

  1. Download smppgui.jar from or build it manually using gradle: gradle build

  2. Launch smppgui using following command: java -jar smppgui.jar


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Build custom java runtime with smppgui

  1. Build custom java runtime gradle jlink
  2. Launch smppgui using the generated bash script: ./smppgui/bin/smppgui
  3. Finally, archive the generated smppgui directory and distribute it. Thus, end users do not need to pre-install java on their computers.

Using custom Look&Feel

If the GUI looks ugly (this is the case in Linux environments), then you can apply custom Look&Feel.

For example, FlatLaf.

  1. Download FlatLaf from MavenCentral flatlaf-3.5.4.jar
  2. Use following command to launch smppgui
    java -cp flatlaf-3.5.4.jar:smppgui.jar -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf com.ukarim.smppgui.Main