class: gray-background, middle, center
Lessons learned from running a local RSE group:
Radovan Bast, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Nordic RSE conference 2024
Why research software engineering is important
Why we thought that our university should have an RSE group
Why every university should have an RSE group
.quote[D'oh!] ]
How we started
Growing pains
What we know now that we wish we knew earlier
Most common problems we see ]
How we started:
Pitch the idea to the boss
Create a website
Get a nice subdomain
Talk about it and repeat yourself
Send an email to all department with "cake" in the subject
Invite yourself to other department seminars
Infoscreens ]
Weekly office hours (2 hours/week).
Attract projects ranging from 1 hour to days.
Track projects:
name: Mathematica on Fram
contact: Jane Doe <>
department: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
staff: Staff who worked on it
summary: |
A sentence/paragraph summarizing what this is/was about.
status: finished
- For each project write at least a sentence on the website.
- For larger projects write a blog post.
- "If it isn't documented, it didn't happen".
Selecting projects: Currently we say "yes" to everything that we know we can solve.
Status: 40 projects. Roughly 1 new project per office hour.
Started with only a personal email and then lost overview -> Create a group email address and connect it to an issue tracker.
Too many cooks: Student asking and 3 staff answering which can feel like a cross-examination -> Let one staff lead the discussion and help even when you feel like you know a "better" answer.
Where do we track projects that take longer than an afternoon?
Office hours work well. But should we do office hours in-person or online?
- .emph[Code review] (we discuss code in a constructive way)
- Making code .emph[more reusable]
- Good practices for documentation
class: inverse, middle, center
We expected more questions about code review and code structure.
Surprisingly many questions about statistics and AI model choices and "niche" libraries.
We can see that people are happy but we need to measure it.
Document as you go (like when you visit your general practitioner).
Students and researchers love it but university "has no budget for it".
It helps to have sponsors high up in the administration. Spend time on explaining it well.
Code is a 7k lines long notebook (Jupyter or R Markdown)
Not reusable: Dependencies not documented. No functions. Example only runs by running code sections in a specific order.
Hard-coded paths. No command-line interface.
Execution takes a long time and/or consumes lots of memory.
Lengthy independent work chunks are computed in a loop.
Code repetition.
It takes us a lot of effort to create a minimal working example.