class: gray-background
.. are people who combine .emph[professional software expertise] with an .emph[understanding of research] .cite[]
Often people who grew up in research and liked computing and programming
... or people who come from software development drawn towards meaningful and impactful work of academia
- Society of Research Software Engineering
- Recent conference: RSECon 2023
- Nordic-RSE unconference 2023
- .emph[Code review] (we discuss code in a constructive way)
- Making code .emph[more reusable]
- Good practices for documentation
Git, GitHub, and GitLab
Moving your work/project/code/data to Git
Modularizing your code
Organization of reusable Python/R notebooks ]
Help with software licenses and open sourcing
Publishing code
Packaging and sharing software
Containerization (Singularity, Docker)
PyPI and Conda ]
Improving scaling, CPU, and memory optimization
Porting to GPU
Moving from local computer to cloud or HPC
Helping with running independent steps in parallel ]
.cite[Midjourney, CC-BY-NC 4.0] ]
- Provide consulting: good advice is not expensive
- .emph[Code review] sessions
- Work on "smaller" projects and .emph[document use cases]
- Focus on UiT
- Attract more projects
- Be part of funding applications (successful applications with Hylleraas Centre and Framsenteret)
- Research groups have access to best in class RSE services
- Hire more staff who collaborate on projects
- "Proper" application procedure
- Going beyond UiT
- .emph[Career path opportunities]
class: center, middle, inverse