Index: dom.generated.d.ts
--- dom.generated.d.ts
+++ dom.generated.d.ts
@@ -3293,11 +3293,16 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface AudioParamMap {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: AudioParam, key: string, parent: AudioParamMap) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
+ value: AudioParam,
+ key: string,
+ parent: this,
+ ) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var AudioParamMap: {
@@ -3726,9 +3731,9 @@
bytes(): Promise<Uint8Array>;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
formData(): Promise<FormData>;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
- json(): Promise<any>;
+ json(): Promise<JSONValue>;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
text(): Promise<string>;
@@ -6927,11 +6932,11 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface CustomStateSet {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: CustomStateSet) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (this: This, value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var CustomStateSet: {
@@ -9378,11 +9383,11 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface EventCounts {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: number, key: string, parent: EventCounts) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (this: This, value: number, key: string, parent: this) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var EventCounts: {
@@ -9914,11 +9919,16 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
check(font: string, text?: string): boolean;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
load(font: string, text?: string): Promise<FontFace[]>;
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: FontFace, key: FontFace, parent: FontFaceSet) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
+ value: FontFace,
+ key: FontFace,
+ parent: this,
+ ) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
addEventListener<K extends keyof FontFaceSetEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: FontFaceSet, ev: FontFaceSetEventMap[K]) => any,
@@ -16210,15 +16220,16 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
priority: number;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
type: HighlightType;
- forEach(
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
value: AbstractRange,
key: AbstractRange,
- parent: Highlight,
+ parent: this,
) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var Highlight: {
@@ -16227,15 +16238,16 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface HighlightRegistry {
- forEach(
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
value: Highlight,
key: string,
- parent: HighlightRegistry,
+ parent: this,
) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var HighlightRegistry: {
@@ -17663,11 +17675,16 @@
* [MDN Reference](
interface MIDIInputMap {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: MIDIInput, key: string, parent: MIDIInputMap) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
+ value: MIDIInput,
+ key: string,
+ parent: this,
+ ) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var MIDIInputMap: {
@@ -17730,11 +17747,16 @@
* [MDN Reference](
interface MIDIOutputMap {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: MIDIOutput, key: string, parent: MIDIOutputMap) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
+ value: MIDIOutput,
+ key: string,
+ parent: this,
+ ) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var MIDIOutputMap: {
@@ -19528,9 +19550,9 @@
new (): NodeList;
interface NodeListOf<TNode extends Node> extends NodeList {
- item(index: number): TNode;
+ item(index: number): TNode | null;
* Performs the specified action for each node in an list.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the list.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
@@ -22073,11 +22095,11 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface RTCStatsReport {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: any, key: string, parent: RTCStatsReport) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (this: This, value: unknown, key: string, parent: this) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var RTCStatsReport: {
@@ -34926,13 +34948,16 @@
handler: TimerHandler,
timeout?: number,
...arguments: any[]
): number;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
-declare function structuredClone<T = any>(
+declare function structuredClone<
+ const T extends BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.Constraint<T>,
value: T,
options?: StructuredSerializeOptions,
-): T;
+): BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.StructuredCloneOutput<T>;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
declare var sessionStorage: Storage;
declare function addEventListener<K extends keyof WindowEventMap>(
type: K,
@@ -35607,4 +35632,125 @@
| "blob"
| "document"
| "json"
| "text";
+// --------------------
+declare namespace BetterTypeScriptLibInternals {
+ export namespace StructuredClone {
+ type Basics = [
+ EvalError,
+ RangeError,
+ ReferenceError,
+ TypeError,
+ SyntaxError,
+ URIError,
+ Error,
+ Boolean,
+ String,
+ Date,
+ RegExp,
+ ];
+ type DOMSpecifics = [
+ DOMException,
+ DOMMatrix,
+ DOMMatrixReadOnly,
+ DOMPoint,
+ DOMPointReadOnly,
+ DOMQuad,
+ DOMRect,
+ DOMRectReadOnly,
+ ];
+ type FileSystemTypeFamily = [
+ FileSystemDirectoryHandle,
+ FileSystemFileHandle,
+ FileSystemHandle,
+ ];
+ type WebGPURelatedTypeFamily = [
+ // GPUCompilationInfo,
+ // GPUCompilationMessage,
+ ];
+ type TypedArrayFamily = [
+ Int8Array,
+ Int16Array,
+ Int32Array,
+ BigInt64Array,
+ Uint8Array,
+ Uint16Array,
+ Uint32Array,
+ BigUint64Array,
+ Uint8ClampedArray,
+ ];
+ type Weaken = [
+ ...Basics,
+ // AudioData,
+ Blob,
+ // CropTarget,
+ // CryptoTarget,
+ ...DOMSpecifics,
+ ...FileSystemTypeFamily,
+ ...WebGPURelatedTypeFamily,
+ File,
+ FileList,
+ ...TypedArrayFamily,
+ DataView,
+ ImageBitmap,
+ ImageData,
+ RTCCertificate,
+ VideoFrame,
+ ];
+ type MapSubtype<R> = {
+ [k in keyof Weaken]: R extends Weaken[k] ? true : false;
+ };
+ type SelectNumericLiteral<H> = number extends H ? never : H;
+ type FilterByNumericLiteralKey<R extends Record<string | number, any>> = {
+ [k in keyof R as `${R[k] extends true ? Exclude<SelectNumericLiteral<k>, symbol> : never}`]: [];
+ };
+ type HitWeakenEntry<E> = keyof FilterByNumericLiteralKey<MapSubtype<E>>;
+ type NonCloneablePrimitive =
+ | Function
+ | { new (...args: any[]): any }
+ | ((...args: any[]) => any)
+ | symbol;
+ type StructuredCloneOutputObject<T> = {
+ -readonly [K in Exclude<keyof T, symbol> as [
+ StructuredCloneOutput<T[K]>,
+ ] extends [never]
+ ? never
+ : K]: StructuredCloneOutput<T[K]>;
+ };
+ type StructuredCloneOutput<T> = T extends NonCloneablePrimitive
+ ? never
+ : T extends ReadonlyArray<any>
+ ? number extends T["length"]
+ ? Array<StructuredCloneOutput<T[number]>>
+ : T extends readonly [infer X, ...infer XS]
+ ? [StructuredCloneOutput<X>, ...StructuredCloneOutput<XS>]
+ : T extends []
+ ? []
+ : StructuredCloneOutputObject<T>
+ : T extends Map<infer K, infer V>
+ ? Map<StructuredCloneOutput<K>, StructuredCloneOutput<V>>
+ : T extends Set<infer E>
+ ? Set<StructuredCloneOutput<E>>
+ : T extends Record<any, any>
+ ? HitWeakenEntry<T> extends never
+ ? StructuredCloneOutputObject<T>
+ : Weaken[HitWeakenEntry<T>]
+ : T;
+ type AvoidCyclicConstraint<T> = [T] extends [infer R] ? R : never;
+ type NeverOrUnknown<T> = [T] extends [never] ? never : unknown;
+ export type Constraint<T> =
+ BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.NeverOrUnknown<
+ BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.StructuredCloneOutput<
+ BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.AvoidCyclicConstraint<T>
+ >
+ >;
+ }