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ES: Remove notion of dirtiness
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l4haie committed Feb 18, 2025
1 parent e2e9bc7 commit 7ca5c32
Showing 1 changed file with 8 additions and 113 deletions.
121 changes: 8 additions & 113 deletions src/host/c/es.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,10 +25,8 @@
* will occur when the stack pointer will point to something else (might
* be different in another system when we return from a primitive and we
* need to force a drop)
* - Benchmarks for the new adoption scheme
* - Ref count (make sure all non-cyclic ribs are collected, adapt io and sys
* primitives, apply, ... you know, make it work)
* - Fuzzing with tagged roots
* - Flat closures
* - Call a GC for every instruction to make sure everything is collected...
* (do that for the bootstrap, the test suite, and fuzzing)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,10 +58,6 @@
#define REF_COUNT
// )@@

// @@(feature exp-adoption
// )@@

// @@(feature debug/rib-viz
#define VIZ
void viz_heap(char* name);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,34 +144,18 @@ typedef struct {
// FIXME try to be a bit more consistant with the notation...
#define get_field(x,i) RIB(x)->fields[i]

// #define UNTAG(x) ((x) >> 1)
#define UNTAG(x) ((x) >> 3)
#define UNTAG(x) ((x) >> 2)
#define NUM(x) ((num)(UNTAG((num)(x))))
#define RIB(x) ((rib *)(x))
#define IS_NUM(x) ((x)&1)
#define IS_RIB(x) (!IS_NUM(x) && x != _NULL)
// #define TAG_NUM(num) ((((obj)(num)) << 1) | 1)
#define TAG_NUM(num) ((((obj)(num)) << 3) | 1)
#define TAG_NUM(num) ((((obj)(num)) << 2) | 1)
#define TAG_RIB(c_ptr) (((obj)(c_ptr)))

#define MARK(x) ((x)|2) // assumes x is a tagged obj (ul)
#define UNMARK(x) ((x)^2)
#define IS_MARKED(x) ((x)&2)

#define MARK2(x) ((x)|4) // assumes x is a tagged obj (ul)
#define UNMARK2(x) ((x)^4)
#define IS_MARKED2(x) ((x)&4)

// Note that these can't be used to protect a program's root because `DEC_POP`
// will unprotect them if they're passed as an argument to a primitive. This is
// not a big deal for Ribbit since the roots are known (and there's very few of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,13 +570,7 @@ void pq_remove(obj o) {

#define next_cofriend(x, cfr) (get_field(cfr, get_mirror_field(x, cfr)))

// An edge between two ribs `from` and `to` is said to be dirty if `from` is
// `to`'s co-friend with the maximal rank that doesn't break the topological
// ordering invariant AND `from` is NOT `to`'s parent
#define is_dirty(from, to) ((get_rank(from) < get_rank(to)-1) && (get_rank(get_parent(to)) < get_rank(from)))

#define is_collectable(x) (!is_root(x) && !is_protected(x))

#define is_root(x) (x == pc || x == stack || x == FALSE)

#define is_parent(x, p) (CFR(x) == p)
Expand All @@ -615,7 +587,6 @@ void set_parent(obj x, obj p, int i) {
get_parent(x) = p;

// Find `p` and its predecessor in `x`'s list of co-friends
obj prev;
obj curr = old_parent;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -703,23 +674,10 @@ void add_cofriend(obj x, obj cfr, int i) {
// Case 3 (previously handled in `add_edge`): `cfr` is a new co-friend and
// the new reference is dirty, `cfr` becomes the new parent to increase the
// number of possible adoptions. Note that we don't adjust the rank of `x`,
// this is because the rank gap allows a potential co-friend to insert
// himself there, adding a new adopter and avoiding another drop
if (is_dirty (cfr, x)) {
get_field(cfr, i+3) = get_parent(x);
get_parent(x) = cfr;
// Case 4: `cfr` is not `x`'s co-friend and so must be added to `x`' list of
// Case 3: `cfr` is not `x`'s co-friend and so must be added to `x`' list of
// co-friends. This is done by inserting `cfr` between `x`'s parent and the
// next co-friend
// TODO should we keep the co-friends ordered by dirtiness (i.e. keep each
// potential adopters first in the list of co-friends and referrers with too
// big of a rank pushed in the back, this would make adoption faster and
// bring some of the cost of removing a reference here)?
// next co-friend (trying to keep co-friends ordered is useless since a
// co-friend's rank might change after a drop)
obj tmp = get_field(p, get_mirror_field(x, p)); // old co-friend pointed by p
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // set the parent's mirror fields
if (get_field(p, j) == x) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -793,22 +751,19 @@ void wipe_cofriend(obj x, obj cfr, int i) {

// Edge deletion (i.e. removing a reference to a rib)

#define fall(x) (get_field(x,7) = MARK2(get_field(x,7)))
#define is_falling(x) (IS_MARKED2(get_field(x,7)))
#define unfall(x) (get_field(x,7) = UNMARK2(get_field(x,7)))

#define fall(x) set_rank(x, FALLING_RIB_RANK)
#define is_falling(x) (get_rank(x) == FALLING_RIB_RANK)
#define unfall(x) NULL

#define deallocate(x) unfall(x); set_rank(x, UNALLOCATED_RIB_RANK)
#define deallocate(x) set_rank(x, UNALLOCATED_RIB_RANK)
#define is_deallocated(x) (get_rank(x) == UNALLOCATED_RIB_RANK)

#define loosen(x) fall(x); pq_remove(x)

bool adopt(obj x) {
// Take the first co-friend with a rank lower than `x` and make it `x`'s
// parent (doesn't matter which one we pick if we don't set the rank of
// `x` during adoption)
num rank = get_rank(x);
obj cfr = get_parent(x);
while (cfr != _NULL) {
Expand All @@ -826,61 +781,6 @@ bool adopt(obj x) {

#define _adopt(x) ((get_parent(x) == _NULL) ? 0 : adopt(x))


// FIXME cleanup and give some context
// The idea is to merge the adoption and "anchoring" phase to avoid traversing
// the co-friends twice. The downside is that we might enter the catch phase
// even if not necesary, need to evaluate if it's worth it

void drop() {
obj x; // current "falling" rib
obj *_x;
obj cfr;
num r; // dequeued rib's rank
num r2;
obj adopter;

while (!Q_IS_EMPTY()) {
x = q_dequeue();
_x = RIB(x)->fields;
cfr = get_parent(x);
r = get_rank(x);
r2 = alloc_rank;
adopter = _NULL;

// identify x's co-friends that could be potential "catchers"
while (cfr != _NULL) {
if (!is_falling(cfr)) { // potential anchor?
if (get_rank(cfr) < r && get_rank(cfr) >= r2) {
r2 = get_rank(cfr);
adopter = cfr;
if (r2 == alloc_rank) pq_enqueue(cfr);
cfr = next_cofriend(x, cfr);
if (adopter != _NULL) {
set_parent(x, adopter, get_mirror_field(x, adopter)-3);

// making x's children "fall" along with him
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (IS_RIB(_x[i]) && is_parent(_x[i], x) && (is_collectable(_x[i]))) {
if (!is_falling(_x[i])) {


void drop() {
obj x; // current "falling" rib
obj *_x;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -912,8 +812,6 @@ void drop() {


void catch() {
// since we use a priority queue instead of a set for the anchors,
// we can re-use it (as is) for the catch queue...
Expand All @@ -928,9 +826,6 @@ void catch() {
obj *_anchor = RIB(anchor)->fields;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (IS_RIB(_anchor[i]) && is_falling(_anchor[i])) {
set_parent(_anchor[i], anchor, i);
ovf_set_rank(_anchor[i], get_rank(anchor)+1);
pq_enqueue(_anchor[i]); // add rescued node to potential "catchers"
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