Issue: 100 points: make the excpetion for the Hex input of letters. Look at Quiz.java for more comments elaborating on the issue
Issue: 50 points: Add a Splash Screen for the application.
Issue: 50 points: Add transitions between each activity.
Issue: 150 points: Create and implement difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Difficult)
Issue: 50 points: make the app able to rotate to landscape view and still have a clean aesthetic and functionality
Issue: 250 pts: make an activity that allows user to input a decimal/hex/octal/binary and have it convert and return converted values of each
Issue: 50 points each: Keep track of how well the user does on specific problem types (ex. Binary_Decimal) and have it return the percentage in the Score Report Activity. There are 6 of these for a total of 300 points
Issue: 200 points: make the score report scrollable and display the problems the user got wrong and show the correct answer
Issue: 50 points: Make initial question a random number