(PPS-411): Add bucket selection support for multi part upload #1112
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Apr 4, 2024 in 5m 58s
Build Passed
The build passed, just like the previous build.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #1112 (feat): Add bucket selection support for multi part upload.
Any changes that have been made to the master branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build only has a single job.
You can use jobs to test against multiple versions of your runtime or dependencies, or to speed up your build.
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Python |
Operating System | Linux (Jammy) |
Python Version | 3.9 |
Build Configuration
"language": "python",
"os": [
"dist": "jammy",
"python": [
"sudo": false,
"cache": {
"pip": true
"services": [
"addons": {
"postgresql": "13",
"apt": {
"sources": [
"sourceline": "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ jammy-pgdg main 13",
"key_url": "https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc"
"packages": [
"before_install": [
"sudo cp travis/postgresql.conf /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf",
"sudo cp travis/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf",
"sudo pg_ctlcluster 13 main restart"
"install": [
"pip install --upgrade pip",
"curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python -",
"which poetry",
"poetry --version",
"poetry install --all-extras -vv --no-interaction",
"poetry show -vv",
"psql -c 'SELECT version();' -U postgres",
"psql -U postgres -c \"create database fence_test_tmp\"",
"pip list"
"before_script": [
"sudo rm -f /etc/boto.cfg",
"mkdir -p tests/resources/keys; cd tests/resources/keys; openssl genrsa -out test_private_key.pem 2048; openssl rsa -in test_private_key.pem -pubout -out test_public_key.pem",
"openssl genrsa -out test_private_key_2.pem 2048; openssl rsa -in test_private_key_2.pem -pubout -out test_public_key_2.pem",
"cd -"
"script": [
"poetry run pytest -vv --cov=fence --cov=migrations/versions --cov-report xml tests"
"after_script": [
"python-codacy-coverage -r coverage.xml",