There are significant differences between the new and old versions. The update script will update the database, config files and move logs/outputs from appkernel runs.
Most of developmental version in-between AKRR-1.0 to AKRR-2.0 should be able to update with these instructions.
To be on safe side make a back-up of the AKRR databases:
mysqldump --extended-insert=FALSE -u <user> -p mod_akrr| gzip -c > mod_akrr_1.0.gz
mysqldump --extended-insert=FALSE -u <user> -p mod_appkernel| gzip -c > mod_appkernel_1.0.gz
The update script will move updated configs and logs to new location. So if you want to keep AKRR in same directory rename old one:
mv akrr akrr_old
In the previous version AKRR was source installed. In this version RPM installation is recommended, in-source and using regular python methods are also possible.
The akrr update command should work for most combinations of older and newer installations.
Download RPM from and install it:
wget{{ page.sw_version }}/akrr-{{ page.sw_version }}-1.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install akrr-{{ page.sw_version }}-1.noarch.rpm
Run update script (as user which will run akrr, don't use root for that):
akrr -vv update --akrr-home=<New AKRR Home, default is ~/akrr> --old-akrr-home=<Old AKRR Home>
The new AKRR home should be different from the old one
If you ran many appkernels in past it can take some time, extra verbose arguments
will help to understand what it is doing.
During update .bashrc could be modified to include new non-standard location of ARKK_HOME or akrr executable. In this case to continue in same terminal session reload .bashrc:
source .bashrc
At the end it will print recommended commands to run to finish update. The most important is to run:
akrr resource deploy --overwrite -r <resource>
This will install new app kernel utilities. But be careful it will overwrites inputs, so keep a copy if you modified some.
The proper update of appkernels can be verified with running verificantion and test run command:
akrr app validate -r <resource> -a <appkernel> -n <number of nodes>
Now you can update the xdmod-appkernels module for Open XDMoD. Most likely it was already done during xdmod update, as yum would not allow for xdmod update without simultaneous update of xdmod-appkernels.