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Deployment of NAMD Applications Kernels on a Resource

NAMD is biomolecules simulation software which one of the mostly used application in academic clusters. Here the deployment of namd application kernel is described.

For simplicity lets define APPKER and RESOURCE enviroment varible which will contain the HPC resource name:

export RESOURCE=<resource_name>
export APPKER=namd

Install Application or Identify where it is Installed

NAMD is very often installed system-wide. One of the purposes of application kernels is to monitor the performance of application which is used by regular users. If NAMD is not installed then you need to install it or choose not to use it.

Majority of HPC resources utilize some kind of module system. Execute it and see is NAMD already installed

On resource

> module avail namd

-------------------------------- /util/academic/modulefiles/Core --------------------------------
   namd/2.8-MPI-CUDA             namd/2.10-ibverbs          (D)    namd/2.12b1-multicore
   namd/2.9b2-IBVERBS            namd/2.10-multicore-CUDA          namd/2.12-ibverbs-smp-CUDA
   namd/2.9-IBVERBS-SRC          namd/2.10-multicore-MIC           namd/2.12-ibverbs-smp
   namd/2.9-IBVERBS              namd/2.10-multicore               namd/2.12-ibverbs
   namd/2.9-MPI-CUDA             namd/2.11-ibverbs-smp-CUDA        namd/2.12-multicore-CUDA
   namd/2.9-MPI                  namd/2.11-MPI                     namd/2.12-multicore
   namd/2.10-ibverbs-smp-CUDA    namd/2.11-multicore-CUDA
   namd/2.10-ibverbs-smp         namd/2.12b1-ibverbs

write down the name of module you want to use.

Generate Initiate Configuration File

Generate Initiate Configuration File:

On AKRR server

akrr app add -a $APPKER -r $RESOURCE

Sample output:

[INFO] Generating application kernel configuration for namd on ub-hpc
[INFO] Application kernel configuration for namd on ub-hpc is in: 

Edit Configuration File

Below is listing of generated configuration file located at ~/akrr/etc/resources/$RESOURCE/


appkernel_run_env_template = """
#Load application environment
module load namd
export CONV_RSH=ssh

#set executable location
EXE=`which namd2`
charmrun_bin=`which charmrun`

#prepare nodelist for charmmrun
for n in $AKRR_NODELIST; do echo host $n>>nodelist; done

#set how to run app kernel
RUN_APPKERNEL="$charmrun_bin  +p$AKRR_CORES ++nodelist nodelist $EXE ./input.namd"

It contain only one parameter appkernel_run_env_template which need to be edited:

  1. First part is "Load application environment", here you need to set proper environment. For example:
#Load application environment
module load namd/2.12-ibverbs
export CONV_RSH=ssh

The last line above specify to use ssh for application launching.

  1. Second part is "set executable location", it set the location of executables absolute path to namd2 should be placed to EXE variable (application signature will be calculated for that executable). For example:
#set executable location
EXE=`which namd2`
charmrun_bin=`which namd2`

3)Third part is "prepare nodelist for charmmrun", it setup nodelist file which later will be used by charmm run

#prepare nodelist for charmmrun 
for n in $AKRR_NODELIST; do echo host $n>>nodelist; done

4)Fourth part is "set how to run app kernel", it set RUN_APPKERNEL, which specify how to execute namd:

#set how to run app kernel
RUN_APPKERNEL="$charmrun_bin +p$AKRR_CORES ++nodelist nodelist $EXE ./input.namd"

If MPI version of namd is used the ~/akrr/etc/resources/$RESOURCE/ can look like:


#Load application environment
module load namd/2.11-MPI
module list

#set executable location
EXE=`which namd2`

#set how to run app kernel
RUN_APPKERNEL="mpirun -n $AKRR_CORES -hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE $EXE ./input.namd"

Generate Batch Job Script and Execute it Manually (Optional) 

The purpose of this step is to ensure that the configuration lead to correct workable batch job script. Here first batch job script is generated with 'akrr task new --gen-batch-job-only' command. This allows interactive execution to improve turn-around in case of errors. If script fails to execute, the issues can be fixed first in that script itself and then merged to configuration file.

This step is somewhat optional because it is very similar to next step. However the opportunity to work in interactive session improve turn-around time because there is no need to stay in queue for each iteration.

First generate the script to standard output and examine it:

akrr task new --dry-run --gen-batch-job-only -n 2 -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER
DryRun: Should submit following to REST API (POST to scheduled_tasks) {'resource_param': "{'nnodes':2}", 'time_to_start': None, 'repeat_in': None, 'app': 'namd', 'resource': 'ub-hpc'}
[INFO] Directory /home/akrruser/akrr/log/data/ub-hpc/namd does not exist, creating it.
[INFO] Directory /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/namd does not exist, creating it.
[INFO] Creating task directory: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/data/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
[INFO] Creating task directories: 
[INFO] auto_walltime_limit is on, trying to estimate walltime limit...
[WARNING] There are only %d previous run, need at least 5 for walltime limit autoset
[INFO] Below is content of generated batch job script:
#SBATCH --partition=general-compute 
#SBATCH --qos=general-compute
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --time=00:13:00
#SBATCH --output=/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
#SBATCH --error=/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
#SBATCH --constraint="CPU-L5520"
#SBATCH --exclusive

#Common commands
export AKRR_NODES=2
export AKRR_CORES=16
export AKRR_NETWORK_SCRATCH="/user/nikolays/tmp"
export AKRR_LOCAL_SCRATCH="/tmp"
export AKRR_TASK_WORKDIR="/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/namd/2019."
export AKRR_APPKER_DIR="/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc"
export AKRR_AKRR_DIR="/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc"

export AKRR_APPKER_NAME="namd"
export AKRR_RESOURCE_NAME="ub-hpc"
export AKRR_TIMESTAMP="2019."

export AKRR_APPKERNEL_INPUT="/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc/inputs/namd/apoa1_nve"
export AKRR_APPKERNEL_EXECUTABLE="/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc/execs"

source "$AKRR_APPKER_DIR/execs/bin/akrr_util.bash"

#Populate list of nodes per MPI process
export AKRR_NODELIST=`srun -l --ntasks-per-node=$AKRR_CORES_PER_NODE -n $AKRR_CORES hostname -s|sort -n| awk '{printf "%s ",$2}' `

export PATH="$AKRR_APPKER_DIR/execs/bin:$PATH"


#run common tests

#Write some info to, JSON-Like file
akrr_write_to_gen_info "start_time" "`date`"
akrr_write_to_gen_info "node_list" "$AKRR_NODELIST"

#create working dir
export AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR=`mktemp -d /user/nikolays/tmp/namd.XXXXXXXXX`
echo "Temporary working directory: $AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR"

#Copy inputs
cp /user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc/inputs/namd/apoa1_nve/* ./

#Load application environment
module load namd/2.12-ibverbs
export CONV_RSH=ssh

#set executable location
EXE=`which namd2`
charmrun_bin=`which charmrun`

#prepare nodelist for charmmrun
for n in $AKRR_NODELIST; do echo host $n>>nodelist; done

#set how to run app kernel
RUN_APPKERNEL="$charmrun_bin  +p$AKRR_CORES ++nodelist nodelist $EXE ./input.namd"

#Generate AppKer signature $EXE $AKRR_TASK_WORKDIR/.. > $AKRR_APP_STDOUT_FILE

#Execute AppKer
akrr_write_to_gen_info "appkernel_start_time" "`date`"
akrr_write_to_gen_info "appkernel_end_time" "`date`"

if [ "${AKRR_DEBUG=no}" = "no" ]
        echo "Deleting temporary files"
        rm -rf $AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR
        echo "Copying temporary files"
        cp -r $AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR workdir
        rm -rf $AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR

akrr_write_to_gen_info "end_time" "`date`"

[INFO] Removing generated files from file-system as only batch job script printing was requested

Next generate the script on resource:

akrr task new --gen-batch-job-only -n 2 -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER 
[INFO] Creating task directory: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/data/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
[INFO] Creating task directories: 
[INFO] Creating batch job script and submitting it to remote machine
[INFO] Directory huey:/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/namd does not exists, will try to create it
[INFO] Directory huey:/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/namd/2019. does not exists, will try to create it
[INFO] auto_walltime_limit is on, trying to estimate walltime limit...
[WARNING] There are only 0 previous run, need at least 5 for walltime limit autoset
[INFO] Local copy of batch job script is /home/akrruser/akrr/log/data/ub-hpc/namd/2019.

[INFO] Application kernel working directory on ub-hpc is /user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
[INFO] Batch job script location on ub-hpc is /user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/namd/2019.

The output contains the working directory for this task on remote resource. On remote resource get to that directory and start interactive session (request same number of nodes, in example above the script was generated for 2 nodes).

On remote resource

> cd /user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
> ls
> salloc --partition=debug --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=8 --time=01:00:00 --exclusive --constraint="CPU-L5520"
salloc: Granted job allocation 10835
> bash namd.job 
Temporary working directory: /user/nikolays/tmp/namd.3EaG6beEQ
Deleting temporary files

Examine appstdout file, which contains application kernel output:

On remote resource

> cat appstdout
 ===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: 45f97315d9290c3c631d78e3defad52f /util/academic/namd/NAMD_2.12_Linux-x86_64-ibverbs/namd2
===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: a67349ee487ece290224fbca93b5811b /lib64/
===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: bbb4814755042554781fce1b1da6fdb1 /lib64/
===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: 23902bbccc0e350c1fdf09d070f3cd48 /lib64/
===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: 2705d15430ebce01274ef94967122bcb /lib64/
===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: b06038960f153e36545ed9ea947f80f6 /lib64/
===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: c8f2c137eee1a4581bc0be7b63d2c603 /lib64/
===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: a2737e5fc2c2059bd357ef6015c99262 /lib64/
===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: 07711242213230dc1139fc71f31754cf /lib64/
===ExeBinSignature=== MD5: 43d5e221199ce5536fa5f86b12c40a58 /lib64/
Charmrun> scalable start enabled. 
Charmrun> IBVERBS version of charmrun
Charmrun> started all node programs in 2.783 seconds.
Converse/Charm++ Commit ID: v6.7.1-0-gbdf6a1b-namd-charm-6.7.1-build-2016-Nov-07-136676
Warning> Randomization of stack pointer is turned on in kernel, thread migration may not work! Run 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space' as root to disable it, or try run with '+isomalloc_sync'.  
Charm++> scheduler running in netpoll mode.
CharmLB> Load balancer assumes all CPUs are same.
Charm++> Running on 2 unique compute nodes (8-way SMP).
Charm++> cpu topology info is gathered in 0.012 seconds.
Info: NAMD 2.12 for Linux-x86_64-ibverbs
Info: Please visit
Info: for updates, documentation, and support information.
Info: Please cite Phillips et al., J. Comp. Chem. 26:1781-1802 (2005)
Info: in all publications reporting results obtained with NAMD.
Info: Based on Charm++/Converse 60701 for net-linux-x86_64-ibverbs-iccstatic
Info: Built Wed Dec 21 11:35:18 CST 2016 by jim on
Info: 1 NAMD  2.12  Linux-x86_64-ibverbs  16  nikolays
Info: Running on 16 processors, 16 nodes, 2 physical nodes.
Info: CPU topology information available.
Info: Charm++/Converse parallel runtime startup completed at 0.025507 s
Info: 131.637 MB of memory in use based on /proc/self/stat
Info: Configuration file is ./input.namd
Info: Changed directory to .
TCL: Suspending until startup complete.
Info: TIMESTEP               2
Info: NUMBER OF STEPS        1200
Info: STEPS PER CYCLE        20

<more NAMD output>

Info: useSync: 0 useProxySync: 0
LDB: =============== DONE WITH MIGRATION ================ 72.7068
Info: Benchmark time: 16 CPUs 0.0951892 s/step 0.550864 days/ns 308.785 MB memory
Info: Benchmark time: 16 CPUs 0.0955705 s/step 0.55307 days/ns 308.785 MB memory
TIMING: 500  CPU: 48.7655, 0.0967451/step  Wall: 48.8295, 0.0968651/step, 0.0188349 hours remaining, 308.785156 MB of memory in use.
ENERGY:     500      2119.3682     10836.2433      5712.6289       177.9260        -300554.0570     16944.7914         0.0000         0.0000     33421.0085        -231342.0906       171.6328   -264763.0991   -231171.7215       168.3237          -1980.8393     -1951.1466    921491.4634     -1734.6994     -1734.6442

Info: Benchmark time: 16 CPUs 0.0948333 s/step 0.548804 days/ns 308.785 MB memory
Info: Benchmark time: 16 CPUs 0.0960609 s/step 0.555908 days/ns 308.785 MB memory
Info: Benchmark time: 16 CPUs 0.0942993 s/step 0.545713 days/ns 308.785 MB memory
Info: Benchmark time: 16 CPUs 0.095285 s/step 0.551418 days/ns 308.785 MB memory
TIMING: 1000  CPU: 96.0494, 0.0945676/step  Wall: 96.4553, 0.0952516/step, 0.00529176 hours remaining, 308.785156 MB of memory in use.
ENERGY:    1000      2029.9736     10858.2028      5703.0889       180.3306        -302100.8892     17982.1676         0.0000         0.0000     33997.1245        -231350.0014       174.5915   -265347.1258   -231170.4272       173.3323          -1695.3973     -1666.3302    921491.4634     -1819.9177     -1819.8952

The last position output (seq=-2) takes 0.025 seconds, 320.508 MB of memory in use
The last velocity output (seq=-2) takes 0.025 seconds, 320.508 MB of memory in use

WallClock: 149.040894  CPUTime: 148.148071  Memory: 320.507812 MB

If it looks ok you can move to the next step

Perform Validation Run

On this step akrr app validate command is used to validate application kernel installation on particular resource. It execute application kernel and analyses its' results. If it fails the problems need to be fixed and another round of validation should be performed.

akrr app validate -n 2 -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER 

Sample output

[INFO] Validating namd application kernel installation on ub-hpc
[INFO] ################################################################################
[INFO] Validating ub-hpc parameters from /home/akrruser/akrr/etc/resources/ub-hpc/resource.conf
[INFO] Syntax of /home/akrruser/akrr/etc/resources/ub-hpc/resource.conf is correct and all necessary parameters are present.
[INFO] Syntax of /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/akrr/default_conf/ is correct and all necessary parameters are present.
[INFO] ################################################################################
[INFO] Validating resource accessibility. Connecting to ub-hpc.
[INFO] Successfully connected to ub-hpc

[INFO] Checking directory locations

[INFO] Checking: huey:/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write

[INFO] Checking: huey:/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write

[INFO] Checking: huey:/user/nikolays/tmp
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write
[INFO] Checking: huey:/tmp
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write
[INFO] ################################################################################
[INFO] Will send test job to queue, wait till it executed and will analyze the output
Will use AKRR REST API at https://localhost:8091/api/v1
Submitted test job to AKRR, task_id is 3144531

Tast status:
Task is in scheduled_tasks queue.
It schedule to be started on2019-03-20T19:56:26

time: 2019-03-20 19:56:26 

Tast status:
Task is in active_tasks queue.
Status: None
Status info:

time: 2019-03-20 19:56:36 

Tast status:
Task is in active_tasks queue.
Status: Still in queue. Either waiting or running
Status info:
             10836 general-c namd.job nikolays  R       0:05      2 cpn-d13-[18-19]

time: 2019-03-20 19:56:43 

Tast status:
Task is in active_tasks queue.
Status: Still in queue. Either waiting or running
Status info:
             10836 general-c namd.job nikolays  R       2:30      2 cpn-d13-[18-19]

time: 2019-03-20 19:59:14 

Tast status:
Task is in active_tasks queue.
Status: Task was completed successfully.
Status info:

time: 2019-03-20 19:59:21 

Tast status:
Task is completed!
        status: 1
        status_info: Done

time: 2019-03-20 19:59:26 [INFO] Test job is completed analyzing output

Test kernel execution summary:
status: 1
status_info: Done
processing message:
Local working directory for this task: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
Location of some important generated files:
        Batch job script: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
        Application kernel output: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
        Batch job standard output: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
        Batch job standard error output: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
        XML processing results: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/namd/2019.
        Task execution logs: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/namd/2019.

Enabling namd on ub-hpc for execution

[INFO] Successfully enabled namd on ub-hpc
DONE, you can move to next step!

Schedule regular execution of application kernel.

Now this application kernel can be submitted for regular execution:

# Perform a test run on all nodes count
akrr task new -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER -n 1,2,4,8

#Start daily execution from today on nodes 1,2,4,8 and distribute execution time between 1:00 and 5:00
akrr task new -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER -n 1,2,4,8 -t0 "01:00" -t1 "05:00" -p 1

# Run on all nodes count 20 times (default number of runs to establish baseline)
akrr task new -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER -n all --n-runs 20

see Scheduling and Rescheduling Application Kernels and  Setup Walltime Limit for more details.

Up: Deployment of Application Kernels on Resource