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File metadata and controls

741 lines (575 loc) · 31 KB

This section describes how to add traditional HPC resource to AKRR. AKRR also support execution on systems without queueing system and OpenStack (limited support at this point).

Adding a New HPC Resource

HPC resource is added in two steps:

  1. Configuration of new resource
  2. Deployment of AKRR's HPC resource-side scripts and application inputs.

The last step also performs installation validation.

From the AKRR point of view, an HPC resource is a distinct and homogeneous set of computational nodes. The resource name should reflect such a set. For example,  if cluster "A" in addition to typical general purpose nodes has specialized nodes ( large memory, GPU or MIC accelerated nodes), it will be convenient to treat them as a separate resources and to name them as "A",   "A_largemem", "A_GPU" and "A_MIC" for general purpose nodes, for large memory nodes, GPU or MIC accelerated nodes respectively. The name of the resource is separated from access node  (head node), the later is specified in configuration file.

AKRR uses the user-account under which its is running to access HPC resources. For the access, it will use ssh and scp commands.

Required Information about Resource

  • Access credential to head node from machine where AKRR daemon is running (username and password or username, private key location on file system and pass-phrase)
  • Queuing system type (SLURM, PBS)
  • Batch job script header with resource request specifications
  • HPC resource specification
    • processes per node count
  • HPC resource file-system layout
    • local scratch location
    • network scratch location
    • future location for application kernel input and auxiliary files (should be in persistent location (i.e. not scratch))
    • future location for application kernel run-time files (can be on scratch)


Setting HPC Resource Default Shell to BASH

AKRR accesses and uses HPC resource as a regular user and as a regular user it has its' preference to shell flavor. It is intended to be used with bash. Consult your system user guide or consultants on how to do that, please note that in the majority of large HPC sites the UNIX chsh command is not the preferred way.

Adding New Resource

To add new resource run AKRR CLI with resource add options:

akrr resource add

This script will:

  • ask to choose a resource from OpenXDMoD resources list
  • prompt for AKRR resource name
  • ask for a queuing system
  • ask for resource access credential
  • ask for locations of AKRR working directories on resource
  • finally it initiate resource configuration file and populate most of the parameters in it 

If the resource is not present in OpenXDMoD resources list enter 0 when prompt for resoure id. When prompt for resource name enter human friendly name as discussed earlier, for example fatboy_gpu, the name can be different from XDMoD name.

Tips and Tricks

If resource headnode do not reply on pinging use --no-ping argument do disable that check.

If your system is fairly non-standard (for example non-default port for ssh, usage of globus-ssh for access and similar) you can use --minimalistic argument. This option sets a minimalistic interactive session and the generated configuration file must be manually edited.

Below is sample output:

'akrr resource add' Sample Output

[INFO] Beginning Initiation of New Resource...
[INFO] Retrieving Resources from XDMoD Database...
[INFO] Found following resources from XDMoD Database:
    resource_id  name
              1  ub-hpc                                  

[INPUT]: Enter resource_id for import (enter 0 for no match):

[INPUT]: Enter AKRR resource name, hit enter to use same name as in XDMoD Database [ub-hpc]:

[INPUT]: Enter queuing system on resource (slurm or pbs): 

[INPUT]: Enter Resource head node (access node) full name (e.g.
[ub-hpc] huey
[INPUT]: Enter username for resource access:
[akrruser] nikolays
[INFO] Can not access resource without password

[INFO] Select authentication method:
  0  The private and public keys was generated manually, right now. Try again.
  1  Generate new private and public key.
  2  Use password directly.
[INPUT]: Select option from list above:

[INPUT]: Enter password for nikolays@vortex (will be used only during this session):

[INPUT]: Enter private key name:
[INPUT]: Enter passphrase for new key (leave empty for passwordless access):

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa_ub-hpc.
Your public key has been saved in /home/akrruser/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:imFr7yAbg56+ebMHDKkfjSSSBzA4MasEGMV3H+DaTHQ nikolays@huey
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|o  o= o.E        |
|*  +-....        |
|+= o .o. .       |
|o.   =  .        |
|*o.   o S        |
|o+.+ + .         |
|.o+.= .          |
|oO.o.o           |
|Bo .+o+.         |
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/akrruser/.ssh/"
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
UPDATED: March 6, 2015

You are accessing a University at Buffalo (UB) - Center for Computational Research (CCR)
computer system that is provided for CCR-authorized users only.


Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine, with:   "ssh 'nikolays@huey'"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

[INFO] Checking for password-less access
[INFO] Can access resource without password

[INFO] Connecting to ub-hpc
[INFO]               Done

[INPUT]: Enter processors (cores) per node count:
[INPUT]: Enter location of local scratch (visible only to single node):
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write

[INPUT]: Enter location of network scratch (visible only to all nodes),used for temporary storage of app kernel input/output:
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write

[INPUT]: Enter future location of app kernels input and executable files:
[INFO] Directory huey:/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc does not exists, will try to create it
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write

[INPUT]: Enter future locations for app kernels working directories (can or even should be on scratch space):
[INFO] Directory huey:/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc does not exists, will try to create it
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write

[INFO] Initiating ub-hpc at AKRR
[INFO] Resource configuration is in /home/akrruser/akrr/etc/resources/ub-hpc/resource.conf
[INFO] Initiation of new resource is completed.
    Edit batch_job_header_template variable in /home/akrruser/akrr/etc/resources/ub-hpc/resource.conf
    and move to resource validation and deployment step.
    i.e. execute:
        akrr resource deploy -r ub-hpc

Tips and Tricks

Reducing number of ssh connection: AKRR would generate a large number of ssh connections. If you don't want to stress you headnode in this manner you can set ssh to reuse the connections. Add following to ~/.ssh/config :

Host <your heanode name>  
<TAB>ControlMaster auto  
<TAB>ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/%l-%r@%h-%p  
<TAB>ControlPersist 3600

Replace <TAB> with tab symbol. See ssh documentation for more details

Edit Resource Configuration File

Edit resource parameter file $HOME/akrr/etc/resources/<RESOURCE>/resource.conf . In most cases the only parameter which should be adjusted is batch_job_header_template at the end of the file.

Below is example of the resource configuration file:

# Resource parameters

# Processors (cores) per node
ppn = 8

# head node for remote access
remote_access_node = "huey"
# Remote access method to the resource (default ssh)
remote_access_method = "ssh"
# Remote copy method to the resource (default scp)
remote_copy_method = "scp"

# Access authentication
ssh_username = "nikolays"
ssh_password = None
ssh_private_key_file = None
ssh_private_key_password = None

# Scratch visible across all nodes (absolute path or/and shell environment variable)
network_scratch = "/user/nikolays/tmp"
# Local scratch only locally visible (absolute path or/and shell environment variable)
local_scratch = "/tmp"
# Locations for app. kernels working directories (can or even should be on scratch space)
akrr_data = "/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc"
# Location of executables and input for app. kernels
appkernel_dir = "/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc"

# batch options
batch_scheduler = "slurm"

# job script header
batch_job_header_template = """#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --qos=normal
#SBATCH --nodes={akrr_num_of_nodes}
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node={akrr_ppn}
#SBATCH --time={akrr_walltime_limit}
#SBATCH --output={akrr_task_work_dir}/stdout
#SBATCH --error={akrr_task_work_dir}/stderr
#SBATCH --exclusive

Configuration File Format

All AKRR configuration files utilize python syntax. Below is a short example on the syntax:

# pound sign for comments

# value assignment to variable
db_host = ""
export_db_host = db_host

# triple quotes for long multi-line strings
batch_job_header_template = """#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --nodes={akrr_num_of_nodes}
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node={akrr_ppn}
#SBATCH --time={akrr_walltime_limit}
#SBATCH --output={akrr_task_work_dir}/stdout
#SBATCH --error={akrr_task_work_dir}/stderr
#SBATCH --exclusive

Batch job script files which is submited to HPC resource for execution is generated using the template. Variables in curly brackets are replaced by their values.

For example line "#SBATCH --nodes={akrrNNodes}" listed above in batchJobHeaderTemplate template variable

will become "#SBATCH --nodes=2" in batch job script if application kernel should run on two nodes.

In order to enter curly brackets itself they should be enter as double curly brackets (i.e. ${{ENV_VAR}} in template will be ${ENV_VAR} in resulting script).

The commented parameters will assume default values. Below is the description of the parameters and their default values:

Parameter Optional Description Default Value
ppn N Processors (cores) per node Must be set
remote_access_node N head node name for remote access Must be set
remote_access_method Y Remote access method to the resource. Default is ssh, gsissh can be used.Here command line options to ssh can be specified as well (e.g. "ssh -p 23") 'ssh'
remote_copy_method Y Remote copy method to the resource. Default is scp, gsiscp can be used.Here command line options to ssh can be specified as well. 'scp'
Access authentication
ssh_username N username for remote access Must be set
ssh_password Y password None
ssh_private_key_file Y location of private key, full name must be used None
ssh_private_key_password Y private key pass-phrase None
File-system locations on HPC resource
network_scratch N Scratch visible across all computational nodes(absolute path or/and shell environment variable) '$SCRATCH'
local_scratch N Local scratch only visible locally to a computational node(absolute path or/and shell environment variable) '/tmp'
akrr_data N Top directory for app. kernels working directories. The last has a lifespan of taskexecution and can or even should be on scratch space. This directory will beautomatically created if needed. Must be set
appkernel_dir N Location of executables and input for app. kernels. The content of this directorywill be filled during next step (validation and deployment) Must be set
Batch job script settings
batch_scheduler N Scheduler type: slurm or pbs. sge might work as well but was not tested Must be set
batch_job_header_template N Header for batch job script. Describe the resources requests and set AKRR_NODELIST environment variable containing list of all nodes.See below for more detailed information. Must be set
max_number_of_active_tasks Y Maximal number of active tasks, default is -1, that is no limits -1

_batch_job_header_template _is a template used in the generation of batch job scripts. It specifies the resources (e.g. number of nodes) and other parameters used by scheduler.

The following are instructions on how to convert batch job script header to batch_job_header_template.

Below is a batch script which execute NAMD application on resorch which use Slurm:

#SBATCH --partition=general-compute 
#SBATCH --qos=general-compute
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --output=output.stdout
#SBATCH --error=output.stderr
#SBATCH --constraint="CPU-L5520"
#SBATCH --exclusive

module load namd

srun $NAMDHOME/namd2 ./input.namd >& output.log 

We need to cut the top part of it, use it to replace the top section in the  _batch_job_header_template _variable, and replace the requested resources with suitable template variables:

batch_job_header_template = """#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --partition=general-compute 
#SBATCH --qos=general-compute
#SBATCH --nodes={akrr_num_of_nodes}
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node={akrr_ppn}
#SBATCH --time={akrr_walltime_limit}
#SBATCH --output={akrr_task_work_dir}/stdout
#SBATCH --error={akrr_task_work_dir}/stderr
#SBATCH --constraint="CPU-L5520"
#SBATCH --exclusive

Number of nodes became {akrr_num_of_nodes}, processors per node became {akrr_ppn}, walltime becomes _{akrr_walltime_limit} and standard output and error became {akrr_task_work_dir}/stdout and {akrr_task_work_dir}/stderr respectively. These template variables will be substituted by the desired values during generation of batch job script for a particular task. The name of the files to where the standard output and error are redirected always should be stdout and stderr respectively.

Some template variable often used in batchJobHeaderTemplate is shown in table below:

Variable Name Description
{akrr_num_of_nodes} Number of requested nodes
{akrr_ppn} Processors per node count, that means a total count of cores on a single node
{akrr_num_of_cores} Number of requested cores
{akrr_walltime_limit} Requested walltime, this field will be properly formatted
{akrr_task_work_dir} Location of working directory where the application kernel will be executed.
It is often used to redirect standard error and output to proper location, e.g.:
#SBATCH --output={akrr_task_work_dir}/stdout
#SBATCH --error={akrr_task_work_dir}/stderr
Although such explicit definition of standard error and output redirected files are rarely used.
Some batch systems have been known to default to placing such output files in the user $HOME directory rather than the job submission directory.
So use full name to be on a safe side

Visual Inspection of Generated Batch Job Script

Now, we can generate test application kernel batch job script and visually inspect it for mistake presence. Run:

akrr task new --dry-run --gen-batch-job-only -r <resource_name> -a test -n 2

This command will generate batch job script and output it to standard output. Below is example of the output

DryRun: Should submit following to REST API (POST to scheduled_tasks) {'repeat_in': None, 'resource_param': "{'nnodes':2}", 'time_to_start': None, 'app': 'test', 'resource': 'ub-hpc'}
[INFO] Directory /home/akrruser/akrr/log/data/ub-hpc does not exist, creating it.
[INFO] Directory /home/akrruser/akrr/log/data/ub-hpc/test does not exist, creating it.
[INFO] Directory /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc does not exist, creating it.
[INFO] Directory /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/test does not exist, creating it.
[INFO] Creating task directory: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/data/ub-hpc/test/2019.
[INFO] Creating task directories: 
[INFO] auto_walltime_limit is on, trying to estimate walltime limit...
[WARNING] There are only %d previous run, need at least 5 for walltime limit autoset
[INFO] Below is content of generated batch job script:
#SBATCH --partition=general-compute 
#SBATCH --qos=general-compute
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --time=00:02:00
#SBATCH --output=/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/test/2019.
#SBATCH --error=/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/test/2019.
#SBATCH --constraint="CPU-L5520"
#SBATCH --exclusive

#Common commands
export AKRR_NODES=2
export AKRR_CORES=16
export AKRR_NETWORK_SCRATCH="/user/nikolays/tmp"
export AKRR_LOCAL_SCRATCH="/tmp"
export AKRR_TASK_WORKDIR="/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc/test/2019."
export AKRR_APPKER_DIR="/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc"
export AKRR_AKRR_DIR="/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc"

export AKRR_APPKER_NAME="test"
export AKRR_RESOURCE_NAME="ub-hpc"
export AKRR_TIMESTAMP="2019."

export AKRR_APPKERNEL_INPUT="/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc/inputs"
export AKRR_APPKERNEL_EXECUTABLE="/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc/execs"

source "$AKRR_APPKER_DIR/execs/bin/akrr_util.bash"

#Populate list of nodes per MPI process
export AKRR_NODELIST=`srun -l --ntasks-per-node=$AKRR_CORES_PER_NODE -n $AKRR_CORES hostname -s|sort -n| awk '{printf "%s ",$2}' `

export PATH="$AKRR_APPKER_DIR/execs/bin:$PATH"


#run common tests

#Write some info to, JSON-Like file
akrr_write_to_gen_info "start_time" "`date`"
akrr_write_to_gen_info "node_list" "$AKRR_NODELIST"

#normally in run_script_pre_run
#create working dir
export AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR=`mktemp -d /user/nikolays/tmp/test.XXXXXXXXX`
echo "Temporary working directory: $AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR"

#Generate AppKer signature `which md5sum` > $AKRR_APP_STDOUT_FILE

echo "Checking that the shell is BASH"
echo $BASH 

#normally in run_script_post_run
if [ "${AKRR_DEBUG=no}" = "no" ]
        echo "Deleting temporary files"
        rm -rf $AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR
        echo "Copying temporary files"
        cp -r $AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR workdir
        rm -rf $AKRR_TMP_WORKDIR

akrr_write_to_gen_info "end_time" "`date`"

[INFO] Removing generated files from file-system as only batch job script printing was requested

Test application kernel is specialized application kernel which inspects the resource deployment. Here mainly inspect the very top of the generated script and check is the resources request is generated properly. Modify  batch_job_header_template in configuration file if needed.

Resource Parameters Validation and Application Kernel Input Parameters Deployment

The following command will validate resource parameters and deploy application kernel input parameters

akrr resource deploy -r <resource_name>

This script will perform following operations:

  • Check configuration file syntax, parameters type and presence of non optional parameters
  • Test the connectivity to the head-node
  • Deploy application kernel input parameters and application signature calculator
  • Run a test job on the resource

The script will exit in case of failure. The error must be addressed and script must be rerun until successful execution. Below is example of successful execution:

[INFO] Validating ub-hpc parameters from /home/akrruser/akrr/etc/resources/ub-hpc/resource.conf
[INFO] Syntax of /home/akrruser/akrr/etc/resources/ub-hpc/resource.conf is correct and all necessary parameters are present.

[INFO] Validating resource accessibility. Connecting to ub-hpc.
[INFO] Successfully connected to ub-hpc

[INFO] Checking if shell is BASH

[INFO] Shell is BASH

[INFO] Checking directory locations

[INFO] Checking: huey:/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc
[INFO] Directory huey:/user/nikolays/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc does not exists, will try to create it
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write
[INFO] Checking: huey:/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc
[INFO] Directory huey:/user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc does not exists, will try to create it
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write
[INFO] Checking: huey:/user/nikolays/tmp
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write
[INFO] Checking: huey:/tmp
[INFO] Directory exist and accessible for read/write

[INFO] Preparing to copy application signature calculator,
    app. kernel input files and 
    HPCC, IMB, IOR and Graph500 source code to remote resource

[INFO] Copying app. kernel input tarball to /user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc
UPDATED: March 6, 2015

inputs.tar.gz                                 100% 5715KB  40.7MB/s   00:00    
[INFO] Unpacking app. kernel input files to /user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc/inputs
[INFO] App. kernel input files are in /user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc/inputs

[INFO] Copying app. kernel execs tarball to /user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc
It contains HPCC,IMB,IOR and Graph500 source code and app.signature calculator
UPDATED: March 6, 2015

execs.tar.gz                                  100% 4362   684.0KB/s   00:00    
[INFO] Unpacking HPCC,IMB,IOR and Graph500 source code and app.signature calculator files to /user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc/execs
[INFO] HPCC,IMB,IOR and Graph500 source code and app.signature calculator are in /user/nikolays/appker/ub-hpc/execs

[INFO] Testing app.signature calculator on headnode

[INFO] App.signature calculator is working on headnode

[INFO] Will send test job to queue, wait till it executed and will analyze the output
Submitted test job to AKRR, task_id is 3144529

Test status:
Task is in scheduled_tasks queue.
It schedule to be started on2019-03-20T15:21:22

time: 2019-03-20 15:21:22 

Test status:
Task is in active_tasks queue.
Status: None
Status info:

time: 2019-03-20 15:21:32 

Test status:
Task is in active_tasks queue.
Status: Created batch job script and have submitted it to remote queue.
Status info:
Remote job ID is 10833

time: 2019-03-20 15:21:39 

Test status:
Task is in active_tasks queue.
Status: Task was completed successfully.
Status info:

time: 2019-03-20 15:21:46 

Test status:
Task is completed!
        status: 1
        status_info: Done

time: 2019-03-20 15:21:51

[INFO] Test job is completed analyzing output

Test kernel execution summary:
status: 1
status_info: Done
processing message:
Local working directory for this task: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/test/2019.
Location of some important generated files:
        Batch job script: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/test/2019.
        Application kernel output: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/test/2019.
        Batch job standard output: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/test/2019.
        Batch job standard error output: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/test/2019.
        XML processing results: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/test/2019.
        Task execution logs: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/comptasks/ub-hpc/test/2019.

The output looks good.

Adding AKRR enviroment variables to resource's .bashrc!

[INFO] Enabled ub-hpc in mod_appkernel.resource for tasks execution and made it visible to XDMoD UI.
[INFO] Successfully enabled ub-hpc

[INFO] Result:
DONE, you can move to next step!

Now AKRR can submit jobs to that resource

Next: AKRR: Deployment of Application Kernel on Resource


Incorrect $AKRR_NODELIST Environment variable

If you got following error messages:

  • "Nodes are not detected, check batch_job_header_template and setup of AKRR_NODELIST variable"
  • "Can not ping compute nodes from head node"
  • "Number of requested processes (processes per node * nodes) do not match actual processes executed"

Then there is a high chances that AKRR_NODELIST was not set properly from default templates.

AKRR_NODELIST is a list of nodes per each MPI process, i.e. same node name is repeated multiple times. For example for 2 node run on 4 cores per node machine it looks like "node3 node3 node3 node3 node7node7node7node7".

By default AKRR uses templates specific to queuing system (defined in $AKRR_HOME/src/

#Node list setter
    'pbs':"""export AKRR_NODELIST=\`cat $PBS_NODEFILE\`""",
    'slurm':"""export AKRR_NODELIST=\`srun -l --ntasks-per-node=$AKRR_CORES_PER_NODE -n $AKRR_CORES hostname -s|sort -n| awk '{{printf "%s ",$2}}' \`"""

To modify the behavior node_list_setter_template can be define in specific resource configuration file ($AKRR_HOME/cfg/resources/$RESOURCE/

portion of $AKRR_HOME/cfg/resources/$RESOURCE/

#Node list setter
node_list_setter_template="""export AKRR_NODELIST=`srun -l --ntasks-per-node=$AKRR_CORES_PER_NODE -n $AKRR_CORES hostname -s|sort -n| awk '{{printf "%s ",$2}}' `"""

For SLURM alternative to srun can be:

portion of $AKRR_HOME/cfg/resources/$RESOURCE/

#Node list setter
node_list_setter_template="""_TASKS_PER_NODE=`echo $SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE|sed "s/(x[0-9]*)//g"`
export AKRR_NODELIST=`scontrol show hostname $SLURM_NODELIST| awk "{{for (i=0;i<$_TASKS_PER_NODE;++i)print}}"

Advanced Debugging

Although detects many problems with resource deployments, sometimes its output can be cryptic. The following strategy can be employed to find the problem.

  1. Generate batch job script
  2. Run it on resource
  3. Analyze output
  4. Fix the issues in batch job script
  5. Go to 2 until executed successfully
  6. merge changes in batch job script to respective template in configuration file

Batch job script can be generated by running following command:

akrr task new --gen-batch-job-only -r <resource_name> -a test -n 2

This command generate batch job script and copy it to proper location on remote resource. This location will be showed in output:

[INFO]: Local copy of batch job script is 

[INFO]: Application kernel working directory on rush is 
[INFO]: Batch job script location on rush is 

Now log into resource, go to the task working directory and manually submit to queue, check the output and determine the problem.

Next: AKRR: Deployment of Application Kernel on Resource