uPortal 5.8.0
This is a new minor release of uPortal. It includes a couple enhancements for CAS configuration and Lucene search, a few fixes, and a fair number of dependency updates.
Credit to @allanjackson, @bjagg, @cbeach47, @ChristianMurphy, and @jonathanmtran for the commits.
Changes Affecting Deployments
- new property, cas.ticketValidationFilter.encodeServiceUrl in
## Some CAS servers, like the CAS server in uPortal-start can not handle encoded service URLs. ## Set the following property to false to disable encoding of service URLs. ## See https://groups.google.com/a/apereo.org/d/msg/uportal-user/44Uw1YP8_Mg/hLaTlEVZFAAJ ## for the discussion regarding this property # #cas.ticketValidationFilter.encodeServiceUrl=true
- new property, org.apereo.portal.rest.search.PortletsSearchStrategy.displayScore in
## ## Flag to enable or disable the display the the search strategy score of the results ## org.apereo.portal.rest.search.PortletsSearchStrategy.displayScore:true
List of Changes
- #1822 Updated encodeServiceUrl of the ticketValidationFilter bean to true
- #1863 Expose Lucene ranking
- Update Jacoco report tasks for gradle v5.6.1
- #1803 Use tab's externalId for sitemap links
- #1809 Remove Lucene duplication via a unique ID field
- #1828 Use clearfix on form
- #1862 update package lock file
- Remove trailing comma from renovate config
- Combine jadira usertype updates
- Add slfj, groovy, and json web token as grouped packages
- Use master issue to manage major version updates
- Fixed indentation levels
- Update dependencies
- #1840 gradle to v5.6.1
- #1864 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3 to v1.11.621
- #1846 org.jgroups:jgroups to v3.6.18.Final
- #1860 nebula.lint:nebula.lint.gradle.plugin to v12.1.0
- #1861 org.apache.commons:commons-compress to v1.19
- #1839 commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils to v1.9.4
- #1838 org.webjars.npm:core-js-bundle to v3.2.1
- #1835 slf4j to v1.7.28
- #1820 org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-jsr223 to v2.5.8
- #1821 org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-test to v2.5.8
- org.codehaus.groovy:groovy to v2.5.8
- #1818 org.json:json to v20190722
- #1815 org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j to v1.7.27
- #1816 org.slf4j:log4j-over-slf4j to v1.7.27
- #1817 org.slf4j:slf4j-api to v1.7.27
- #1814 org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j to v1.7.27
- #1811 spring core to v4.3.25.release
- #1808 org.apache.tika:tika-core to v1.22
- #1800 org.apache.commons:commons-pool2 to v2.7.0
- #1798 node js to version 12.7.0
- #1797 com.github.kt3k.coveralls:com.github.kt3k.coveralls.gradle.plugin to v2.8.4
- #1795 Lucene to v8.2.0