Tao Zhang (slnazhangtao@gmail.com)
File: downhill_config
1000 #maximum iterations
8 #number of parametes
10e-8 #threshold for convergency
/global/cscratch1/sd/zhangtao/acme_scratch/cori-knl/low_ne30/run/tune_model.sh #low res model startup
/global/cscratch1/sd/zhangtao/acme_scratch/cori-knl/low_ne30/run/metrics/TWP/mcpi #TWP score of low res
/global/cscratch1/sd/zhangtao/acme_scratch/cori-knl/high_twpx4v1/run/tune_model.sh #high res model startup
/global/cscratch1/sd/zhangtao/acme_scratch/cori-knl/low_ne30/run/metrics/Global/mcpi #Global score of low res
/global/cscratch1/sd/zhangtao/acme_scratch/cori-knl/high_twpx4v1/run/metrics/score #TWP score of high res
File: subrange
-2e-3 -1e-4 #begin parameter range
0.001 0.007
0.001 0.007
0.02 0.1
1 5
2 8
0.5 2
350 1400 #end parameter range
#Parameter initial values (N+1), N is the number of parameters. For the inital run, the shape is (N+1)xN.
#When known the corresponding metrics, the shape is (N+1)x(N+1), the last column is the metrics values.
-8.81E-04 4.13E-03 6.72E-03 7.67E-02 1.12E+00 2.00E+00 8.61E-01 3.64E+02 6.41E-01
-7.78E-04 3.80E-03 6.23E-03 7.87E-02 1.11E+00 2.00E+00 8.33E-01 3.63E+02 7.04E-01
-9.25E-04 4.15E-03 6.78E-03 7.47E-02 1.12E+00 2.00E+00 8.63E-01 3.63E+02 7.20E-01
-8.75E-04 4.11E-03 6.66E-03 7.56E-02 1.12E+00 2.00E+00 8.59E-01 3.65E+02 6.40E-01
-9.75E-04 4.20E-03 6.89E-03 7.38E-02 1.11E+00 2.00E+00 8.68E-01 3.60E+02 8.22E-01
-1.18E-03 3.69E-03 6.45E-03 7.94E-02 1.10E+00 2.00E+00 8.66E-01 3.60E+02 7.19E-01
-1.00E-04 4.15E-03 6.73E-03 7.62E-02 1.12E+00 2.00E+00 8.63E-01 3.65E+02 3.11E+02
-1.00E-04 4.07E-03 6.65E-03 7.63E-02 1.12E+00 2.00E+00 8.58E-01 3.64E+02 3.12E+02
-8.78E-04 4.12E-03 6.69E-03 7.62E-02 1.12E+00 2.00E+00 8.60E-01 3.65E+02 9.20E+00
File: downhill_simplex.c
for(i = 0; i < NDIM + 1; i++){
for(j = 0; j < NDIM; j++){
if(j != NDIM){
fscanf(fp_config, "%lf", &INIT_Paras[i][j]);
printf("%e ", INIT_Paras[i][j]);
fscanf(fp_config, "%lf", &INIT_Metrics[i]);
for(i = 0; i < NDIM + 1; i++){
INIT_Metrics[i] = get_metrics(INIT_Paras[i]);
printf("%e \n",INIT_Metrics[i]);
for(i = 0; i < NDIM + 1; i++){
for(j = 0; j < NDIM+1; j++){
if(j != NDIM){
fscanf(fp_config, "%lf", &INIT_Paras[i][j]);
printf("%e ", INIT_Paras[i][j]);
fscanf(fp_config, "%lf", &INIT_Metrics[i]);
for(i = 0; i < NDIM + 1; i++){
//INIT_Metrics[i] = get_metrics(INIT_Paras[i]);
printf("%e \n",INIT_Metrics[i]);
File: tune_model.sh
# parameter list
# updating parameter values, which are generated by downhill simplex algorithm
# the directory of the sampling file
# the directory of the "run_e3sm.sh" file, which is to start the E3SM.
# the metrics directory
#undating the parameter values in atm_in
cd $run_dir
paras_num=`echo $paras | awk -F ':' '{print NF}'`
for i in `seq 1 $paras_num`
para=`echo $paras |cut -d : -f $i`
var_line=`sed -n "1p" $sample_dir/$sampling_file`
para_val="$para=`echo $var_line |cut -d ' ' -f $i`"
echo $para_val
sed -i "/\<$para\>/c \\ $para_val" $run_dir/atm_in
# run the E3SM
# convert the output into the formate by lat x lon
echo "e3sm has finished running!"
./remap_2d.sh low_ne30.cam.h1.2009-07*nc
./remap_2d.sh low_ne30.cam.h0*
# compute the metrics score
cd $metrics_path/TWP
./metrics_tune.csh > metrics.log
cd $metrics_path/Global
./metrics_tune.csh > metrics.log
File: run_e3sm.sh
# set OpenMP environment variables
export 'OMP_STACKSIZE'='128M'
export 'OMP_PROC_BIND'='spread'
export 'OMP_NUM_THREADS'='4'
export 'OMP_PLACES'='threads'
# run E3SM model
srun --label -n 2560 -c 4 --cpu_bind=cores /global/cscratch1/sd/zhangtao/acme_scratch/cori-knl/low_ne30/bld/e3sm.exe
File: metrics_tune.csh, calc_metrics_tune.ncl The metrics_tune.csh
computes the climatology mean of model simulation outputs
calls the "calc_metrics_tune.ncl", computes the performance score compared with obs
- The standard deviation of variable x
- The correlation coefficient between variable x and variable y
- Loss function E(m):
where the model simulation and observation are represented by "mod" and "obs", respectively.
$R_0$ is the maximum value of the correlation coefficient (Here$R_0=1$ ). k is used to control the weight of spatial correlation (Here$k=4$ ). The lower of E(m), the better of simulation performance. - Merge multi-variable into a one-objectivewhere
$N^F$ is the number of variables,$E_m^F$ is the tuning model simulation,$E_r^F$ is the default model simulation. If$\chi < 1$ , tuning simulation is better than the default simulation. The smaller of this value, the better of the tuning performance. -
Record the parameter values and the corrsponding metrics into the MySQL database.
mysql uq_e3sm -u uq_e3sm_admin -h nerscdb04.nersc.gov -p3Ii3i3i2fdd_2s25j333jjdd < metrics.sql
mysql uq_e3sm -u uq_e3sm_admin -h nerscdb04.nersc.gov -p3Ii3i3i2fdd_2s25j333jjdd < metrics.sql
select id,c0_ocn,c0_lnd,PRECT,CLDHGH,CLDLOW,CLDMED,LWCF,SWCF,MCPI,NOTE,date from e3sm_tune_MOO;
File: downhill_simplex.c
gcc -o downhill_simplex downhill_simplex.c -lm -g
File: submit.sh
sbatch submit.sh