Bitpanda interview task.
- Make a private fork this repository (or mirror it to your favourite git service -- Gitlab, Bitbucket, etc.)
- Complete the task described below using development practices you're familiar with (git flow)
- Use your own fork for all development, don't submit pull requests to origin repository
- In case of any questions, contact the HR you interacted with
- When finished, notify the HR and provide access to your fork (in case of not using Github / private repository, ask the HR to get our contact email to share access with)
Implement Todo MVC application using provided design and backend.
Design: figma link
Backend: todo-bitpanda-server
- Typescript
- Vue Composition API / Vue 3
- Pug
- BEM methodology
- Responsive, use Flexbox (no media queries 🙂)
- Relative CSS units
- CSS/SCSS variables where applicable
- implement as you would in a production app you work on together with a team
- while building the solution consider that the app is not finished and will be extended, features might be reused
- in case of design doubts make a decision yourself
- there are no hard time limits