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Out-of-sample time series forecasting

License: GPL v3 CRAN status Lifecycle: stable codecov Build Status

Out-of-Sample time series forecasting is a common, important, and subtle task. The OOS package introduces a comprehensive and cohesive API for the out-of-sample forecasting workflow: data preparation, forecasting - including both traditional econometric time series models and modern machine learning techniques - forecast combination, model and error analysis, and forecast visualization.

The key difference between OOS and the other time series forecasting packages is that it operates out-of-sample by construction. That is, it re-cleans data and re-trains models each and is careful not to introduce look-ahead bias into its information set via data cleaning or forecasts via model training. Other packages tend to fit the model once, leaving the user to construct the out-of-sample data cleaning and forecast exercise on their own.

See the OOS package website for examples and documentation.

Workflow and available Tools

1. Prepare Data

Clean Outliers Impute Missing Observations (via imputeTS) Dimension Reduction
Winsorize Linear Interpolation Principal Components
Trim Kalman Filter
Moving Average
Seasonal Decomposition

2. Forecast

Univariate Forecasts (via forecast) Multivariate Forecasts (via caret) Forecast Combinations
Random Walk Vector Autoregression Mean
ARIMA Linear Regression Median
ETS LASSO Regression Trimmed (Winsorized) Mean
Spline Ridge Regression N-Best
Theta Method Elastic Net Linear Regression
TBATS Principal Component Regression LASSO Regression
STL Partial Least Squares Regression Ridge Regression
AR Perceptron Random Forest Partial Egalitarian LASSO
Tree-Based Gradient Boosting Machine Principal Component Regression
Single Layered Neural Network Partial Least Squares Regression
Random Forest
Tree-Based Gradient Boosting Machine
Single Layered Neural Network

3. Analyze

Accuracy Compare Visualize
Mean Square Error (MSE) Forecast Error Ratios Forecasts
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) Diebold-Mariano Test (for unnested models) Errors
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) Clark and West Test (for nested models)
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE)

Model estimation flexibility and accessibility

Users may edit any model training routine through accessing a list of function arguments. For machine learning techniques, this entails editing caret arguments including: tuning grid, control grid, method, and accuracy metric. For univariate time series forecasting, this entails passing arguments to forecast package model functions. For imputing missing variables, this entails passing arguments to imputeTS package functions.

A brief example using an Arima model to forecast univariate time series:

# 1. create the central list of univariate model training arguments,  
forecast_univariate.control_panel = instantiate.forecast_univariate.control_panel()  

# 2. select an item to edit, for example the Arima order to create an ARMA(1,1)   
	# view default model arguments (there are none)  
	# add our own function arguments  
	forecast_univariate.control_panel$arguments[['Arima']]$order = c(1,0,1) 

A brief example using the Random Forest to combine forecasts:

# 1. create the central list of ML training arguments 
forecast_combinations.control_panel = instantiate.forecast_combinations.control_panel()  

# 2. select an item to edit, for example the random forest tuning grid   
	# view default tuning grid  
	# edit tuning grid   
	forecast_combinations.control_panel$tuning.grids[['RF']] = expand.grid(mtry = c(1:6))  

Basic workflow

### Forecasting Example
# pull and prepare data from FRED
	env = globalenv())
Data = cbind(UNRATE, INDPRO, GS10)
Data = data.frame(Data, date = zoo::index(Data)) %>%
	dplyr::filter(lubridate::year(date) >= 1990)

# run univariate forecasts 
forecast.uni = 
		Data = dplyr::select(Data, date, UNRATE),
		forecast.dates = tail(Data$date,15), 
		method = c('naive','auto.arima', 'ets'),      
		horizon = 1,                         
		recursive = FALSE,

		# information set       
		rolling.window = NA,    
		freq = 'month',                   
		# outlier cleaning
		outlier.clean = FALSE,
		outlier.variables = NULL,
		outlier.bounds = c(0.05, 0.95),
		outlier.trim = FALSE,
		outlier.cross_section = FALSE,
		# impute missing
		impute.missing = FALSE,
		impute.method = 'kalman',
		impute.variables = NULL,
		impute.verbose = FALSE) 

# create multivariate forecasts
forecast.multi = 
		Data = Data,     = tail(Data$date,15),
		target = 'UNRATE',
		horizon = 1,
		method = c('ols','lasso','ridge','elastic','GBM'),

		# information set       
		rolling.window = NA,    
		freq = 'month',                   
		# outlier cleaning
		outlier.clean = FALSE,
		outlier.variables = NULL,
		outlier.bounds = c(0.05, 0.95),
		outlier.trim = FALSE,
		outlier.cross_section = FALSE,
		# impute missing
		impute.missing = FALSE,
		impute.method = 'kalman',
		impute.variables = NULL,
		impute.verbose = FALSE,
		# dimension reduction = FALSE,
		reduce.variables = NULL,
		reduce.ncomp = NULL,
		reduce.standardize = TRUE) 

# combine forecasts and add in observed values
forecasts = 
		forecast.multi) %>%
		dplyr::select(Data, date, observed = UNRATE))

# forecast combinations 
forecast.combo = 
		method = c('uniform','median','trimmed.mean',
				   '','lasso','peLasso','RF'), = 5, 
		n.max = 2)

# merge forecast combinations back into forecasts
forecasts = 
	forecasts %>%

# calculate forecast errors
forecast.error = forecast_accuracy(forecasts)

# view forecast errors from least to greatest 
#   (best forecast to worst forecast method)
forecast.error %>% 
	dplyr::mutate_at(vars(-model), round, 3) %>%

# compare forecasts to the baseline (a random walk)
	baseline.forecast = 'naive',  
	test = 'ER',
	loss = 'MSE') %>% 

# chart forecasts
chart = 
		Title = 'US Unemployment Rate',
		Ylab = 'Index',
		Freq = 'Monthly')



If you should have questions, concerns, or wish to collaborate, please contact Tyler J. Pike