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Nodes for controlling Midea HVAC in Node-RED.

Thanks Rene Klootwijk for project node-mideahvac (more information and description)

  • midea: get/set value of device (support OSK103/SK103 and serialbridge)


All common functions of Airconditioners are supported, but support for specific features only available on some airconditioners might be incomplete or missing because it is unknown how they work and the inability to test.

The direct communication with the original dongle, the SmartKey, has been tested with a OSK103/SK103 running firmware 3.0.8 (+test 3.0.6). The discover command required to obtain the token and key required for direct communication only supports accounts that have been migrated to the MSmartHome app.

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ The OSK103/SK103 module, when using the OSK103/SK103 communication method and poll the status frequently, might disconnect from your WiFi network and a powercycle is required to reconnect. Lowering the frequency of polling might prevent this.


For the direct communication method using an OSK103/SK103 original SmartKey dongle is required running firmware version 3.0.8 (+test 3.0.6) and a MSmartHome account (Midea Air or NetHome Plus accounts do not work anymore because Midea removed the ability to retrieve the required key and token for these type of accounts).

For the serialbridge (see test esp-link 3.0.14

Methods and Command support

The following methods are provided:

  • getCapabilities, this method requests the AC unit for its supported capabilities (0xB5 query). This command is not supported by all AC units and the reported values are not always correct (e.g. my Artel units report the left/right fan can be controlled while it can only be manually controlled and Fahrenheit as unit is not supported while it is).

    The default values specify which value is reported by this module when the AC unit does not report this capability at all.

Capability Type Default Description
activeClean boolean false active cleaning mode
autoMode boolean false auto mode (cooling or heating is automatically selected)
autoSetHumidity boolean false humidity setpoint automatically determined
breezeControl boolean false breeze mode can be controlled
buzzer boolean false buzzer can be disabled
coolMode boolean false cooling mode
decimals boolean false setpoint in decimals
downNoWindFeel boolean false
dryMode boolean false dry mode
ecoMode boolean false eco mode
electricAuxHeating boolean false
fanSpeedControl boolean true fan speed can be controlled
frostProtectionMode boolean false temperature is maintained at 8C to protect against frost
heatMode boolean false heat mode
indoorHumidity boolean false indoor humidity is reported
leftrightFan boolean false left/right fan can be controlled
lightControl boolean false display can be dimmed
manualSetHumidity boolean false humidity setpoint can be specified
maxTempAuto number 30 maximum setpoint in auto mode
maxTempCool number 30 maximum setpoint in cool mode
maxTempHeat number 30 maximum setpoint in heat mode
minTempAuto number 17 minimum setpoint in auto mode
minTempCool number 17 minimum setpoint in cool mode
minTempHeat number 17 minimum setpoint in heat mode
nestCheck boolean false
nestNeedChange boolean false
oneKeyNoWindOnMe boolean false
oneKeyNoWindOnMe boolean false
powerCal boolean false power usage can be reported
powerCalSetting boolean false
silkyCool boolean false
smartEye boolean false
specialEco boolean false
turboCool boolean false cool mode supports turbo mode
turboHeat boolean false heat mode supports turbo mode
unitChangeable boolean false the temperature unit can be changed from Celsius to Fahrenheit
updownFan boolean false up/down fan can be controlled
upNoWindFeel boolean false
windOffMe boolean false
windOnMe boolean false
  • getPowerUsage, this method requests the current power usage of the unit (specific 0x41 command).
Property Type Description
powerUsage number Power usage in kWh
  • getStatus, this method requests the current status of the unit (0x41 command).
Property Values Description
braceletControl true/false
braceletSleep true/false
catchCold true/false
childSleep true/false
coolFan true/false
cosySleep 0: no sleep
1: sleep 1
2: sleep 2
3: sleep 3
sleep mode, reported as the following JSON object:
{ value: n, description: text }
downWindControl true/false
downWindControlLR true/false
dryClean true/false
dualControl true/false probably to the follow me mode is active where the remote control acts as the temperature sensor
dustFull true/false
ecoMode true/false eco mode is enabled
ecoSleepRunningHours 0-15
ecoSleepRunningMinutes 0-59
ecoSleepRunningSeconds 0-59
fanSpeed 0-20: silent
21-59: low
60-79: medium
80-100: high
101: fixed
102: auto
reported as the following JSON object:
{ value: n, description: text }
fastCheck true/false
feelOwn true/false
frostProtection true/false frost protection is active
humiditySetpoint 0-100% humidity setpoint
indoorTemperature -25-102°C
indoor temprature
inError true/false the unit is in error
keepWarm true/false
leftrightFan true/false left/right fan is active
light 0-7 brightness level of display light
lowFrequencyFan true/false
mode 1: auto
2: cool
3: dry
4: heat
5: fanonly
6: customdry
reported as the following JSON object:
{ value: n, description: text }
naturalFan true/false
nightLight true/false
offTimer true/false scheduled to turn on
offTimerHours 0 - 24 number of hours until the unit will be turned off
offTimerMinutes 0 - 59 number of minutes until the unit will be turned off
onTimer true/false scheduled to turn on
onTimerHours 0 - 24 number of hours until the unit will be turned on
onTimerMinutes 0 - 59 number of minutes until the unit will be turned on
outdoorTemperature -25-102°C
outdoor temperature
peakValleyElectricitySaving true/false
pmv 99: off
-3: cold
-2.5: chill
-2: chill
-1.5: cool
-1: cool
-0.5: comfortable
0: comfortable
0.5: comfortable
1: slightly warm
1.5: slightly warm
2: warm
2.5: warm
predicted mean vote (the experienced temperature), reported as the following JSON object:
{ value: n, description: text }
powerOn true/false power status
ptcHeater true/false
purify true/false
resume true/false automatically resume after recovery from power failure
save true/false
selfCosySleep true/false
selfFeelOwn true/false
sleepMode true/false sleep mode is activated
smartEye true/false
smartWind true/false
statusCode see Status codes reported as the following JSON object:
{ value: n, description: text }
temp 0-32 probably the temperature reported by the remote control sensor in follow me mode
tempDecimal true/false probably indicates decimals are supported for the temperature reported by the remote control
temperatureSetpoint 17 - 30°C
temperature setpoint
temperatureUnit 0: Celsius
1: Fahrenheit
unit used to report temperatures
timerMode 0: relative
1: absolute
how to specify the time for the timer (only relative mode is supported)
turboMode true/false turbo mode enabled
updownFan true/false up/down fan is active
ventilation true/false
windBlowing true/false
  • (properties), this payload must be used to change the status of the unit. The properties parameter is an object containing all the properties and their values that need to be changed. To prevent changing properties unintentionaly, before calling the setStatus command a getStatus command must be send to retrieve the current values of all properties.

The following properties can be set:

Property Type Possible values Description
beep boolean true, false en/disable a beep as feedback
fanSpeed string number silent, low, medium, high, auto or 0 - 100%
frostProtectionMode boolean true, false turn frost protection mode (min. temperature is 8°C) on/off. This is only supported in heat mode
humiditySetpoint number 35 - 85 set the desired humidity in %
leftrightFan boolean true, false turn the left/right (vertical) fan on/off
mode string cool, heat, fanonly, dry, auto, customdry set the operational mode
powerOn boolean true, false power the unit on/off
temperatureSetpoint number 16 - 31 / 60 - 87 set the desired temperature in °C or °F
sleepMode boolean true, false turn the sleep mode on/off
temperatureUnit string fahrenheit, celsius set the temperature unit to fahrenheit/celsius
turboMode boolean true, false turn turbo mode on/off
updownFan boolean true, false turn the up/down (horizontal) fan on/off

Example (more): Turn the unit on, set the temperature setpoint to 24°C.

{ powerOn: true, temperatureSetpoint: 24 }