Numerical Computation with NumPy
Analyzing Tabular Data with Pandas
Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn
This is a Data Analysis With Python practical, beginner-friendly and coding-focused introduction to data analysis covering the basics of Python, Numpy, Pandas, data visualization and exploratory data analysis.
This is a part of course, in association with freeCodeCamp.
Here is the complete Youtube Playlist for Data Analysis With Python.
All my learnings and notebooks can be viewed on My Profile
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Python library.
First, you need to install the Jovian python library, if it isn't already installed, and then import it.
!pip install jovian --upgrade --quiet
import jovian
Going through the basics of NumPy.
If the notebook doesn't load, on Github, view it on Jovian.
This was a part of the assignment for NumPy Operations.
It is not possible to know all functions of this huge library, the best way is to get an idea, is to look at the problem and solve it.
Going through the basics of Pandas, via a small Case Study - Italy Covid Data Analysis.
If the notebook doesn't load, on Github, view it on Jovian.
This was a part of the assignment for Pandas Analysis - Pre-processing, asking questions and answering them after analysing the Datasets.
Once done with pre-processing and analysing Datasets, it's time to visualize them! Visualizing data is an essential part of data analysis and machine learning.
If the notebook doesn't load, on Github, view it on Jovian.
Have a look at a detailed Medium Article for this project!
The complete project can be viewed on the repository - whatsapp-chat-analysis.
If the notebook doesn't load, the complete notebook can be viewed on Whatsapp Chat Analysis website, the notebook as been embedded in a
file, so that the complete analysis could be viewed easily.
- Exploring more datasets! It is never-ending, there can be Infinite Stories with Data!
- Once, done with enough Data Analysis, try making Datasets, scraping Data from websites and creating Interesting Datasets!
- Trying hands on Machine Learning and Deep Learning.