In order to use these files, you/I have to:
- place the repo in ~/src/myconfigfiles
- link ~/.config/vim to ~/src/myconfigfiles/config/vim and get the submodules
- edit ~/.{bash,zsh,psql}rc to source ~/src/myconfigfiles/{bash,zsh,psql}rc after system stuff and before the local machine's specific configuration
- link ~/.toprc, ~/.inputrc, ~/.gitconfig, ~/.jq, ~/.ansible.cfg and ~/.tmux.conf to the respective files in ~/src/myconfigfiles
- link ~/.config/i3/config to ~/src/myconfigfiles/i3config
- link ~/.vagrant.d/{Vagrantfile,ansible,templates} to ~/src/myconfigfiles/vagrant.d/{Vagrantfile,ansible,templates}
- make sure the default XDG directories are there (the most interesting ones are in ~/src/myconfigfiles/environment)
- resource ~/.{bash,zsh}rc
- ????
- profit
Arthur Nascimento (