- User Request: Show all buildings in Röblingweg
- User Request: Find the building with the highest heat demand in January 2024 among the buildings above.
- User Request: Show all buildings in Weyprechtstraße with more than 5 apartments
- User Request: Find the oldest building in Weyprechtstraße
- User Request: What was the electricity consumption of this building today, June 26, 2024?
- User Request: Attached is the Energy Certificate of a building. Show me the building.
- User Request: Compare the annual heat demand in the Energy certificate with the sum of the monthly head demand of this building.
- User Request: Where is the nearest restaurant to this building? And what is the distance between the two?
- User Request: Which buildings on Weyprechstraße are connected to the district heating system?
- User Request: What are the different usage types of these buildings?
- User Request: How many habitants are living in these buildings on average?
- User Request: What is the highest building in Schleißheimer Street?
- User Request: Which building has the most floors?
- User Request: Give me a tabular overview of the different types of use of the buildings for each street and how many buildings fall into each category.
- User Request: Create a table in which the number of residential buildings and the respective totals of the number of apartments, number of residents and total usable area are shown for each street.
- User Request: Give me a tabular overview of the different types of use of the buildings in Weyprechtstraße and how many buildings fall into each category.
- User Request: Can you please do this street by street for all buildings?
- User Request: Create a table in which the number of residential buildings and the respective totals of the number of apartments, number of residents and total usable area are shown for each street.
DISCLAIMER: The values presented in the Results section are not based on real data. For privacy reasons, the original values have been altered and do not reflect actual data.
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
FROM cityobject co
JOIN building b ON b.id = co.id
JOIN address_to_building ab ON b.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
WHERE a.street LIKE 'Röblingweg%';
📊 Result:
🛠️ Function Called: showMeTheResult
🔍 Function Parameters:
gmlids: [
🔥 User Request: Find the building with the highest heat demand in January 2024 among the buildings above
🛠️ Function Called: getObservationsFromFrostServer
🔍 Function Parameters:
observedProperty: 'Heat Demand',
buildingID: 'DEBY_LOD2_4965683',
phenomenonTime: '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z'
observedProperty: 'Heat Demand',
buildingID: 'DEBY_LOD2_4965796',
phenomenonTime: '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z'
This will be repeated for all the buildings.
'@iot.selfLink': 'http://frost-server:8080/FROST-Server/v1.1/Observations(3347)',
'@iot.id': 3347,
phenomenonTime: '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z',
resultTime: null,
result: 16487
'@iot.selfLink': 'http://frost-server:8080/FROST-Server/v1.1/Observations(2269)',
'@iot.id': 2269,
phenomenonTime: '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z',
resultTime: null,
result: 9816
'@iot.selfLink': 'http://frost-server:8080/FROST-Server/v1.1/Observations(2857)',
'@iot.id': 2857,
phenomenonTime: '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z',
resultTime: null,
result: 9896
🏆 Conclusion:
- The building DEBY_LOD2_4965683 has the highest heat demand (16,487).
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍Function Parameters:
SELECT co.gmlid, cga.strval AS number_of_building_units
FROM cityobject co
JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cga ON co.id = cga.cityobject_id
JOIN address_to_building ab ON ab.building_id = co.id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
WHERE a.street LIKE 'Weyprechtstraße%'
AND cga.attrname = 'number_of_building_units'
AND CAST(cga.strval AS INTEGER) > 5;
Building ID | number_of_building_units |
DEBY_LOD2_4966426 | 12 |
DEBY_LOD2_4913265 | 9 |
DEBY_LOD2_4913232 | 8 |
DEBY_LOD2_4913270 | 6 |
DEBY_LOD2_4913228 | 54 |
DEBY_LOD2_4913416 | 12 |
DEBY_LOD2_4913418 | 12 |
🛠️ Function Called: showMeTheResult
🔍 Function Parameters:
gmlids: [
{ gmlid:: "DEBY_LOD2_4966426"},
{ gmlid:: "DEBY_LOD2_4913265"},
{ gmlid:: "DEBY_LOD2_4913232"},
{ gmlid:: "DEBY_LOD2_4913270"},
{ gmlid:: "DEBY_LOD2_4913228"},
{ gmlid:: "DEBY_LOD2_4913416"},
{ gmlid:: "DEBY_LOD2_4913418"}
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT co.gmlid, MIN(b.year_of_construction) as year_of_construction
FROM cityobject co
JOIN building b ON b.id = co.id
JOIN address_to_building ab ON b.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cga ON co.id = cga.cityobject_id
WHERE a.street LIKE 'Weyprechtstraße%'
AND cga.attrname = 'number_of_building_units'
AND CAST(cga.strval AS INTEGER) > 5
GROUP BY co.gmlid
ORDER BY year_of_construction
📊 Result:
GML ID | Year of Construction |
DEBY_LOD2_4913414 | 1956 |
🛠️ Function Called: showMeTheResult
🔍 Function Parameters:
{gmlids: [{ gmlid:: "DEBY_LOD2_4913414"}]}
🛠️ Function Called: getObservationsFromFrostServer
🔍 Function Parameters:
observedProperty: 'Electricity Consumption',
buildingID: 'DEBY_LOD2_4913414',
phenomenonTime: '2024-06-26T00:00:00Z'
observedProperty: 'Electricity Consumption',
buildingID: 'DEBY_LOD2_4913414',
phenomenonTime: '2024-06-26T01:00:00Z'
observedProperty: 'Electricity Consumption',
buildingID: 'DEBY_LOD2_4913414',
phenomenonTime: '2024-06-26T02:00:00Z'
📊 Result:
GML ID | Electricity Consumption of June 26,2024 |
DEBY_LOD2_4913414 | 58.294 |
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT co.gmlid
FROM cityobject co
JOIN building b ON b.id = co.id
JOIN address_to_building ab ON b.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
WHERE a.street = 'Weyprechtstraße'
AND a.house_number = 25
AND a.city = 'München';
📊 Result:
{ gmlid: "DEBY_LOD2_4913221" }
🛠️ Function Called: showMeTheResult
🔍 Function Parameters:
{gmlids: [{ gmlid:: "DEBY_LOD2_4913221"}]}
🏗️ User Request: Compare the annual heat demand in the Energy certificate with the sum of the monthly head demand of this building.
🛠️ Function Called: getObservationsFromFrostServer
🔍 Function Parameters:
observedProperty: 'Heat Demand',
buildingID: 'DEBY_LOD2_4913221',
phenomenonTime: '2024-01-01T00:00:00Z'
observedProperty: 'Heat Demand',
buildingID: 'DEBY_LOD2_4913221',
phenomenonTime: '2024-02-01T00:00:00Z'
observedProperty: 'Heat Demand',
buildingID: 'DEBY_LOD2_4913221',
phenomenonTime: '2024-12-01T00:00:00Z'
📊 Result:
tool_call_id: 'call_pL4K7SkSQaFY0CfLZIW5Fxum',
output: '[{"@iot.selfLink":"","@iot.id":1541,"phenomenonTime":"2024-01-01T00:00:00Z","resultTime":null,"result":72697}]'
tool_call_id: 'call_5zHWZLGmeTRKsrbi6jurVroS',
output: '[{"@iot.selfLink":"","@iot.id":1551,"phenomenonTime":"2024-11-01T00:00:00Z","resultTime":null,"result":51492}]'
tool_call_id: 'call_mPNc8gQWCYz2p8qzLkObj17l',
output: '[{"@iot.selfLink":"","@iot.id":1552,"phenomenonTime":"2024-12-01T00:00:00Z","resultTime":null,"result":68624}]'
🏗️ User Request: Where is the nearest restaurant to this building? And what is the distance between the two?
🛠️ Function Called: queryOSMGeolocation
🔍 Function Parameters:
'restaurants near 48.20535302220026, 11.566860935563833'
📊 Result:
formattedAddress: 'Hanssam, 456, Schleißheimer Straße, Nordhaide, Am Hart, Milbertshofen-Am Hart, München, Bayern, 80935, Deutschland',
coordinates: { latitude: 48.2060886, longitude: 11.5644655 }
🛠️ Function Called: calculateDistance
🔍 Function Parameters:
lat1: '48.20535302220026',
lon1: '11.566860935563833',
lat2: '48.2060886',
lon2: '11.5644655'
📊 Result: The Distance between the building and the closest restaurant is 0.19545495302809132
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
FROM cityobject co
JOIN building b ON b.id = co.id
JOIN address_to_building ab ON b.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cga ON co.id = cga.cityobject_id
WHERE a.street LIKE 'Weyprechtstraße%' AND cga.attrname = 'district_heating' AND cga.strval = 'connected';
📊 Result:
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT DISTINCT ga.strval AS usage_type
FROM cityobject_genericattrib ga
JOIN cityobject co ON ga.cityobject_id = co.id
WHERE co.gmlid IN ('DEBY_LOD2_4913206', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913208', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913209', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913221', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913222', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913223', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913224', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913228', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913230', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913231', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913232', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913233', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913234', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913257')
AND ga.attrname = 'building_usage';"
📊 Result:
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT AVG(CASE WHEN ga.datatype = 1 THEN CAST(ga.strval AS numeric) WHEN ga.datatype = 2 THEN ga.intval END) AS average_inhabitants
FROM cityobject_genericattrib ga
JOIN cityobject co
ON ga.cityobject_id = co.id
WHERE co.gmlid IN ('DEBY_LOD2_4913206', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913208', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913209', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913221', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913222', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913223', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913224', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913228', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913230', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913231', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913232', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913233', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913234', 'DEBY_LOD2_4913257')
AND ga.attrname = 'num_of_inhabitants';
📊 Result:
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT co.gmlid, b.measured_height
FROM cityobject co
JOIN building b ON b.id = co.id
WHERE co.gmlid IN (
FROM cityobject co
JOIN building b ON b.id = co.id
JOIN address_to_building ab ON b.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
WHERE a.street LIKE 'Schleißheimer%'
ORDER BY b.measured_height DESC
📊 Result:
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT co.gmlid, b.storeys_above_ground
FROM cityobject co
JOIN building b ON co.id = b.id
WHERE b.storeys_above_ground = (SELECT MAX(storeys_above_ground) FROM building)
📊 Result:
storeys_above_ground: 11
🏗️ User Request: Give me a tabular overview of the different types of use of the buildings for each street and how many buildings fall into each category
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT cg.strval AS building_usage, COUNT(DISTINCT co.gmlid) AS Anzahl, a.street AS Straße
FROM cityobject co
JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cg ON co.id = cg.cityobject_id
JOIN address_to_building ab ON co.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
WHERE cg.attrname = 'building_usage'
GROUP BY cg.strval, a.street;
📊 Result:
{ "building_usage": "Garage", "count": 1, "street": "Rathenaustraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Commercial", "count": 1, "street": "Schleißheimer Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "Youth Center", "count": 1, "street": "Wegenerstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Church", "count": 5, "street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "Church", "count": 1, "street": "Weyprechtstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Kindergarten", "count": 2, "street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "Kindergarten", "count": 1, "street": "Wegenerstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "School", "count": 1, "street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "School", "count": 2, "street": "Wegenerstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Sports Club", "count": 1, "street": "Neuherbergstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Sports Club", "count": 1, "street": "Trenkleweg" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 4, "street": "Dolleschelstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 27, "street": "Erwin-von-Steinbach-Weg" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 8, "street": "Feuchtwangerstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 30, "street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 33, "street": "Karl-Postl-Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 1, "street": "Lieberweg" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 8, "street": "Max-Liebermann-Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 11, "street": "Max-von-Laue-Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 6, "street": "Neuherbergstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 49, "street": "Parlerstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 22, "street": "Rathenaustraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 13, "street": "Röblingweg" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 12, "street": "Schleißheimer Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 3, "street": "Wegenerstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential", "count": 41, "street": "Weyprechtstraße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential/Commercial", "count": 2, "street": "Schleißheimer Straße" },
{ "building_usage": "Residential/Commercial", "count": 5, "street": "Weyprechtstraße" }
🏗️ User Request: Create a table in which the number of residential buildings and the respective totals of the number of apartments, number of residents and total usable area are shown for each street.
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT a.street AS Straße, COUNT(DISTINCT co.gmlid) AS Wohngebäude, SUM(CAST(cg1.strval AS INTEGER)) AS Anzahl_Wohnungen, SUM(CAST(cg2.strval AS INTEGER)) AS Anzahl_Bewohner, SUM(cg3.intval) AS gesamte_Nutzungsfläche
FROM cityobject co
JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cg1 ON co.id = cg1.cityobject_id AND cg1.attrname = 'number_of_building_units'
JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cg2 ON co.id = cg2.cityobject_id AND cg2.attrname = 'num_of_inhabitants'
JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cg3 ON co.id = cg3.cityobject_id AND cg3.attrname = 'usable_and_living_area'
JOIN address_to_building ab ON co.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
WHERE cg1.strval IS NOT NULL AND cg2.strval IS NOT NULL AND cg3.intval IS NOT NULL GROUP BY a.street;
📊 Result:
"street": "Dolleschelstraße",
"residential_buildings": 3,
"apartments": 40,
"residents": 75,
"total_usable_area": 1800
"street": "Erwin-von-Steinbach-Weg",
"residential_buildings": 25,
"apartments": 290,
"residents": 540,
"total_usable_area": 16000
"street": "Feuchtwangerstraße",
"residential_buildings": 5,
"apartments": 95,
"residents": 210,
"total_usable_area": 5700
"street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße",
"residential_buildings": 30,
"apartments": 300,
"residents": 600,
"total_usable_area": 16000
"street": "Karl-Postl-Straße",
"residential_buildings": 31,
"apartments": 155,
"residents": 230,
"total_usable_area": 5800
"street": "Max-Liebermann-Straße",
"residential_buildings": 6,
"apartments": 30,
"residents": 70,
"total_usable_area": 1400
"street": "Max-von-Laue-Straße",
"residential_buildings": 10,
"apartments": 215,
"residents": 420,
"total_usable_area": 12200
"street": "Neuherbergstraße",
"residential_buildings": 7,
"apartments": 280,
"residents": 620,
"total_usable_area": 23000
"street": "Parlerstraße",
"residential_buildings": 48,
"apartments": 240,
"residents": 390,
"total_usable_area": 10300
"street": "Rathenaustraße",
"residential_buildings": 22,
"apartments": 180,
"residents": 280,
"total_usable_area": 8000
"street": "Röblingweg",
"residential_buildings": 11,
"apartments": 55,
"residents": 110,
"total_usable_area": 2900
"street": "Schleißheimer Straße",
"residential_buildings": 13,
"apartments": 270,
"residents": 510,
"total_usable_area": 17200
"street": "Wegenerstraße",
"residential_buildings": 4,
"apartments": 18,
"residents": 30,
"total_usable_area": 500
"street": "Weyprechtstraße",
"residential_buildings": 44,
"apartments": 460,
"residents": 980,
"total_usable_area": 27500
🏗️ User Request: Give me a tabular overview of the different types of use of the buildings in Weyprechtstraße and how many buildings fall into each category
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT cga.strval AS building_usage, COUNT(co.gmlid) AS number_of_buildings
FROM cityobject co
JOIN address_to_building ab ON co.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cga ON cga.cityobject_id = co.id AND cga.attrname = 'building_usage'
WHERE a.street LIKE 'Weyprechtstraße%' AND co.objectclass_id = 26
GROUP BY cga.strval;
📊 Result:
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT a.street, cga.strval AS building_usage, COUNT(co.gmlid) AS number_of_buildings
FROM cityobject co
JOIN address_to_building ab ON co.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cga ON cga.cityobject_id = co.id AND cga.attrname = 'building_usage'
WHERE co.objectclass_id = 26
GROUP BY a.street, cga.strval;
📊 Result:
{"street": "Dolleschelstraße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 5},
{"street": "Erwin-von-Steinbach-Weg", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 25},
{"street": "Feuchtwangerstraße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 10},
{"street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße", "building_usage": "Church", "number_of_buildings": 4},
{"street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße", "building_usage": "Kindergarten", "number_of_buildings": 3},
{"street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße", "building_usage": "School", "number_of_buildings": 2},
{"street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 28},
{"street": "Karl-Postl-Straße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 30},
{"street": "Lieberweg", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 7},
{"street": "Max-Liebermann-Straße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 6},
{"street": "Max-von-Laue-Straße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 10},
{"street": "Neuherbergstraße", "building_usage": "Sports Club", "number_of_buildings": 2},
{"street": "Neuherbergstraße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 8},
{"street": "Parlerstraße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 46},
{"street": "Rathenaustraße", "building_usage": "Garage", "number_of_buildings": 2},
{"street": "Rathenaustraße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 20},
{"street": "Röblingweg", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 15},
{"street": "Schleißheimer Straße", "building_usage": "Commercial", "number_of_buildings": 2},
{"street": "Schleißheimer Straße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 10},
{"street": "Schleißheimer Straße", "building_usage": "Residential/Commercial", "number_of_buildings": 3},
{"street": "Trenkleweg", "building_usage": "Sports Club", "number_of_buildings": 2},
{"street": "Wegenerstraße", "building_usage": "Youth Center", "number_of_buildings": 2},
{"street": "Wegenerstraße", "building_usage": "Kindergarten", "number_of_buildings": 1},
{"street": "Wegenerstraße", "building_usage": "School", "number_of_buildings": 3},
{"street": "Wegenerstraße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 5},
{"street": "Weyprechtstraße", "building_usage": "Church", "number_of_buildings": 2},
{"street": "Weyprechtstraße", "building_usage": "Residential", "number_of_buildings": 39},
{"street": "Weyprechtstraße", "building_usage": "Residential/Commercial", "number_of_buildings": 6}
🏗️ User Request: Create a table in which the number of residential buildings and the respective totals of the number of apartments, number of residents and total usable area are shown for each street.
🛠️ Function Called: runsqlquery
🔍 Function Parameters:
SELECT a.street, count(co.gmlid) as anzahl_wohngebaude, SUM(cast(cga6.strval as integer)) AS anz_building_units, SUM(cast(cga15.intval as integer)) AS anz_bewohner, SUM(cast(cga14.intval as integer)) AS gesamte_nutzungsflache
FROM cityobject co
JOIN address_to_building ab ON co.id = ab.building_id
JOIN address a ON ab.address_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cga13 ON cga13.cityobject_id = co.id AND cga13.attrname = 'building_usage'
LEFT JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cga6 ON cga6.cityobject_id = co.id AND cga6.attrname = 'number_of_building_units'
LEFT JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cga15 ON cga15.cityobject_id = co.id AND cga15.attrname = 'num_of_inhabitants'
LEFT JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cga14 ON cga14.cityobject_id = co.id AND cga14.attrname = 'usable_area'
WHERE cga13.strval LIKE 'Wohnen%' AND co.objectclass_id = 26
GROUP BY a.street;
📊 Result:
{"street": "Dolleschelstraße", "residential_buildings": 5, "building_units": 50, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 0},
{"street": "Erwin-von-Steinbach-Weg", "residential_buildings": 25, "building_units": 290, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 9400},
{"street": "Feuchtwangerstraße", "residential_buildings": 10, "building_units": 105, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 6300},
{"street": "Hugo-Wolf-Straße", "residential_buildings": 28, "building_units": 310, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 16900},
{"street": "Karl-Postl-Straße", "residential_buildings": 30, "building_units": 180, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 10600},
{"street": "Lieberweg", "residential_buildings": 8, "building_units": 200, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 38500},
{"street": "Max-Liebermann-Straße", "residential_buildings": 7, "building_units": 30, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 1200},
{"street": "Max-von-Laue-Straße", "residential_buildings": 10, "building_units": 220, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 6000},
{"street": "Neuherbergstraße", "residential_buildings": 7, "building_units": 280, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 8700},
{"street": "Parlerstraße", "residential_buildings": 46, "building_units": 240, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 11000},
{"street": "Rathenaustraße", "residential_buildings": 20, "building_units": 170, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 3100},
{"street": "Röblingweg", "residential_buildings": 12, "building_units": 65, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 2900},
{"street": "Schleißheimer Straße", "residential_buildings": 12, "building_units": 275, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 9100},
{"street": "Wegenerstraße", "residential_buildings": 4, "building_units": 18, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 580},
{"street": "Weyprechtstraße", "residential_buildings": 45, "building_units": 460, "residents": null, "total_usable_area": 22100}