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tulihub edited this page Feb 6, 2018 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the MoonBot wiki!

MoonBot is a private telegram bot that helps you monitor and track your crypto tradings. Moonbot supports Profit Trailer, you can see (and share) your sales, pairs and dca status as well as updating your bot settings remotely!

The bot is free for use!

Advanced features are included in Premium (lifetime licence) membership.
Install your version and get 48h trial of Premium features!

Main Commands:

Summary: View summary of your accounts.
Binance: Show binance status including coin information.
Bittrex: bittrex status including coin information.
Sales 💸 (/sales [n]): Display latest n (5) Profit Trailer sells.
Pairs 💼 (/pairs [n]): Display current n (all) pairs.
DCA 💰 (/dca [n]): Display n n (all) DCAs.
PT Settings 🛠: Remote update your Profit Trailer settings.
Bot Settings 🤖: Update MoonBot settings & /help .

You can type 'Cancel' (/cancel) anytime to go back home.


Add your bot to groups too!
Use the following commands to share Profit Trailer sales, pairs and dca(s) status:
/sales [n]: Share latest n (5) sells.
/pairs [n]: Share current n (all) pairs.
/dca [n]: Share n (all) DCAs.

(sat): 1 satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC.
Bal: Life time balance (all_sells - all_buys + current_balance).
Val: Current value of your holdings.

More info:


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