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tuli edited this page Mar 1, 2018 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the MoonBot wiki!

Please use the sidebar links to navigate.

MoonBot is a private telegram bot that helps you monitor and track your crypto tradings.
Moonbot has advanced integration with Profit Trailer, you can view (and share) your sales, pairs and dca status, update your PT settings remotely (PT Feeder too), get notification on sells, buys (dca too!) and much more!!

Quick Installation

Main Commands:

Summary: View summary of your accounts.
Binance: Show binance status including coin information.
Bittrex: bittrex status including coin information.
Sales 💸 (/sales [n]): Display latest n (5) Profit Trailer sells.
Pairs 💼 (/pairs [n]): Display current n (all) pairs.
DCA 💰 (/dca [n]): Display n n (all) DCAs.
PT Settings 🛠: Remote update your Profit Trailer / Feeder settings.
Bot Settings 🤖: Update MoonBot settings & /help .
/togglesom : Instant toggling of SOM (ALL_sell_only_mode) on/off.
/restartpt : execute PT restart command
You can type 'Cancel' (/cancel) anytime to go back home.


Invite your bot to groups!

Use the following commands to share Profit Trailer sales, pairs and dca(s) status:

/sales [n]: Share latest n (5) sells.
/pairs [n]: Share current n (all) pairs.
/dca [n]: Share n (all) DCAs.
/notify: Send buy\sold notifications to the group

Other available commands in groups:

/allowgroup : ⛔️ Allow all group members to control your bot.
/bangroup : Ban group members from controlling your bot.

** Don't forget to mention your bot name (@<your_bot>)

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