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Time-Aware Publishing of Knowledge Graphs

This repository contains the source code of the paper Time-Aware Anonymization of Knowledge Graphs. The paper creates a privacy-preserving technology for sequential publishing of knowledge graphs. The technology protects users from identity and attribute leakage even when attackers exploit all published versions of a knowledge graph.


This repository requires the following program to be installed:

Then, you can install the required packages for this repository by running the following command: conda env create -f environment.yml. The command creates a conda environment named anonygraph containing all the required packages.


This repository is organized into the following folders and files:

  • anonygraph: the primary source code of the project.
    • algorithms: contains all algorithms,
    • assertions: consists of codes to validate the algorithms' outputs,
    • data: loads original datasets to our format. Each dataset has a class to read their raw data and convert them to our format., contains the code to load datasets converted in our format.
    • evaluation: evaluates the quality of algorithms. This includes the metrics to measure the quality of clusters, anonymized knowledge graphs. It also contains the code to train the Relational Graph Convolution Network for the node classification task.
    • info_loss: measures the information loss between users in the original knowledge graphs.
    • time_graph_generators: simulates various scenarios to split data to different snapshots.
    • utils: contains some functions that can be used in various parts of the projects.
  • data: contains the raw datasets
  • exp_data: the experimental results
  • outputs: store the algorithms' outputs
  • scripts: contains the some shell scripts to run the repository.
  • tests: contains some unit tests.
  • *.py: the Python files in the root folder are APIs to interact with our repository.


Datasets in this project are downloaded from the following sources:

Data Generation

Datasets are put in data folder. To use a dataset, you must follow three steps: raw knowledge graph generation, k values generation, and distance matrix generation.

Import Raw Datasets

To import a dataset, you can use For instance, to import the email-temp dataset, you can execute the following command:

python --data=email-temp

Supported datasets can be found in load_graph_from_raw_data function at anonygraph/utils/

Generate Snapshots

We have many strategies to simulate snapshots from an imported dataset. Supported strategies can be found in anonygraph/time_graph_generators/

For example, to generate 2 snapshots from email-temp with mean strategy (i.e., snapshots have similar number of edges), you must first generate a timestamp file using mean strategy. mean groups email-temp's timestamps into 2 timestamps such that 2 snapshots satisfy mean's description. The generation can be done with the following command:

python --data=email-temp --strategy=mean --n_sg=2 --log=d

Then, you have to indicate which relation is the sensitive one and is required to be protected.

python --data=email-temp --strategy=mean --n_sg=2

Now, you can generate 2 snapshots and the distance matrix storing the information loss between users in the snapshots by using the following command:

python --data=email-temp --strategy=mean --n_sg=2

Anonymize Snapshots

The anonymization has three steps: clusters generation, knowledge graph generalization, and history updates. The steps are illustrated in which calls, and I created an API to make it easier to generate all

You can run Clusters Generation for all snapshots of a simulation setting (e.g., mean with 2 snapshots) with the following command:

python --data=email-temp --strategy=mean --n_sg=2 --calgo=km --enforcer=gs --galgo=ad2 --k_list=2,4,6,8,10 --l_list=1,2,3,4 --anony_mode=all --run_mode=normal --workers=1

Here, calgo=km indicates that the clustering algorithm is k-Medoids. enforcer=gs is the MergeSplit algorithm illustrated in the paper. galgo=ad2 is the generalization algorithm. k_list and l_list indicate the list of k and l values that you want to run. anony_mode=all indicates that all steps must be run. run_mode specifies how k and l should be generated from k_list and l_list. If run_mode=normal, it fixes l to the minimum value in l_list and run with all k values in k_list. Then, it fixes k to the maximum value in k_list and run with all l values in l_list. workers=1 indicates that you only want to use one process to run the evaluation. If you increase workers, many settings can be executed at the same time. All the outputs will be put in outputs folder.

Gather Anonymized Snapshots Quality

Python files visualize_*.py contain codes to measure the quality of anonymized snapshots and visualize them.

To gather and visualize the quality of anonymized snapshots, you can execute the command:

python --data=email-temp --strategy=mean --n_sg=2 --refresh=y --type=fig

To gather the classification accuracy of RGCN models trained on the snapshots, you should use to train the models.

python --data=email-temp --strategy=mean --n_sg=2 --d_list=2 --k_list=2 --l_list=1 --max_dist_list=1 --calgo_list=km --anony=y --reset_w_list=-1 --enforcer=gs --galgo=ad2 --device=cpu --anony_mode=all

Here, d_list is the size of embeddings. max_dist_list is the list of maximum distances in MergeSplit Algorithm. calgo_list is the list of clustering algorithms.anony can be either y or n to train on the anonymized or original snapshots.

Then, you can visualize the classification accuracy with the command:

python --data=email-temp --strategy=mean --n_sg=2


If you are interested in the repository and want to discuss, feel free to contact me at If you use this repository in your project, please cite our paper.

author = {Hoang, Anh-Tu and Carminati, Barbara and Ferrari, Elena},
title = {Time-Aware Anonymization of Knowledge Graphs},
year = {2022},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
issn = {2471-2566},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3563694},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security},
month = {sep},
keywords = {Knowledge Graphs, Anonymization, Privacy}


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